I have just noticed on the Gatwick airport website.that Easyjet now allow a shopping bag as well as a holdall.
Does anyone know if they will allow a small handbag?
I dont fancy putting my money,jewellery and medications in my holdall that will be put in the overhead locker.
I have never understood the need to have certain items in ones grasp constantly when on aircraft. The doors are not opening to allow anyone to escape with your worldy goods...
Unless things have changed recently I think you will find the 'shopping bag' is a concession to the airside outlets to allow passengers to buy a sandwich/drink etc airside and not have to stuff it in their already full hand luggage cases and go over the size/weight limit.
As for bags going missing from the overhead lockers ,The people behind us on a flight last may found their bag missing when they went to retrieve the bag from the overhead locker.
You obviously work for an airline and cant understand the needs of passengers who may need some of their things at hand.Would you prefer everyone on board getting up out of their seats every so often to get books,kindles,medications,Boots meal deals etc etc

I suppose I will just have to shove my handbag in the Boots carrier with the meal deal.

But in order to avoid problems at check-in and to get through Security you'll need to make sure that your handbag will fit into your holdall until you are in the Departure lounge. EasyJet allows a handbag OR holdall not both plus one carrier bag of goods bought after Security.
I just dont want to be having to get up and down to get stuff out of my holdall during the flight.
The other alternative is to wear a jacket with load of deep pockets.

I've often taken a rucksack plus another small bag (not a shopping bag) onto Easyjet flights and have never been stopped. Now, if it were Ryanair......
If there are items I might want during the flight, I put them into my handbag (in my hand luggage) and then just remove the handbag and keep it under the seat in front.
For me it's important to have on hand my purse, phone on flight mode, kindle and tablet or laptop plus medication during the flight.
My holdall is tiny anyway so I may have to put my handbag in a larger holdall if they enforce it with the airlines I go with

I received a text yesterday from my friend whom I'm meeting up with in Beni later in the week, her and her husband had a minor panic when they found that their hand luggage, complete with passports, apartment keys etc had been taken from the aircraft. It appears that, the Ryanair crew had put their bag in an overhead locker away from where they were seated, a bloke, travelling with his family had mistakenly taken their bag. Kev, had to leave his disabled wife on the plane and rush to the arrival lounge in order to retrieve said bag. You have every right to want your hand luggage within easy reach Jay, I would too
Instead of putting it in the locker above my head - I put it in the overhead locker above the seats on the opposite side of the aisle from me.
This way, I can see my bag each time someone opens up the overhead storage and can see if anyone is messing with it.

Its not normally a problem as we usually travel with Thomas cook or Tui but this holiday we are flying with Easyjet from Gatwick which is not our local airport.
I will just take a small handbag and hide it under my coat when I am at the boarding gate.
The people behind us last May told us they same thing as you described had happened to them but they didnt get their bag bag(It had happened on a previous flight)They also said the carrier with snacks in under their seat had gone too.
Can you imagine the chaos if everyone got up and down every time you needed something from your holdall?
One things for sure the travelling salespeople who are up and down the aisle every few minutes wouldnt be very happy if we were blocking their way.

SMa wrote:But in order to avoid problems at check-in and to get through Security you'll need to make sure that your handbag will fit into your holdall until you are in the Departure lounge. EasyJet allows a handbag OR holdall not both plus one carrier bag of goods bought after Security.
Hi Jay trip you will need to put your handbag inside your holdall at checkin , because they might ask to see what hand luggage you have ( and you will just show them the holdall with the bag inside) no problem at security though because they are only interested what's inside the bag or bags , they're not really bothered how many bags you carry on a plane , it's the airline who decide their baggage limits , not security , the airport or DfT , they might advise you but it's up to you and your airline how many bags you carry on , like roseweb said , they may be bothered or not at the gate as you get ready to board . Ive always had very good easyjet flights from there , crew have always been friendly with great service , just as good , if not better than Thomson , TCX and Monarch .
Our holdalls are smaller than the maximum measurements so we should be OK.
We have our boarding passes so I am not sure where we drop our case?
Jay trip you can go to the bag drop area easyjet is in zone G and H , plenty of desks just join the shortest queue , obviously you will very early for checkin ! But remember that EJ do have a hell of lot of flights that depart early , no doubt you will be going through security early so there should be little waiting there , the worst time is between 6- 8 am and the dept lounge is pretty good with plenty of shops and eating places and seating and I'm sure will be more interesting after spending 4 hours landside !!!
andy66 wrote:SMa wrote:crew have always been friendly with great service , just as good , if not better than Thomson , TCX and Monarch .
I've flown with Easyjet many, many times and can honestly say I've always found their cabin crew to be very friendly and helpful. Definitely my favourite

We've never had a grumpy cabin crew with EasyJet (unlike some other airlines, especially BA) and have always found them to be friendly and efficient in every way.
We always carry those cheap pocket rucksacks that you can get from the pound shop and which are only fist size when zipped up. Easy to keep in your normal hand luggage and then you can put the things you need to hand in it just before you board the plane.
One of those tough supermarket plastic bags with handles, that you can buy for about 30p, is the right size for hand luggage...
and you can put handbag, coat, newspaper, camera, whatever into it and it still counts as one bag

Now I'm not sure if she means the big ones or the little ones
and although they're not very glamorous
it is definitely a practical idea.
Can anybody confirm which dimensions meet the requirements?
My big Sainsbury's bag is approx 42 x 37 x 16cm
and the little one is 36 x 36 x 14 cm
we could start a new trend of non-designer luggage

I usually go for a little bag inside a bigger one, so I have what I need with me on the flight and put the rest in the overhead locker.
I've never heard of things being stolen from there before though, that is an eye-opener.
PS love the description of cabin crew as travelling salespeople

I've never flown with EJ but have with Ryanair on numerous occasions. I actually bought a small shoulder bag with several pockets which fits in the outside pocket of my hand luggage and is taken out once I get on the plane. There is no way I want my handbag stuffed away in the overhead locker, particularly as hand luggage sometimes gets put several rows in front or behind your seat. I shall do the same with Thomas Cook this week as they now insist on only one piece of hand luggage, including your handbag, though it appears they will allow an extra bag of duty-frees.

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