Just to give a little background on FlyJet,
Flyjet is a small independant airline bases mainly at Gatwick, with only two planes, however they want to expand.
The problem with FlyJet is the small number of aircraft they operate and the large numbers of flights in a day.
Have you contacted FlightLine and FlyJet about what you experienced, i happen to know they have a very good customer services department?
Just days before we flew we were told by cosmos that our flight was changed to flyjet (who are flyjet we thought?) Then we were told none of our paid for gifts would come!!!

This is just the start. On arrival at Manchester airport we heard that we would have a 4 hour delay because of technical problems. So we had lost our first day of the holiday.
We finally boarded the plane and i overheard the air hostesses saying "do you know where the pringles are on the duty free trolley" and the other saying "no i have never flown with these before". Added to that as we started our descent into las palmas the pilot said "we will start our descent into tenerife" then corrected himself.
We had a great 2 weeks holiday in Gran Canaria and forgot all of this. And after 2 weeks it was just time for us to go home and we were ready for it. But we weren't ready for the later!
We arrived at the airport at 6:30pm for our 9:15pm flight on Monday. In the queue we were passed a note saying we would have an "unconfirmed" 7 hour delay due to yet another technical fault (you have to worry about that). So we got to the checkin desk around 7:30pm and were told the plane would leave at 2:30 am. We had no choice but to advance into the departure lounge and wait as this 2:30 flight was again "unconfirmed". So we got in and received vouchers for 12 euros worth of food at Burger King etc. Then we were told that the plane was still in Manchester being fixed and would be told in 10 mins (remember this 10 mins) that we would find out weather the plane would get here or not. We all slept at the airport for an hour or so before being disturbed by 3 more flights in 20 mins one of those had been delayed 1 hour. So when they had gone word went round that we would be given info at 11:30, 2 hours after being told it would be 10 minsso at 11:30 we trotted along to the info desk and were told they had no information and given a further 9 euros to spend in airport restaurants.
At 12:00 the screens showed we would leave at 6:30 am on Tuesday!!! Then evry 2 hours until 4 am we saw a rep who sed they had no info weather the plane would leave manchester before the 2:30 am flight kurfew! at 2 am we all realised this plane wasn't going to leave and we heard accomodation was FINALLY being sorted out. So at 4am 2 hours later a rep turns up and says we would get accomodation and buses were outside. Also we were told we could "if we wanted" take our luggage or leave it. Most left the luggage and boarded the busesso 40 mins sat on the bus passed and we were told by yet another rep that we couldn't leave the baggage and we had to go and collect it! so we did in 20 mins.
Then the buses left for the 5* hotel 30 mins down the road. We got there and all 232 passenges were stood outside the hotel and told to wait on the ROAD!!! so we did and as one bus drove away we geard "WOAHHH" and people panicked. Turns out this was just the bus nearly driving over someones foot however the driver left with a black eye.
30 mins stood outside the hotel and nothing so people being English we all marched into the hotel 232 suitcases clicking and people shouting, kids crying. We got in the hotel and the rep was stood on his mobile looking worried saying "you must get us these rooms". 2 hours of screaming/shouting/crying/vomitting of people we got the first people receiving rooms. But they came back saying believ it or not "the room key is fine BUT there was an old woman sleeping in the bed"!!! So we got our room at 6:30 am and were told buses would pick us up at midday and that a breakfast would be prepared at 10am. So a two hour sleep later we had a horrible breakfast in a very nice 5* hotel and at 12 got a bus to the airport and at 3pm flew home without any trouble.
I was so glad to get home after all the trouble!
Only two aircraft with them and both always broken!
I have to say I flew with Flyjet last summer to Lanzarote and there were no problems whatsoever going out or comming home maybe I was very lucky!!

When i was crew, we never used to know which cart the pringles were on bcos they get changed round by the caterers!
ALSO: It is very very easy to get the destination wrong on the PA, when you fly to different places every day you dont think about where your going to be honest, everyone does it!
and finally all airlines a/c have tech problems, and they reguarly get swopped over for a difefrent a/c wihtout the pax knowledge. Its only prvelant when the airline only have a small fleet of a/c, as in FJE's case.
A great holiday (1st in 4 years) ruined for myself, my wife and 2 young children because the airline didn't give a damn about it's passengers

as sevral have said on this forum,especially mattyGTFC delayed for 19 hours without one word from flyjet spokesperson at any time to say what was happening,arrived at airport to check in (only booked flights) to meet fellow passengers on package holidays had been informed this flight would not be leaving that night by holiday reps,but flyjet did not get in touch with passengers at any time with info ,advice stay clear,track record speaks for its self,to think i could of come back on an earlier flight with the people i went out with (first choice)which ran on time.
We also had a problem coming back our flight was at 11 at night we arrived back home about 6:30am because we got delayed again.
Flyjet is a horrible company the seats in the plane are so uncomfy they wouldn't adjust so it wasn't fun for my dad who has aurtheratis (excuse the spelling). never again would i fly with them.
sorry to hear about your problems with flyjet but what can you expept their do all the gran canaria islands, plus egypt, and a few more places with just TWO Planes in there fleet, so thats the knock on effect its bound to have for delays ,upsets, anger,, and the problem is there are getting away with all this...... I know for a fact our first flight out flyjet had to borrow staff from another airline who had already flown that day and had to get permission to extend there flying hours that was also another knock on effect for returning passengers from Tenerife; but we had four hour delay before this happened at Gatwick,
I know for a fact our first flight out flyjet had to borrow staff from another airline who had already flown that day
Please could you explain and give more details.
They may have flown some FJE crew down from MAN, but theres no way they borrowed staff from someone else believe me, it dosent and isnt allowed to happen.
for one the crew were not wearing flyjet uniforms, and were not english,so whatever went on that day you tell me, but there were NOT flyjet crew or staff.
Flew out to Corfu with Monarch (no delay - don't know why everybody knocks them so much - we have only a ever had a couple of minor delays with them and the staff are professional and nice) came back with Flyjet - dreadful! All the airlines were having some delay because of air traffic congestion but Flyjet was 3 hours - the longest. I knew that they were a small outfit and I knew this would happen but they use what ever happens to be going on in general to cover the own ineptitude. Worst was as we getting on the flight one of the cabin crew said to me "please hurry and take you seat, as we don't want to miss our slot" I was not doing my Brian the Snail impression and told him that as we had been delayed for 3 hours already by the airline I had no intention of being the cause of any further delays. I can't believe he had the nerve to chivvy me along after they had kept us waiting 3 hrs. Never, ever again!
Was the flight where you believe crew were borrowed a flight out of france?? Over the winter flyjet had a contract with axis airways flying out of various french destinations. These so called 'borrowed crew' were reps from axis airways. They were not part of the operating crew. They were there purely to ensure the service was followed the axis airways way and only dealt with onboard sales and customer comments. They had nothing to do with onboard safety.

I am glad someone has answered my question about flyjet and borrowed other crew members from diffirent airlines, question answered and thanks sully for the answer. i knew they were not english plus diffirent uniforms, i would never fly with such a two bit outfit ever again and we go away 2/3 times a year and never had such a bad time as that, ever,
It may well be that it was another airline brought in to operate the aircraft on Flyjets behalf.
Kind Regards
Panicking now - have booked to go to Turkey with them in September as they had good flight times.
hope your lucky,..... funny we are going to Turkey the end of May but NOT with flyjet .

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