Flight Only / Airline and Airports

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printed off my booking sheet printed well so was pleased i had to print 20 pages for 5 of us, my problam is never been with ryanair before so wondered what the procedure is, i have two bar codes one with times i fly and 1 at the bottom which is what i had to cut along a dotted line lookes just like a L shape, what do i do when i get to the airport as usaully you go to the check in deskd and give your passports in and they do the rest, do we have to scan them ourselves just hubby leaves it to me and i want to be able to tell him what we have to do thanks.
The L shape with the dotted line is where you are invited to PRE CUT your boarding pass along part of this line so that the gate agent can detach it more easily and quickly when you pass through the gate on your way to the aircraft.

PLEASE DO NOT CUT THE BOARDING PASS INTO TWO PIECES BEFORE YOU FLY. Both the top bits and the bar code bit need to be attached to the same sheet of paper when you present it at the gate.

The gate agent will then scan your boarding pass as usual and rip off the bottom section. The gate agent keeps the bottom section and you get given back the top section which legally you should keep on you until you arrive at your destination and leave the airport.

I suggest you FOLD the paper along the whole of the dotted line, then cut it from one edge to midway. Then KEEP IT SAFE!!!
your a life saver i had cut along the dotted line so i have just reprinted again and left them will fold them as you said the night before we fly.
julie matthews wrote:
printed off my booking sheet printed well so was pleased i had to print 20 pages for 5 of us, my problam is never been with ryanair before so wondered what the procedure is, i have two bar codes one with times i fly and 1 at the bottom which is what i had to cut along a dotted line lookes just like a L shape, what do i do when i get to the airport as usaully you go to the check in deskd and give your passports in and they do the rest, do we have to scan them ourselves just hubby leaves it to me and i want to be able to tell him what we have to do thanks.


Read the T&C's again and you will see that you have to present a full A4 page per boarding pass.

** Edit - Didn't notice there was another page to this topic when I posted!

luci :wave
ryanair have once again cancelled many flights on thursday 28th oct :que
when i printed them off their was a bit saying cut along the dotted line so i didnt realising i wasnt supposed to.
The cancelled flights are not Ryanairs fault. Its the French this time. The europeans get away with murder.
The cancelled flights are not Ryanairs fault. Its the French this time. The europeans get away with murder.

Stop this blatent racism. The Europeans DON'T get away with murder. I've seen reports in the UK media that similar industrial action may well be taken in the very near future because of unrest with cutbacks in the welfare and benefits system.

And if you truly want to see your words come to pass, this time in the UK, this might be the precise result of the proposed firefighters strike on Bonfire Night.

At least in France, the law requires unions to give advance notice of industrial action .... so you cannot say that you have been the victim of a wildcat protest, so beloved in other countries in Europe and the UK. At least you have time to try to put alternative travel arrangements in place.
OH SUNADDICT!!! There's more than one definitive answer to that question!!!!!! :D
Sorry to correct you Alsacienne - but we can't have wildcat strikes anymore either and have to give notice! But I do agree that "The europeans get away with murder" is almost a line from a Daily Mail editorial and a load of tosh - I'm just waiting for someone to post the old "1000 years of British history...." line!

When the Spanish were on strike a couple of weeks ago Ryanair seemed to cancel loads of flights before it was clear what would be happening (but after a row with the Spanish Transport Ministry) whilst other airlines seemed to get by with fewer cancellations so I do wonder whether some cancellations are just lack of imagination in their planning/operations dept or even O'Leary having a hissy fit!
Steve, not only do I stand corrected but also feel great relief that the wildcat practice has been stopped. I understand whilst it can be very effective in bringing complaints to public notice, it also has unpredictable and sometimes horrendous side-effects for innocent parties! Thanks for the heads up. :tup
even O'Leary having a hissy fit!
and that's always possible ... hence some of the problems at MRS!
Still no sign of Summer 2011 flights yet :que
My wife's flight from Spain tomorrow has been cancelled , she phoned me earlier to tell me that the folk who were supposed to fly home today, have been told it will be Tuesday, I reckon my wife could be home by Xmas then. :)
I dont believe my comment was racist at all, it may have been crass but then again I am a Sun reader ;)

However, I do think that the ongoing chaos in France is completely out of order and we are lucky that the British are generally more civilised.

I also believe that all ATC strikes are completely out of order, these are very highly paid individuals, they earn money most of us can only dream of and yet they still want more for doing less. Well I want exactly the same but I cant just strike about it.
However, I do think that the ongoing chaos in France is completely out of order and we are lucky that the British are generally more civilised.

......... carry on trying to wind me up! Others have tried. Join the clan. Imminent failure pending!!

Your posts are very close to being :offtop

Why not consider joining the OTL which is certainly a more pertinent location for this type of post.
I am a Sun reader
- nothing more needs to be said..........!
Summer Flights for 2011 now out!

Is it worth booking now or waiting to see whether they come down in price at all? I booked later last year and the prices did fluctuate and it paid off waiting a few weeks - or is it best to book now before the proposed tax increases coming into force on Monday? :think
Decisions, decisions!!!

Best Regards

Elaine :sun2
The increased APD is already included on flights departing from 1 November, not booked from 1 November.

luci :wave
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