I can remember ages ago somebody posted a request for recommendations for books to take on holiday with them. Can't for the life of me find it but have been thinking lately of what I can take with me to read!!!!
Can anyone find the link for me or recommend some really good books to take.
I like most books (except soppy love stories). Look forward to some brill recommendations !!!
Ali x
1. Rachel's Holiday by Marian Keyes (Got some funny looks as I read on the balcony as I was laughing out loud)
2. Last Chance Saloon by Marian Keyes
2. PS I Love You by Cecila Ahern (I laugehd out loud and cried buckets)
3. Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella
My husband read the Da Vinci code and raved about it & it's had fabulous reviews - and he didn't cry at all!

Well...........I did remember to feed the dog!!!!!!

Have managed to get hold of the complete stories of sherlock holmes that`ll keep me quite for a day or so. And have started reading robert ludlum`s book they`re a pretty good read and you can pick then up in books that contain 3 books in each have just finished the jason bourne set this way
I like to read crime novels on holiday. Over the years I have read all the Rebus, Morse and Frost I can lay my hands on .This year I discovered a new (to me) crime author. This is Peter Robinson and his Inspector Banks series of books, of which there are about 14 titles. They are a bit like Rebus but set in the Yorkshire Dales. I work a couple of days in an Oxfam bookshop so I have been able to pick up three more titles to take with us on our next holiday in June. My wife liked the book as well ,so we will be able to share them and cut down on the number of books we will be taking.
I have also read The Da Vinci Code and thought it brilliant - I also love the author Karin Slaughter and Lisa Gardner.
Inspector Banks books very like Rebus I agree got my husband hooked last year on hols.sioux.
For anyone who likes crime and thriller novels, I would recommend anything by James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, Kathy Reichs, and Jonathan Kellerman, but they should all be read, preferably, in the order in which they were written, as family histories come into them quite a lot, and I like to get involved in the lives of the regular characters. I hope that doesn`t make me sound too sad?
i also love james patterson,harlen coben & michael connelly.
just discoverd jillian hoffman & can't put it down.ali5,her books are very similar,to lisa gardner's & karin slaughter's,so you may like them.they are called retribution & last witness.they really are, good reads!
A couple more crime series I can recommend are the Dangerous Davies books by Leslie Thomas and the Flaxborough novels ( featuring Inspector Purbright ) by Colin Watson.
martina cole, she is really good, its about a london ganster who actually is a woman, all her books are based around this character, so start from the begining. brill, read it on last holiday in menorca, i didnt go out side for two days.
I second Chocaholicsanon choice. Martina Cole absolutley brilliant author. Don't know exactly how many she has written but I've read at least 6 of them. The last 2 I read featured a police officer who gets involved with a gangster when his daughter goes missing. Once you start reading you can't put them down so if you're on the beach watch out that the tide doesn't take you away
if you like a funny read, anything by bill bryson.
linda, Im half way through that book at the moment, I just can't seem to put it down, another book by martina cole I enjoyed was faceless.
I've read all of the Martina Cole books so far apart from her latest. Does anyone know if it is out in paper back yet? I mustn't get too soon before my holiday otherwise I'll do what I did last year and end up reading it before I go.
Edited by
2005-05-10 06:20:41
Thats an excellent idea, trouble is I probably wouldnt want to put them down!!
Janet Evanovich's 'Stephanie Plum' series is hilarious. I think there are now ten of them, I think the first in the series is 'One for the Money'. Try and read them in sequence, if not it doesn't matter too much.

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