Hope you are still enjoying up to reading our silly report!!
Day 9
On the bikes todaygrabbed a map and headed North........ the currynation story line........little Chris and Alfi were naughty and were grounded so hey snuk into HH back pack......we went up to Chapora Fort had a wonder aroung worth the climb up for the view... there were lots of loose rocks and gravel health and safety in the Uk would have a fit...as well as the sheer drop from the fort!!!.....went to vagator beach had a drink and some pakoras......I was desperate for a pee......the toilets there were grim to say the least......(girlies.....invest in a she-wee!!!!!).....headed back and had a jaunt down some back roads......popped into Newtons for some lemons and honey.....I have a rotten head cold...much to Honeybee amusement!!!
Litle Chris and Alfi were writing out a post card to Big Chris and Alfi....so we had to find the post office....not the easiest task in he world to say the least......after asking several locals and reinacting licking a stamp sticking it to a card and posting found the post office.....shut!!!! missed it by 3 minutes!!! we found the post box the size of an A4 envelope!!!
On the way back (opposite the Taj Hotel) spotted a new Basking Robbins we went back to Lucias and grabbed Lauwerence their son and took him for an ice cream!!!
came back sent big C & A some pics and had a chat online with Big Chris, had a shower grabbed a taxi and popped into Bending bamboo with little C & A for more picures!!! then onto the carvery for Dragons Quiz...
good evening back home and off to bed!
Keep it up trina, expecially like the 'silly' bits. This is keeping going nicely while the days are counting down.
Hiya Trina.Love reading about your adventures,can i ask who won the quiz at the carvery"we won it the last two weeks" good job lin b likes Vodka..Ha Ha..
javlin.....our whole holiday is silly bits!!! and I get away with more with the little guys!!!!!
Day 10....Andy was watching the cricket....I went to the post office...closed as it was a muslim holiday.....we then went to Eden Leather shop to get a new leather camera case ... then onto the sand art festival.....some really good sand carving hd a look round and took some serious pics.....then some with little Chris and Alfi!!!! went to lawande store to get some odds ans sods.....will reveal in a later blog!!!! came back early as we were going to Thalasies at vagator with Brenliz....... taxi to pick us up at 5pm....showered.....changed.....ready on time (quite unusual for Honeybee to be on time!!!!) waited for the taxi....i asked him what day it was.....Friday was the reply....ooops ment to be going on saturday!!!!!!! De ja vu or what tomorrow!!!!!
Start again...went out for evening meal to Mezze (thai,mediteranean,goan) its new quite near to the Stone house on the opposite side...we had Thai really nice......the waiter came with the bill and a toothpick machine.....press the top and the toothpick comes out the side.... i showed honeybee how it worked...he said now now you have wasted it....i said no we can put it back.....honey bee replied but you have touched it and its got to go in someones mouth......with that he knocked the entire thing over and had to pick each one up!!!!!
time for bed another busy day tomorrow Andy and Trina -x-
hi Trina,really enjoying your daily reports,and loving all the pics,will be really interested to hear what your thoughts are on Thalassa,sounds like your having a ball,ENJOY,
Day 11
On a mission today....went to the post office to post christmas cards for Joseph (guest house owner)
found the post office.....you have to glue the stamps on!!! 15rps for a postcard 25rps for an envelope and card.....
then off to Sangolda.....on the scooters to find Mont au Giri church to find our goan friend (in the UK) mothers grave and put some flowers on it....it was a wild goose when we last went...but I don't know how but we found it!!! mission accomplished!!!
went to the riverside resturant in Nerul met a sweet little cat called Mitu then home for a shower, change and put on some lippy!!!
Going to Thalassi with Brenliz got the right day and their lovely driver steven came to pick us up.....do you remember my name? he asked yes we replied its on the front of your taxi!!!!
went to Senior angelos to pick up the girls!!!! and soon off to Thalassi .....Started to hike down the steps to the beach met by a lady who said you are a little overdressed for the beach....we were going the wrong way!!!
found the resturant and soon had our table overlooking the sunset....... lovely... we were soon met by Basil Fawlty who informed us we would have to be out by 7.30..this was not mentioned when we booked...we said we had booked our driver for 10.30 he kindly offered to ring a taxi for us!!!!.then Manuel the waiter came up to take our order for starters...then whipped away the menu
starters arrive....Okish....then we waited and waited and waited....in the end we had to call the waiter and bren said you want us out by 7.30 and no-one has taken our order....the waiter appeared and tried to push the specials.....order and then had two other waiters came over to take our order!!!
Had a good giggle with Bren and liz trying to get their new camera working.....complete with instruction manuel and torch ...Bren saying to Liz "I 'll read booooook....you do actions"
Dinner arrived Bren and Liz's were tepid Andys was fine mine was 270rps for stew and chips!!!!
Waiter then came over with desert menu...andy ordered mud pie..sorry no mud pie....chocolate cake...sorry no chocolate cake profriterols was the last option all the sweets were good
Basil then returned and chuffed us off to another table further back.... then waited for someone to come over for drinks and we waited and waited by that time we had had enough rang our driver and asked for the bill.......on the whole overpriced and over rated....Brenda Liz myself and Andy would not go back....good points the toilets...despite the "tips" box outside....nearly put in won't be going back!!!
little Chris and Alfi has their picture taken with the "greek " on the door!!
then went to Baga for a drink then the lovely steven drove us home
Lovely evening with lovely company !!!!
had to laugh when i read the bit bout the young girl on the beach with the nuts, not taking no for a answer, we had a young girl called herself amika and she drove my hubbie to dispair, but she wasnt wanting him to buy her nuts , she wanted him to give her money, after he bought her a coke, cheeky mare

started off by decorating the tree in our room with the boys.......looked lovely still seems funny decorating a tree when it is soooooo hot!!!!
We always make the crib nativity for Joseph and Lucia...so spent the afternoon doing that.....we wired up lights and added signs.....then Ginger nuts the cat took up residencein the stable.... never heard of mary joseph and the ginger cat!!!!
we were then invited to Bella's (the one with the radishes!!) as they had the statue of Mary so did some more religious things!
walked to Tonys as honeybee fancied fish and Chips!!! had a text from Chilly and then onto jambalya with Bluesmania.....he's very good.....
.....everyone in Goa are shrinking.....little Chris and Alfi met little Mike and Chilli!!! picutres to follow!!!!
lovely evening once again walked home .......
forgot to tell you.....found a sign......... fish and chips( in english) 200rps underneath in russian the same thing....found a piece of chalk and put a one in front!!!!

Being Naive and to polite to show our ingnorance we just nodded when they told us.
As we sat reading outside of our room on one of those afternoons and we could hear singing.
I crept round the front to investigate to see where it was coming from and saw Joseph & Lucia with there friends having a service, as soon as it was over Lucia was round with home made sweets.
Christmas in Goa was an experience we will never forget, we often tell friends about it when they ask "whats the charm of Goa"
day 13.....Bella's husband (as in Bella and the radishes!!!!) works in the Taj and took us for a visit......Oh how the other half live.....he showed us the rooms....took little chris and Alfi who went in the mini bar and various other places!!!
in the afternoon went out on the bikes to Calengute.....went around "certain death roundabout" and survived!!!! bumped into Dragon on his bike ........did a bit of shopping in Lawande and back home......
Shower and out to the English rose......food not too great then upstairs for the quiz.....we were with Dragon,Clifton, Split and Joan, Mike and John (who tried to get home flew to Mumbai, was sent back to Goa...and is now patiently waiting for another flight!!!!!!).......and we won!!!!!!! and now own yet another bottle of honeybee!!!
Off then to Stonehouse.....Bluesmania...Tom was singing with a live band.....great at Jambalya but not in the same league as with a real band...excellent....another great night!!!!
got in in the wee small hours!!!!
Sounds great Trina
Day 14....On the scooters and on a mission....Gingernuts needs a delicate operation he goes walkabouts and gets into scraps....we rang animal rescue but they cannot do him for another 5 weeks....we were told there is a Vet by Lawande.....after a Goan Wild goose chase we found the Vet behind "Over the flames"...all booked in for tomorrow!
then went for a ride out over to Nerul and beyond......had a soda and lunch in Riverside......then onto Eden Leather to pick up Honeybee's new camera case......back home the vet suggested we wash the cat ...seems to be quite common in Goa....Lucia's method "grab him by the legs soap him up then rinse with the hose" my method two buckets of warm water soap him up in one and rinse him in the other....still have all my fingers!!! and a very very clean cat!
We had a long powercut so Joseph and Honeybee demolished the honeybee we won in the quiz!!! popped out to the curry House for dinner quite good they had a Ragistani band they were new but noy as good as last year..home for an early night....
the saga of the cat formally known as Gingernuts.....to be continued!
Great Trina
spent the morning keeping the cat in as today is his big day!!!! hade to make a cat basket with a plastic linen basket and two shelves from the fridge!!! and some cable ties....very sucessful...the vet suggested just put him in a sack!!!!
we went by taxi and the surgery was celan by indian standards....the doctor I went to a few years ago was far worse and he did surgery there!!!! They injected him with the anethetic and we soon had a very sleepy cat!!! she asked if I would assist her......Honeybee made a quick exit!!!! the deed was soon over and the cat formally known as gingernuts was recovering......
He now has his pet passport...we rang the taxi man and he was soon home....being papmered on the bed.....it seemed to take ages for him to come round and was staggering about ....reminded me of the drunk indians on the beach new Years Eve!!!
we did not want to leave him on his own until he was fully recovered....it was a shame we missed the meet last night.
.......he is really good this morning and had a pile of fresh chicken.....and none the worse for his ordeal!!!!!!
Great news re Ginger no nuts hope he recovers quickly
Day 16
The cat formally known as ginger nuts is doing well!
Today out on the scooters over the Nerul Bridge and left past Cocoa beach that was!!! nice drive out went to Danderim Beach and Kedgdovelim beach up to the lighthouse and Reis Margos Fort....closed as it is being refurbished...open for visits first Saturday of the month at 10am (new years day...won't be happening) they are also doing work on the three kings church right by the fort with bamboo scaffolding quite precarious no hard hats or safety rope....just would not happen in the UK!!!
We stopped at Brandon's shack quite expensive....60rps for two lime sodas....so we went to Riverside restaurant....we had a rather spectacular crispy chicken 80rps!! Then explored inland found a Bhatti Village, saligo and then back to Candolim
Went into the Eden Leather who have made some little outfits for little Chris and Alfi see their web page for more details.
Showered, changed and off to the carvery for Dragons Christmas quiz.....we were a bit rubbish and came third!.....honey bee was having a "discussion" with a guy who tagged onto us who insisted that water was H2 not H2O!!!!
Taxi home 100rps and off to bed!!!
Day 17 Christmas eve
Off to Mupusa market with our two German neighbors Kirk and Yannick on the bus.....it was a bit hectic as all the locals sell their wares.....did lots of haggling....and Kirk and Yannick are proud owners of underpants...new shoes plus a free belt...sunglasses minus the case for a saving of 100rps....and enough spices for half of Goa!!! Honeybee id now the proud owner of a lovely bamboo flute 100rps down to 30rps!! And is busy practicing...he could be wearing it later if you get my drift!!! Had a beer and soda in the "Pub" in Mupusa and then home!!!
Shower change then out for a steak at posh nosh....very quiet all over this year....taxi to Mama Cecilia's at Bobs Inn met Joseph, Lucia, and the guests who are staying at Lucia's Monica and john (UK) Kirk and Yannick (German) and Brian (South Africa) good night finished off with fireworks and a fire show....the guy came round for tips after and he stunk of petrol....think he should keep away from naked flames!!!
Back home last job.....to put Baby Jesus in the Nativity crib....
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Day 18...Christmas Day...It's lovely and hot...on the balcony on the computer watching the world go by...with a halo on my head....and contemplating what to do for the rest of the day....will update you all later!
We took our up to Fort Aguada to learn how to ride a scooter, along the river then up to the Fort and lighthouse 25rps entrance....last time we went we could not go in as they lost the key to the lock!!! The views at the top are quite spectacular!! You can see panaji and Dona Paulo...Kurt ran out of petro l a liter at the fort normally 60-65rps....80rps (white skin tax!!!) back home...
Went to the beach...for our obligatory egg and chips for Christmas dinner!!! We stopped at Monica's who has the best toilet on the beach....Honeybee decided to splash out on a full English, text and rang home and rubbed in how hot it was Ha ha.....watched the sunset and off to shower and change
Couldn't decide what to have so we went to the Tuscany Gardens at the corner of our lane....it was really lovely...Honeybee had pizza and I had prawn risotto and the "Don" ice-cream and hot brownies is to die for!!!! Came to 1200rps
There were a lot of fireworks which were making the dogs howl and setting off car alarms...then there the other menace...Karaoke singers think I prefer the dogs howling!! Off to bed.....
Day 19
Boxing Day....Honeybee is not well...thinks it may be the change of anti malarial....so he is watching the cricket....having a restful day....Lucia pampering him and cooking him soup and mince wrapped in potato....he felt a little better in the evening so we went out for dinner to Foxies and then onto Jambalaya....met up with dragon, Barbara and the lovely Clifton....lots of police around so Blues mania packed up early....we went over to Newton's to pick up supplies....Honeybee tried the Black and Gold Brandy which he said it quite good....we also picked up some San Andre coffee liqueur which is quite like Tia Maria taxi home.......
Day 20
Honeybee is feeling better....watching the cricket....we gave Rob a ring from Children walking tall as we had some donations from my students and HB had some scalextric cars....off on the scooters and took the back route to Mupusa to avoid the crowds going to Sunburn...quite a hair raising journey but managed to find Mango House...has a look round....the ladies in the kitchen were cooking a large amount of rice veg curry and fried fish as well as fruit which was to be distributed to the local slums...we saw some pictures of the children receiving their Christmas pressies...1000 in total were distributed..
The food was loaded into the CWT mini bus and we followed on our bikes and soon arrived at the slums to distribute the eagerly awaited food parcels...all the food is packed in plastic tubs, the tubs from the previous day are returned washed out to be refilled tomorrow. The children waited their turn one of the older girls came up to us and said "I remember you from last year l showed you my sewing" and gave us a hug...we were soon on our bikes to another slum where again the children were eagerly waiting for the mini bus, after the food was distributed we went with the children onto the field for a play session...Andy soon found a little friend....who clambered onto his back ....nicknamed "monkey boy"....Vitol he was soon on Andy's shoulders and that was where he stayed...I acquired two small girls and another older girl who plaited my hair.....the children had a lovely time....they attempted to milk a cow in the field.....one fed it leaves while others tried to milk it,....the kids played football, skipped over a stick, swung from trees picked up cow poo on a stick and chased each other with it (until they were told off!!!) chasing a cycle tire with a stick and so on and then found monkey boy 2 Roaul and soon had two of them on his shoulders!! ......no game boys no computer games just kids having fun!!!! .......I think we had as much fun as they did....... we left dirty and tired but the smiles and hugs we got were priceless!!! Thanks to Rob and all the staff at CWT
We then made our way home for a well needed shower!!!
Fantastic reading Trina. Glad to hear honeybee is feeling a bit better now.
The sun was going down so decided to return to the ferry, I lost honeybee so continued...there was not anywhere to turn round so I continued to the roundabout where some lovely goan Policeman stopped the traffic and I drove round.....felt like the queen!!! I soon was on the scrabble for the ferry....brought some fish and returned home.
Showered and out to mama Cecilia's with Kurt, and Yannick and Brian by taxi through the sunburn crowds (would have been quicker to see the band tidal Wave...... not too good so we soon moved on...had dinner at D'mellos and walked along the beach home....
Day 22
Our lady (statue of Mary) is visiting.....so the guest house is a hive of activity......I made a selection of sweets and an alter for the statue to sit on was erected (Lucia is not allowed to make sweets or deep fry as her mother recently died and she is in mourning for a year and has only to wear black and white!!!)....we took the lights from our Christmas tree.....at five the procession started they went to the neighbors house to collect the statue accompanied by Konkani chanting and soon returned to our house with Mary and lots and lots of locals....Lucia asked be to read a passage from the bible the service continued ......I plated up 30 portions of sweets and treats for the locals and they were distributed after the service...I then had a well earned coffee.....shower change then to Cecelia's for dinner....not too impressed Honey bee liked his kebab....then through the sunburn crowds to the carvery......looking out to the hoards returning up beach road was unbelievable...fire trucks with people hanging off, people dancing and being filmed....Chilly was very upset they did not film Chris and Alfi!!!! Said good bye to Bren and Liz they go home on Sat
We left at 12pm and tried to get a cab....they wanted 400rps normal fare 100rps finally found one that did...then battled out way though after dark the night time sunburn at "Butter" there were more outside dancing than were inside!!! Soon home and off to bed!!!!
My turn to feel unwell......I think they may have put MSG in the food in Cecelia's so I ended up with a migraine.....had an injection so felt a little fragile!!! Honeybee was fixing our thermacell mozzie repellent and oh boy do you need it !!!!! to my relief all up and working.....went out with the neighbours to Panaji and onto Dona Paulo...home shower and out......to Top Nosh met the lovely Bren and Liz also their friends Suzie and Diana Kurt our German neighbour also joined us.....Consistently good in there and the new setting back from the main road is lovely......very good move I think!!!
Stephen the best taxi driver in Goa came to pick up the Girls... more hugs.....Liz was upset to be going home tomorrow...we will miss them both!!!!........ Walked home..... again Butter the club was open 5000rps per couple to get in!!!!!! Very loud...and so to bed!!!!
Bren and Liz hope you have a safe journey home!

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