was in shower and got missed call from Sanji. Rung her straight back. She had another bad night of cramps and terrible heartburn. Big Chief has just been and went through all her notes and said he didn't know what to do with her. Sanji said that they had to make a decision as she's been there two weeks now and apart from vomiting stopping she's no further forward. He deliberated over notes again for about 4 minutes..then said 'let's do it!'.
So...tonight darling Sanji is going down for major surgery.
She'd eaten a bit of breakfast as she was unsure the stomach cramps were because of the condition or because she was hungry so now has to wait 6 hours nil by mouth. Unless there is an emergency coming in it will be Big Chief doing the op...otherwise it will be done tomorrow (I think that's what she said as I was shocked at hearing this) by his second in command.
Obviously Sanji is scared. She KNOWS the implicatiions of the surgery...she knows that she may end up with stoma ..or temporary stoma....she knows that although this might be a 'fix' it may happen again elsewhere in intestine. She knew that with all the inflammation she has IF they had tried to do the camera jobbie NOW there was risk of it perforating her bowel.
I've read her out your replies on here and got a chuckle out of her Rennie when I told her what I'd put in my reply last night in response to your post
Dave is obviously as shell shocked as Sanji is - as obviously he was expecting her home. I'm going to ring Dave in the morning and will get straight on here to let you know how it's all gone.
PLEASE keep Sanji in your thoughts today and POSITVE vibes please everyone! xxxx