Just wondering if its worth bothering with putting a claim in on our travel insurance (with post office)
We were supposed to fly out late Wednesday 25th May night 23:25 Cyprus time. Went in as normal and was unaware of any problem until the boarding time arrived and nothing happened. An anouncement was made about it being delayed, this was then backed up with a change on the board to delayed by an hour. We were told eventually that it was a technical problem with the plane and we had to wait.
We waited and waited, then a female passenger came from somewhere being very vocal about it won't be flying as the pilot was met on landing by ambulance and police and was taken away. She told this to the staff who were telling us we were just waiting for the plane to be sorted out. She told them several times this was rubbish as there was no pilot and the security staff had told her this.
She dissappeared and returned with said security staff who obviously told them that the pilot had been taken ill and the plane won't be going anywhere (lots of raised voices in Greek).
A short while after that they made another announcement that we would need to be escorted back to the luggage to collect it, so we could be transfered to another hotel for the night. They would try and get a new flight out sometime tomorrow. They told us it would be 30mins before the staff would come to escort us down to baggage.
well over an hour later people became very fed up.. lots of shouting between waiting staff and angry passengers and eventually we were taken to get out bags back (having to go through all the airport again like we had just landed (getting blank board passes etc).
Picked up cases and then made our way to waiting coaches.
We were transfered by coach (we don't do coach transfers due to legroom and comfort so this was very cramped for us, and we'd been in the airport for something like 5-6 hours by now) to Limassol (from Larnaca Airport). We were dumped into a hotel and left to try and get a room.
The man on reception was doing his best but struggling with most rooms only being for 2 people and us being a party of 3 and 4.
We were told on the letter (from the airline) we would get breakfast, lunch and dinner at the hotel and free soft drinks.
The man on reception told us breakfast was 7am to 10am.. and we would have to be out of the room by midday ! This was about 6am already (no sleep since getting up at about 7am the previous day and spent most of it in airport etc)..
We went to bed.. we woke again about 8 am to try and get sorted for breakfast.
Got down for breakfast... went back to room to get cleaned up and re-pack the cases etc.
Put cases into luggage area and then sat around the hotel (in our only clean day time clothes). Lunch time came and we had to re-explain the the manager of the hotel restaurant about why we were there and why we had no room card etc..(did a lot of keep going to reception who didn't really want to know or answer our questions)
managed to get some food and an orange juice... (and we still didn't know if the flight was back on at this point..)
Eventually after yet another trip to reception we were told a coach would be picking us up at 6pm to take us to airport so we wont be getting an evening meal.
By about 4pm we had to go and start getting into evening/travel clothes, using the shower room for the gym/sauna to get cleaned up (hard work when you are with children/grandchildren on holiday)
and waited for coach.
Back to airport and start again
2 lots of ZB649 flights existed in two lots of check in desk (and no one bothered to point this out to either flight,so lots of people were in the wrong queues)
we were given a €10 meal voucher each for our evening meal (burger king was about the only place we could get food for the kids etc)
Flight boarded and flew on its set time of 21:40 (so just less than 24 hours from original flight)
I'm home now and it didn't kill us but wondering if its worth claiming, what I need to do, what I need to say and how much I would be likely to be able to claim.. (and we had it booked under 2 names as it was us with grandson and daughter, partner and the other two children)
We do have the letter from Monarch explaining that the pilot was taken ill and the flight had to be cancelled with the estimated flight time for the new flight on it (which oddly was exactly the right time ! ??? )
thanks for any help or ideas :-)
Your quote
"We do have the letter from Monarch explaining that the pilot was taken ill and the flight had to be cancelled with the estimated flight time for the new flight on it (which oddly was exactly the right time ! ??? )!"
so strikes a bell with me, having had that happen on a number of occasions.
It is always that lack of information, and yep, a pack of mistruths that gets me every time. I used to work at the airport here and "knew" what was going to happen, based on my knowledge of flights in and out. And I will also say, would always tell my clients the truth as I knew it!!!
If you know what is going to happen, then you can plan accordingly, can't you. I remember being stuck in Gran Canaria, and the rest of the passengers did just as you did, back and forth to reception. I just went shopping, had a meal, faffed about....but only because I "knew" I was going nowhere for the forseeable future.
Many moons ago we got caught up in the Menorcan coach strike & were put up in a hotel for 2 days. On our return we were able to claim, after the first 12hrs, at the time, £12per hour per person, so I'd say it's worth a chance with your insurance. It should be listed in the policy

not sure what to claim for though ?... cancelled flight ?.. delayed by so many hours ?... do I tell them they put us in a hotel and they more or less fed us ?.. etc ?

Sorry I can't help with how much compensation you can ask for but it will be written in the Ts and Cs somewhere. Just another point, I'm not sure whether in a situation like this you need to seek compo from the airline or the insurance

Sorry, I'm not much help at all am I

The flight was ZB649 which on the second day also existed for that day and our flight became ZB649B (and one screen is showed at ZB0649B)
Have a browse here AskCy:-
Hi just wondered if you ever got any compensation for the delayed flight from Larnaca to Manchester ? We were on the same flight and wounderd if it is worth claiming or not .Thanks for any help

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