Justval wrote:There is a particularly nasty one called Shigalia (dont know if I have spelt that right or not)..a few years back when we had a dive trip to Sharm, quite a few people got Pharoahs..and one guy was ill for 4 weeks after he got back..he lost nearly 2 stone and had all these tests done and I think that was what he had had...
Pharoahs went round our dive boat last time..and it is not nice..I had it from about day 3 onwards until about 3 days after I got back.
Hi Val
Almost right Shigella is particularly nasty check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shigella for info
This can be got anywhere too, particularly places where personal hygiene is not up to our standards so think Egypt, Morocco, Middle Africa, certain Caribbean countries (Dominican Republic comes to mind).