Im not too sure but im interested to see what the replies are because im thinking of going this november for my birthday. going in less than 2 weeks also
PS i think the weather should be ok because a lot of package holidays usually start from november and end in april
How strange- I was sure I had replied to this already!
I always use this for information. I find it usually very accurate. (and you can have a look at their photos at the same time!)
I am sure you will find perfect weather in November!
hi becky we have been to goa in november for the last few years in the last four years i have never even seen a cloud i always get my son to tx me the next 5 days weather and can honestly say it is always better than he tells me............yummymummy for your birthday for goa the weather is brill .........if you do get there we will have a beer or 5
we went on nov 5th married in the morning & flew off to goa,in the early evening.
it was that hot,i had to have blisters cut off my upper arms,they were that big.was only out in it,for a couple of was a hard lesson learnt
the weather will be fantastic,i'm sure!
I've been for two weeks last November and the whole month the year before. I think the weather is lovely then and all the fields/plants still look lush/fresh from the monsoon rains. It's so good to escape the Christmas build up in the UK but depressing when you go back to the cold/dark nights and constant christmas carols. Stay longer!
Been going in November for years and the weather has always been great except for last year. We were there for 3 weeks - half cloudless sunshine, half overcast but still hot, and occasional rain at night.
I think that was a one off and am going again in November 06!
We would like to try goa in november as well. I think the weather should be good? probably not as warm as later in the season but I am sure it will be fine.
Ive also heard the main resorts arent as busy if you go in November? Would anyone agree with that.