Hi Peggy,
I am really pleased that you found my post some help. Yes I know the area fairly well. Feel free to ask away, I am sure that if I can't answer you lots of others like Carrot will chip in. His advice about the bazaars etc. is spot on. (Although I do have a little personal reservation regarding caleshes but I don't want to stir up a debate at this point it could be a mine field) The Mercure Inn, not to be confused with the Mercure Corallia is very near to the LUXOR temple and about 3 Km from KARNAK temple. It stands back from the road about 100 yards (showing my age with the mixed distances, sorry) The swimming pool is situated on a slightly raised terrace away from the main hotel. If you walk to your left at the Corniche, the main road that is, you will fall over the temple wall. If you turn right onto the Corniche, cross the road and walk on the river side, walk on until you see the 'Museum of Mumification' It looks like you are about to enter a subway. They will usually let you take video in there.
If you walk on, you will see the Corallia on the opposite side of the road and on your right, the local people still call it the 'ETAP' that is where Yaseen will be lurking

I am new to this forum so I am not sure as to the best way of posting you some piccies. Perhaps you should send me a private e-mail and include your own e-mail and I will post them to you direct, I think that is OK but appologies to all if I am breaking some sort of protocol

I am just thinking, that way you don't have to give your e-mail to the world! Another place you must not miss is the 'Luxor Museum' it has recently been extended and it is something that I think they have really got spot on. The statues have to be seen to be believed they are magnificent. There is also another recent section with a couple of mummies and various artifax (bronze battle axe) the gold 'flies of valor' are superb. A wonderful collection of war bows and arrows, a chariot and some stuff belonging to Tutahnkamun. There are statues of the 'heretic' Pharoah Akhenaton and a display showing the 'Talatat' blocks that were perculiar to his style of building. I have to say though that the labelling on some items in the display cases showing heads and crowns are a bit miss-leading in giving wrong info for that particular exibit. It is gloriously cool inside and really peaceful, an evening visit is nice. If you decide to walk to the museum, on your way back, stay on the Nile side of the road and look out for a shop with a board outside saying something like 'No Hassle come inside' It is OK to go in, they do try a little hassle but nothing like
outside. As you approach your hotel, if you are still on the river side of the road look to your left and you will see an entrance to a bazaar, have a walk through to the end (hassle galor) then walk back again the same way (double hassle) untill you find your way about a little better, it could be a bit confusing if you carried on through the bazaar.
When are you all going ? We (my better half and I) will be in Luxor ourselves in either late September or early October.
Oh nearly forgot, yes there are things to see on Crocodile Island
'A Crocodile'

If it is still there that is.
The island is small enough to walk around in 45 mins easily. The other NOT TO MISS is 'The Fellahs Tent' this is an Egyptian evening set outside in the Movenpick gardens, you get a fellucca ride, followed by a meal, lots of entertainment with stick dancers and snake charmer (don't worry they wont come near you) and belly dancer (who does).