you do the drinks upgrade direct at reception on arrival, word from the wise on that one though. if you arrive before 12 midday wait til past midday otherwise you pay for an extra day somehow??!! you do get use of the all inclusive til midday on day of departure though. we have in the past paid for the last day also when we were on a midnight departure from the hotel.
enjoy your holiday
Cheers so that would be 37 Euros a day for 2 adults and a kid. Is that Right. Is it worth it do ya reckon. I only seem to drink about 4 to 5 Pints on a night.
Ive emailed the hotel and they tell me its 13 euros per day per adult and 8 euros per day per child. Ive been to Fiesta hotels before and their drinks are not cheap (last year 3.65 euros for nearly but not quite a pint of local beer)

Ive found the rules and regs regard the upgrade try this link:
Hope info helps and I hope you drink as much free booze as I expect to

I've just had a reply from Fiesta Cala Nova Hotel at Es Cana.
Just got back. I went for the All Inclusive instead which was about 34 euros for 2 adults and a child
if you ae staying in any fiesta hotel you will be given a book,this is not a meal card ok.this book if you read it will get you discounts in many at the end of your stay.get it stamped with the fiesta points on the 2nd cannot use them if its your 1st stay,,,but next time you can,,,like all points the more you get the better the if you have 14 can have the room longer by cashing them in..a point for everyday= 2 people for 2 weeks will get 28 you can use any fiesta hotel in the group...some things you have to pay for ie if your near fiestaland in pdb.they have a lot of sports things to do..some are free some you have to pay.....also if you are going out for the day,and to save rushing back for your evening meal.let them know 24hrs before.and you can eat in any hotel on the island (they will let you know if that hotel is possible to do so),,,but you cannot sleep there..this book is the bible PLEASE READ IT......have a good time
Fiesta have always (well for at least 16 years) the facility for you to eat in another hotel of the group (if you arrange it in advance). You have been able to use facilities at other Fiesta hotels as well (again by prior arrangement).
i know i was just letting others know that....i have had many a free hols now with my points....
Lots of people aren't aware of the points scheme which I know has some great rewards and as the Fiesta properties seem to get a lot of return holidaymakers it good to make people aware!
Do you know what the rewards are for certain number of points ? I've misplaced my info leaflet but have 28 points so far and will get another 28 in october at the tanit. Might carry on saving them rather than "cash" in - depends whats on offer!
42 watch or barometre fiesta pack # 4
98 free weeks stay in 3 star hotel but not in july/aug
126 same as above but 4 star.
168 free week in a fiesta hotel group..
this is the 2005 list lost 2006 but ask for one when you get there ok,,
Has anyone taken advantage of this?
As part of a day out to San antonio & other resorts we thought it would be a good idea to continue our all inc package at another fiesta hotel.
We have 3 14yr old girls & a 7 yr old lad so does anyone know of the best fiesta complexesin San an & other resorts .....minus PDB
Some years ago now we stayed at the Cala Nova Fiasta and decided to spend a day at Playa Den Bossa. We used the facilities and had a meal at one of the large Fiesta Hotels on the front (The Algarb I think it was). If I recall correctly though we had to notify the Cala Nova about our intentions and they contacted the other hotel to expect us.
spent the night there till last bus back to st e.then another bus to ibiza town and pdb...but since then i have done this a few times and treated myself to a taxi..
also make sure you carry the booklet they give you when you check it as well....full of info and more.
working my way now to another free weeks stay get points you can also y=use any other hotels pools
Having read that Club don toni is a salt water pool i must admit .... it sounds a little off putting. We stayed at Parque santiago 111 (tenerife)2005 & that was salt water. The kids hated it & we ended up spending our lazy days at another hotel.
Are there any fiesta hotels near club don toni with fresh water pools?
Thanks again
It's next door to tne Don Toni,
Unfotunately we never used the pool, just prefer the beach.
Sorry, I will ask someone who may know though

you can go into any Fiesta hotel and use the pool area ect.your a member if you staying in one,take your book with you as proof
yes but they want to know if any are NOT salt water
algarb is ok and is don toni.been in both pools
ok I asked someone who has used the bahamas pool and he said he is almost certain it is NOT salt water. His daughter would have complained he said , because she hates salty water.

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