They do not speak english or even Spanish How on earth can you order
Same way as you order when not speaking Spanish and going into a Spanish restaurant

fingers and sign language
All the Chinese restaurants I have been in Beni, have the menu in English as well as other languages.
I can only speak from my own experiences of staying in Benidorm, and trying out a few of these restaurants.
I`ve gone in with the hubby at dinnertime, especially when the weather has been cold and we are on H/B basis, and we have had 2 x 3 course meals for just over £5 with the set menu of the day...this has included soup, main meal, icecream or coffee and then whilst you are waiting to pay the bill, they bring you a tot of "chinese" shnapps.(spel?)
I don`t know how they survive or do it for that price.. well, I do now

meat falling off the back of a lorry
I have my own theory..... that if you think it is good, then you will be enticed to go in the evenings when the menu is a lot more expensive and splash out.
The Chinese are a very austere race and quite shy, they sometimes appear devoid of all emotion (probably living in a communist country that instills it in to them) but, I have always found them very polite, efficient and apologetic....I wouldn`t like to cross one with a meat carver in his hand though
If there`s any good to come out of all this, it will be that the Spanish authorities, not only in the province of Valencia, but throughout the country, will appear to be more strict with them regarding their hygiene and meat suppliers, especially as Europe is in the grips of the "bird flu" propaganda, it couldn`t have happened at a better/worse time

.....that can only be good for the tourists.
As far as the amount of Chinese restaurants and Chinese shops that are in Benidorm.....I personally would kick the majority of them out tomorrow....I don`t mind a few, but when the shops are nearly on every street corner, all selling the same cr@p,

then the Spanish authorities need to do something about it, but they only have themselves to blame, they opened the floodgates and let them in, to take over a SPANISH resort.
besos xxx