The story we were given by more than one person was that the Company that owned the River Princess was part of the Marriott Group.
When the Marriott hotel was built Marriott's wanted to entice people away from the holiday centre of Candolim (some of you may be aware the Marriott is on the river close to the big bridge from Panjim).
The owners let the boat run aground in the belief that a wreck on the beach would put people off staying in Candolim.
I have absolutely no idea how true this is but it's a far better story than it simple ran aground in the monsoon.
Hi Fritz and Spike great stories, the one about the Marriot if its true must have backfired because the RP is quite a tourist attraction at the moment I could'nt wait to see it after reading about it on this site, its just part of the senery. Shame it has to be moved really, but eventually it will cause harm to the enviroment, if not already!
The way it is positioned on the beach has alredy caused damage,and the shack owners are having big problems setting up shop,so the sooner it goes the better.I still think it wiil have to be cut up and removed rather than towed out,if this is the case Candolim will suffer badly.
Yes Spike sounds like it does need to go asap, hope they can tow it, cant imagine the mess cutting it up would cause dont bear thinking about!

In a ideal world it would be eccentrically good if the river princess could stay as caran says in a odd way it does add to the scenery and i agree.

I was told it was a bare boat charter and as it was approaching its 20year survey which is when boats of its type are usually scrapped, it was an insurance scam that had been tried before by the same charterers. Whatever, as the monsoon usually arrives in Goa about mid June the old girl wont be moving this year As heads are now rolling in the goverment over its so called removal mabey some more facts will be leaking out now. We will just have to pray she survives the monsoon storms but I think it is looking more and more likely that shes going to finish her days in Candolim
does anyone know when the river princess is leaving candolim beach?
5 years ? .......10 maybe....? the way it looks - never !! info from a friend there says all work stopped for monsoon (did actually stop before the monsoon) looking more likely to sit and rust - who knows!
It is now the best tourist site in Candolim - has generated so much publicity - does not do anything except be a beacon for people walking from Baga/Calangute to see how far they can walk each day. It is there and will be for ever more to be a wreck.
There is already a thread on this subject !!!! Look back a few pages before posting...most answers already posted.
He said the boat is still there but he believes it is due to be moved as soon as the rain stops. Whether that meant the current lot of rain or after the monsoon I couldn't work out.
Anyway, apparently a big hole has either appeared or been cut on the seaward side of the hull. When the wind blows it sounds like blowing across the top of a bottle and can be heard as far away as Coco Beach.
The residence of Candolim are doing their pieces because they can't sleep at night.
The first thing salvage companies do is make the hull watertight prior to flotation, it sounds as if funny business is continuing. They woudnt try moving her anyway as the seas are so rough during June & July even the trawler fleet is banned fom going to sea
Not been much news on the company who had the rights to move the tanker - they were supposed to be penalised heavily if they failed to move it within 110 days.If they have now lost the salvage rights we could be in for a long long legal process again........

Just came across a report in the Deccan Herald, dated 18th July saying that Crosscham, the British company who had the contract and failed to move the ship in the promised 110 days has now subcontracted the job to a Gujarat scrapyard with no competence in ship salvage. The report goes on to say that vested interests in the mining company want to scrap it on the beach and have already carried this out with another of it's old ships where they simply cut of what they could above the water and left the rest embedded in the sand!! I dont think now there is the slightest chance of any happy outcome to this mess, the time to move it was years ago, now, if it was technicaly possible, it would cost more than the scrap value and nobody will pick up that tab,
Latest in the long running show,it was reported yesterday in the Goan press that the salage cotract with Crosschem is being terminated and something called the National Ship Design Research Inst. Delhi is being asked to conduct a survey and submit another report!!! So the old lady will be wth us for another year If Goa had uch a thing as the Natonal Trust they would likely make it a listed building

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