Hi Luci,
I notice that there is no price against my confirmed booking on 6 June. The cost is £10 (after obtaining refund of £70 transfers and £20 flight supplement).
Added - luci
Post transferred to main DE Cruise topic here:
I have now been allocated the Melody from Genoa on 4th July. Total paid £60. Category 5 inside double cabin single occupancy.
Aslemma (Pat)
Added - luci
Offered and paid switch for 3 Oct 05 ex Genoa on Melody, confirmation to follow within 28 days for £10 plus £63 for overnight hotel in Milan on 2nd to include all transfers except airport to hotel.
I am still on Libya cruise of 11/6/05 as I have not yet been told it is cancelled, though I assume it has been.
Added - luci
I had a letter allocating me on the Libya 11th June although I have missed 2 phone calls since so not sure what was going to be said.
Added - luci
Im on the Melody cruise ship mon aug 29th to mon sept 5th Genoa start and finish with overnight stop in Ibiza.
flying from manchester to genoa,told them to get lost when said from London airports
im sue,38 and from york area
Added - luci
Venice - Bari - Katakolon - Kusadasi - Istanbul - At Sea - Dubrovnik - Venice (MSC Opera)
I paid my £10 + £149 to upgrade from the Melody. I also splashed out £155 for two nights in Venice before the cruise at the Santa Chiara hotel. I was pleased with the price of the hotel as Rise matched the cheapest special offer i had found elsewhere.
I am flying Jet2 from Manchester. I was offered flights from Glasgow, as per terms and conditions, but didn't fancy changing at Heathrow. Also it's a bit risky if your bags go missing. I wouldn't like to board the boat with only the clothes i had on!
I am travelling alone, I will turn 28 on the boat and would like to hear from any fellow passengers.
Added - luci
Add my name to the 16th april cruise from houston (allocated)
i am booked on a caribbean cruise to houston cozumel george town on the 17th sept 2005,should i pre-empt contact due to probable last minute contact.
Added - luci
Post transferred to main DE cruise topic here:
My Name is Nigel and my wife is Olinda and we are going on 22nd May on Armonia (Venice-Venice) for 2-4-1 offer and Paid a a total off £ 649.
Could you please add Melek (Angela) to the Opera on 11th June - £10 + £149 supplement. I received an e-mail today asking if I could organise this as she can't register on her work computer.
Many thanks
Added - luci
Hy I am supposed to be going to the carribean on 23rd April . Houston Cozu,el Roatan. Belize City back to Houston.
I've received a letter allocating me a place on:
11.06.05: Marseilles - Genoa - Naples - Benghasi - Al Khum - Tripoli - Valletta - Marseilles
I'd be grateful if you could add my name to the list for that date & itinerary.
pelleaz (Paul)
Added - luci
Just confirmed and paid for Melody 16TH MAY cruise.
Had to come onto this topic because I can't find the main discussion (200+ pages) - is there a problem or is it my computer link?
Many thanks
http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=24243, it is upto 9 pages long, you will get the gist from the post about what has occured. You also need to post in 1 of 3 forum's that Van has set up at the top of the cruises forum, for the HT lawyers.
Hi Elaine 853 you need to look under cruises Daily Express/Rise Travel Dizzy
Pollyday's husband allocated 24th September 05 Marseilles Genoa Naples and a lot of Libya.
Added - luci
I was originally given the Libya, 11th. June cruise, but have now been re-allocated, and am sailing on The Opera, 4th. June. I paid £149. for the upgrade.
Joan A.
Already Added

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