Your choice of location is excellent. This is a very good area to invest your money as it is inland and so away from the costly coastal developments. There is nothing wrong with the coast at all and i for one would certainly not knock it. However, the prices have risen and so developers are moving inland.
BUT BEWARE!!! A lot of developers sell off-plan and they do not even have a building license which means they cannot build. Alot of developers are good honest people but you have to do a lot of research before deciding. Get full details of the developer and check them out.
If you are interested in buying and are ready, then the first thing you do before anything is get yourself a good lawyer. That is crucial before anything. People do not get lawyers at first to save money but a short term fix only causes a long term problem. I have recommended my lawyer on this web site before and I will do it again if you PM me. WHY? For no financial gain whatsoever to myself but to give people a chance to start correct. My lawyer is not the first lawyer I have used!!! It took time and cost me alot of money to find the one I wanted and thats after six years!!! A good lawyer will check out the company, the agent, the land, the build time, the mortgage, everything. They give you a fixed price and thats it. If my lawyer cannot help you because he is not familiar with inland developments as they carry different criteria to coastal properties, then he will recommend an inland lawyer for you.
Your choice of area is close to Granada airport and is also only around an hour or so from Malaga airport so thats excellent.
What is the name of the developer?
Do not be put of by agents and people saying they earn 10% commission. It is true, they do in some cases but alot of the time they have to collaborate with other agents and so split the commissions. You can negotiate a discount on anything- off-plan or re-sale it does not matter. At the end of the day you are the client who holds all the aces, not the other way around.
So have no fear and go and explore, its a fantastic experience and if you do your research, a very profitable one!!
Good luck