I can deal with wild dogs and leapoards I don't mind rats they make good pets, I am use to the lizards from prievious visits to India but the snakes and snake charmers they do SCARE me.
We were staying just out side Calangute last month and we saw a monkey, he must have been at least 5 feet tall, he jumped from a first floor balcony then ran behind the hotel and across the countryside to the next hotel.
The monkeys are fine, in Simla we was watching them steal peoples fruit from out of there hands brilliant. And in Amber we stood next to a large wild monkey for pictures, the wife was closest to the monkey just in case.

The funniest thing I ever saw was on our first night in Candolim. There was a big black guy sitting in Johnny's across the road from Prazeres and all of a sudden he jumped up

There are spiders in Goa - I saw two. One was very small and jumped all over the place - the other one was much like those gangly ones we get at home with the tiny bodies and long thin legs. Still don't like them.
I did see these little bright blue jelly fish in the sea though, but I don't know if they are dangerous - anybody else know?

In the sea at Coco Beach there were loads of little fish. My friends and I spent ages trying to catch them, but didn't succeed. We must have looked so weird!
One of the leopards died last month when it got caught in a trap and could not be freed in time, caused quite an outcry in the local papers
Do Leapords tast good curried ?
hi peterji .has sleep r us says beware of the touts .they are a pain . got caught 3 times by them on thier scrots .the last one was unluky big style he would not take no for a answer. so he had slap .poor sod caught me on a off day ..has for the see snakes thier more scared of you has you of them .also the beach sellers can be a pain .if no dosent work after 3 times try to be diplomatic and tell them to piss off has i found that .that works
I am use to dealing with beggers and touts they won't be a problem for me.
My scariest experience in Goa was a young boy called me over. In front of him was a box which I thought nothing of until he opened it with me about two feet from him and a cobra jumped out and lurched at me, it was quite obviously not happy at being in the box. I walked off very quickly after shouting a few obcenities. I was told later by our shack people that the cobras are quite harmless as they have had there fangs removed. Apparently it was a photo opportunity for which I had to pay.
Now that is scary Phil, you would not have seen me for dust.
Peter, you say you are used to dealing with touts and beggers but nothing can prepare you for the first time you walk in to Anjuna market on wednesdays, believe me you aint seen nothing yet. Say no more, I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. Especially the wallers trying to clean you ears without you asking!!!
Phill I have shoped in Karolbargh Delhi. no compertition.
Well Pete going back to your original question I dont think anything is gonna scare you too much in Goa. Mind you just watch out for those big hairy spiders that lurk under your pillows in your bed, no only joking, I hope your visit to Goa is as great as ours.
Thanks Phill

The bright blue jelly fish are called Blue Bottle Jelly Fish, you might know them better as Portugese Man-O-War. They're nasty little suckers.
The little ones will give you a nasty sting that can cause paralysis. The big ones can kill if you are unfortunate to get stung badly enough and don't get treatment.
Best just to leave them well alone eh!
I Leave in 2 days and am hireing a all over protective suit for the whole two weeks, thanks everyone.
Just realised next year Derek will be there.
Experienced my first scary thing in Goa. Sitting in the Big Banna shack for a BBQ when a storm hits and blows the lighted BBQ at you and all the tables and chairs and sand. then the rain poors and the lighting strikes a few inches away. a great night.

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