I also believe that all ATC strikes are completely out of order, these are very highly paid individuals, they earn money most of us can only dream of and yet they still want more for doing less.
I've no idea of the "in's and out's" of why the French are striking, but I feel that I really must set the record straight and say that the Spanish ATC's were not threatening strike action for more money, so I wish people would stop saying that they did.!
I'm English living in Europe,

And O'Leary? just hearing his name can wind me up

Mmmm well he'd know all about the Spanish labour laws ? and how about he cut his salary and paid his pilots what they deserve.?
And when he says they should all be sacked and the military brought in like Ronald Regan did, well his ignorance is astounding because ATC's work with far more advanced electronic systems these days and they have to work around any "bugs" .......and has he forgotten that the French tried using the Airforce, and it ended in a mid air crash in 1973 above Nantes because the military don't use the same tools and procedures to replace the civil controllers?.
IMO: O'Leary is anything for a cheap buck.

Sanji x