The correct seat plan is linked from our What Aircraft? guide (link below) where you'll find the seats you've booked on the Airbus A330-200.
Blodders wrote:I have just contacted Monarch to make my seating requests 90 days in advance as they suggested. Firstly, I was told this was not possible any more, so I rang a different number and the girl did it for me straight away with no problem whatsoever. What I am really puzzled about is that I was requesting seats 2H&J (airbus 330) as per the seating plan on seat guru. The girl said that these do not exist. That H is an aisle and that the furthest forward seats are 2J&K so she booked these. Are these the seats I actually wanted? ( the furthest forward row of two on the right hand side.) I have had these seats on this type of plane before and they had a huge amount of legroom which was what I was after. She also said these are emergency exit seats. According to the plan they are not, the door is the other side of the bulkhead??
Rest assured, seats 2 J & K are the 2 seats at the front of the cabin on the right hand side of the aircraft.
Please disregard the seatmaps on Seatguru and even These are inaccurate and have not been updated.
For everbody's benefit, please refer to the following for the Monarch A330:-
Seat configuration in Premium is:
2 - 4 - 2 (Row 1 DEF in the middle, and then rows 2-7 AB-DEFG-JK)
Seat configuration in standard seating is:
3 - 3 - 3 (Rows 8-36 ABC-DEF-HJK)
2 - 3 - 2 (Rows 37-44 AB-DEF-JK) - this is where the fuselage narrows at the rear of the aircraft
Premium service (i.e. comp. drinks, upgraded meals, seatback TV, newspapers, comp. comfort kits, priority boarding etc.) at the front of the cabin is offered only on long haul flights -currently Orlando, Mombassa, Goa, Tobago (NB. This does not include Egypt, Cyprus, Turkey, Canaries etc.). On short haul flights, the front cabin is used as extra legroom seating but the service is no different to that on the rest of the plane. Although there is a good chance you will get one of these seats in the premium cabin if you purchase extra legroom seating, there is no guarantee it will not be one of the extra legroom seats located further back on the aircraft amongst the standard seats.
Seats 2 AB and JK are situated just behind the exits at the front of the plane, but they separated from these exits by a bulkhead.
Row 8 is situated at the front of the standard seating cabin and is separated from row 7 by four toilets across the width of the cabin. As they are situated just behind the second pair of emergency exits, seats 8 B-J are extra legroom seats whilst seats 8 A & J are not because they have a door bustle which protrudes the area in front of them (please be aware that at the time of writing this is not represented on Monarch's online seat map)
Similarly, row 30 is also located at the emergency exit and is extra legroom in seats 30 B-J but not 30 A & J, because of the door.
Towards the back of the plane, from rows 37-44, the two seats at the sides of the aircraft (i.e. 37 - 44 AB & JK are extra legroom seats).
Seats 37 - 44 DEF however are standard seats
There are also a couple of rows that do not have a window in the cabin wall next to them. From memory I do not know which rows these are but will endeavour to edit this post once I have found out.
If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to ask.
Dolphin1790 wrote:Thanks for the quick reply - I've just been on the seat selection for my return flight on the Monarch website and all the first 7 row seats are already booked. I've now looked on rows 9 and 31 as you suggested but I'm still a bit confused as only 9A is down as an exit seat (also 43A) -? - but 31A and J are already taken so I presume this is indeed due to being crew seats so I should go for 31B&C or G&H at standard seat prices -??
Thanks again !
As I posted my reply yesterday on my phone I was unable to check the availability of seats showing on your flights. However, I have now been able to do this:-
On your outbound flight, there appears to be a good few extra legroom seats available still. I can tell you that the legroom at rows 10 and 26 is greater than that available in rows 1-6 because they are located next to the emergency exits. However, in these seats you will not be able to see out of a window if this is something of interest to you.
On you return flight, there are a number of single extra legroom seats available in rows 1-7. I am unaware if you are travelling alone or not but you will be able to decide for yourself if one of these is suitbale for you. Row 8 is greyed out because this row no longer exists. As I mentioned before though, rows 9 and 31 are located at the emergency exits and so have additional legroom. Unlike on your outbound flights, you will still have a view out of a window in these seats if sat next to the cabin wall. However, I would not recommend 9 A or J as there is a door bustle which protrudes the area in front of these seats.
However, on row 31 (where seats A & J are greyed out because these are occupied by crew), if you select to sit in seat 31 B or H then you will still be able to see out of the window for the most part of the flight and will have a member of cabin crew sat next to you only for take off and landing. There is no charge for these seats because they are no longer classed as extra legroom. I am told the reason for this is because it is cooler next to the door area and so they did not want to charge a premium for these seats. Perosnally, I didn't find this to be the case at row 31 but please be warned if you think that may be a problem for you.
In summary, I would recommend row 31 B & C or G & H as good seats with additional legroom at a good price and with a good view. As with all things though, there will be drawbacks being sat in these seats as well. The only one I can think of here is that you will be served drinks after most other people on the flight.
I hope this helps. Please feel free to ask if you have any further questions and I will try to answer asap as I appreciate you are travelling very soon.
Many thanks (again!) - so far I've booked the outbound seats for myself and my daughter (extra leg room at the front) and will look again ,following your reply, for your inbound seat suggestions - although I've flown several times to Larnaca before I've never been on a 3-3-3 configurated plane which threw me slightly !!
Thanks for all the info Partyboy. That was exactly what I needed to know. If I actually get allocated these seats I will be well pleased. Many thanks.
Is it possible for you to tell me what type of planes Monarch use from Manchester to Sharm and what the seating might be (it would be August but not booked yet) they are coming out cheapest at the moment.
I'd need to know a flight number really as there are a couple of flights per week. For example; the Thursday flight (MON1286/7 - Airbus A300B4-605R) and the Sunday flight (MON3726/7 - Airbus A330-200). Seat plans are described above by partyboy_uk and seat maps etc are on our What Aircraft? guide.
Hi, if I book was thinking of flying Man to Sharm on Sunday 21st Aug and back on Thurs 31st.
My family and I are going To Turkey in August (Sunday 21st), we are flying on Flight MON3402 out to Antaylia, I know its scheduled to be on one of Monarch's A330, but I just wanted to know if anyone knew where it was scheduled to be travelling to Gatwick from, so I can watch out for any delays in advance.
Also I am having a bit of an issue trying to get my API info accepted, Monarch say on their website I should give it to Thomas Cook (chartered flight), and even Though Thomas Cook 's website say they only collect Thomas Cook and Monarch Airlines details, it will not accept the Monarch flight code.
The customer service did not reply to my email, and the call centre was rubbish, the local travel agent said Monarch will accept at check in, however I dont want to turn up and be delayed for something I should be able to do beforehand.
Many Thanks in advance for any help, and keep up the good work, this site has been invaulable to me over the past few years.
The flight that precedes yours is the MON328 which arrives into LGW from Sanford, due to arrive at 0530.
With regards to your API, you would be better to ask on the Thomas Cook forum as I am unfamiliar with the information they ask for. However, be sure to check the following:
Is the code they ask for a flight number or booking confirmation reference number?
Do you have more than one booking confirmation number (usually happens if the flight and hotel have been booked separately by the travel agent, perhaps unbeknown to you)?
Is the information you need the reference the airline provides to the travel agent or the one the travel agent provides to you?
Personally, if you booked directly with Thomas Cook, I would call through to Thomas Cook Customer Services and explain that you would like to enter this information beforehand and ask that they find out for you what it is you need to enter so that it will accept your details. It's their website after all. Let the person on the end of the phone know that you are happy for them to e-mail you if they need to go away and find out for you. Don't let one short shrift answer put you off.
Good luck

We booked our Monarch flight to Tenerife via Co-op travel who booked it through Cosmos. We're due to fly in 4 weeks and I was wanting to book extra legroom seats. I popped into Co-op travel who informed me I would need to contact Monarch. I've then contacted Monarch who passed me through to Cosmos who said we need to book it through Co-op travel. Can anyone inform me who I need to speak to?
I then asked about tickets. I was told Monarch is now a ticketless airline and the Co-op would send us an email. Do we need this email or just our booking reference number?
Thanks in advance.
Can't help with the email question. I have only ever booked direct and checked in online - sorry!
I'd go back to the agent and ask them to sort it, or at least find out who you do need to speak to. Whether they would have any extra legroom so close to departure, I don't know.
Can't help with the email question. I have only ever booked direct and checked in online - sorry!
Hi Sunaddict. Thanks for the reply. The lady on the phone said if we did want it is was £24.99 each way. I've checked online and it is still showing availability.
With regards to the email, we know what our booking reference is from previous paperwork we've had, so was just wondering whether it was ok to take the reference number to check in.
Your flight to Tenerife will be on a Monarch scheduled (ZB flight number) flight. If your travel agent has booked the flight for you then it is their responsibility to add on extra legroom for you. Had the booking been made via Monarch directly then you would have the facility to change this online. Unfortunately, some travel agents are quick to direct you to the airline when it comes to addidng additional extras on which they earn little or no commission on. However you should persist with Co-op Travel.
Monarch is a ticketless airline and you only need the airline reference number to check in for your flight, along with your passport, however I would recommend you take all your paperwork with you should there be any problems.
If there is anything esle then please feel free to ask. There is also extensive information available in the Monarch Frequently Asked Questions section. There is also now live help via the Monarch Twitter page, if you use this.
Edited by
2011-06-30 12:58:33
Thanks Partyboy. I did wonder if the travel agents got commission, as the travel agent did mention that they did it for certain airlines such as Thomas Cook, but not for Monarch. Once again, thanks for the info.
question for darren. booked flights from manchester to sanford next june 9th on mon309. could you tell me what plane this will be and the seat configuration please? is there ife on here and what kind? sorry about all the questions. thanks
It'll be an Airbus A330-200. All the information you're looking for is on our What Aircraft? guide (link below).
Thanks for your reply and help Partyboy.
I am travelling on 29th July, flight MAN/DLM MON5078 on an A321-200
Wondering if you have any idea what the new aircraft livery will look like or if any of the plans have been painted yet?

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