Last October I was on Holiday in Crete and had a motor bike accident where I obtained injuries such as Swelling on my brain and Broken Ribs injuries to my back legs and feet.
I was hospitalized for 4 days due to these injuries.
I was admitted to hospital in Herakilon, where I have bills at the price of €2096 plus additional charges for 2 different hospitals where I did receive the best of care, bills of €2000 since i came home to receive the medical care that i need.
The Accident:
The accident happened on the morning of the in gone October where I was the passenger of a motor bike.
I do not remember anything as of my injuries I sustained.
My travels companions told me that the police were at the scene of the accident, but there is no police report.
When I woke up that morning in my friends apartment I was very sore and had no idea I was in a accident only a few hours before, I had bandages on my back, shoulders legs and ankles and that was clear evidence that something serious had happened to me as i looked down to see my blood soaked clothes. My friend told me that I need to go back to the hospital to check my cut and bruises and pains as I was hysterical and would not stay in over night.
When I got to the Clinic in crete the doctors examined me and asked me how were my stitches, again I was unaware I was suddenly in the most agonising pain and still confused dazed I really thought it was all a bad dream. The doctor then told me that I will need to go by ambulance to Heraklion and again no one was telling me what was wrong with me.
I arrived in Herakilon (afraid) to the main hospital where I was examined straight away, then rushed in to get X-rays and admitted to the hospital ward, when I arrived on the ward I was again alone had no understanding of my condition all I knew was that I was in extreme amount of pain, within 20mins I was taken out of my bed and brought to another clinic by ambulance to get a scan where it confirmed the swelling on my brain, I was then brought back to the ward and where I lay in shock, I was so upset just thinking that only a few hours ago I could of died still could not believe any of this was happening to me.
While I was travelling around from one hospital to another my friend was contacting the insurance company to report my accident and they told her everything is ok and that she has given them all the information that they need in order to help me, then my friends left and flew home where I lay alone in the hospital bearing the fact that the insurance company told my friend to tell me not to worry.
I then received a phone call from the insurance company, and I do not remember the conversation but what I do remember I came off the phone crying as they kept asking me to remember the accident, during this stay in hospital no one approached me or informed me that I need to get a receipt of the bike hire and that they can not sort out anything for me till they need written evidence that a bike was hired, helmets were worn and a driver licence was given.
The interpreter told me that I need to rest and not deal with any calls from the insurance company but they kept calling and badgering me.
the insurance company called me again and I broke down in tears where the interpreter had to intervene and tell them if they need any information to please contact him and that he will assist you.
While in the hospital I was treated with the best care, but still lay in my bed depressed and worried about everything but everyone around me were telling me not to worry everything is fine and will be sorted, and that I need to concentrate on getting better.
The doctor came to see me and told me everyday that I can not go home as I was not well enough and the swelling hadn't gone down.
The interpreter got in touch with the holiday Representative and she came and visited me and told me that there was only one more direct flight to Ireland and that I need to get that flight at the weekend or I will have to do a lot more travelling to get back home.
She got in contact with the interpreter to find out if I was able to fly, they also contacted the insurance company and asked if they will pay for my ticket but I heard no word from them and the travel agents was closing in Dublin and my sister had to book me a flight home on the off chance that the doctor will let me fly.
The morning of the Due to fly home day the doctor said that I should be out that night but had to keep a close eye on me for the day.
10minutes before I was due to leave the hospital the receptionist received a call from the INSURANCE company telling me that they are happy with all evidence and will pay for my ticket home and the receptionists told them that I was already flying home and leaving with an escort for the airport in 10mins.
When I arrived at the airport I was lucky that I made a friend while in Greece as he escorted me in my wheelchair through customs where I was left sitting alone in the airport with my bags, with no help from anyone on the other end till a lady from Ireland seen me trying to hobble to the toilet told the air crew that no one was looking after me, and suddenly I was brought aboard the plane were they carefully look after me.
When I arrived into Cork Airport I was in too much pain to travel any more and my sister book us into a hotel where I rested for the night, the next day we drove from Cork to Dublin, I had no pain killers or any such drug to help ease the discomfort.
few days later I received a phone call from the insurance company asking me did I pay for the bills and flights myself and I replied I did, then they told me that its out of their hands now and that I have to contact their insurance people in Ireland (claims Board in Ireland), I felt they were extremely rude to me and really couldn't of cared less.
Then I contacted the claims board in Ireland and they apologised that they treated me like that and informed me that all I need to do was send my bills and details and to stop worrying as I got very upset reliving the whole experience again.
A few weeks later I got a call from a very demanding Person from the insurance company telling me that I need evidence that the bike was hired and the cc of the bike and helmets were worn, I told her that this information was given already and she said they do not have any record, she ended up being very nasty and it hurt me a lot, so I broke down in work on the phone. All the phones calls that I received from Ireland and the UK offices were heart wrenching and they showed that they didn't care, as the both offices were asking for different things and that they were not passing information on from one office to the other, different people were asking brand new questions any time I called.
A few weeks later I got all the bills and everything in order and was about to send them away when I decided to call the Claims board in Ireland just to double check that I had everything they needed and I spoke to a different person and she asked me if I have sent any forms in and I told her that I did not receive any and again I was treated rudely and abrupt. I sent of all forms and bills by register post and received a letter later telling me that they do not pay for Phone calls made during the stay in the in the hospital or pay for Bed and breakfast and that they need was a copy of my private medical insurance which I don't have, so I decided to call the Claims board here and informed them that I do not have any private medical insurance, and the assistant told me that everything was fine and that I should receive a cheque in 3 to 5working days, I asked her was she telling me that everything was being settled and she said yes, I replied to her telling her that she doesn't know happy I am at this moment of time.
3 to 5 Working days later, I received a letter thinking it was my cheque, but it was another letter telling me that they will not pay me anything till they have the information of written evidence from the bike shop and taken back that little bit of happiness I had for those few days.
I called them and asked them why and they said they can not do anything else for me and basically im wasting my time talking to them as they kept referring that the decision was made and that's what they have been instructed from the UK office.
I then asked them to give me the UK office number and decided enough is enough I wanted answers.
I called the office and I spoke with someone, he listened and he could not help me and said that he will get someone to call me within the hour and tell me something, I received a call from the UK office an hour later telling me that they will look into the case and inform me of the progression, I told her that if she could possible call me once a week and just let me know if they can get any where, I did not receive any calls I waited a month and I called back and she informed me that my closed is being closed and they will not do anything as they can not get any information from the Bike hire shop. I asked for the reason why they cant get in touch and she then told me that the numbers were invalid, I got the details back from her and used my head.
I contact another bike shop and asked them do they know of this bike shop and they told me the name of the owner of the shop and were he still has a shop open as he closed up his 2 shops were which the bike was hired recently. Clear evidence that the agents in Greece did not take my case serious enough to try a different approach like I did.
I then tried to contact the Insurance company and spoke to a different representative and she told me that this was a serious problem the agent did not investigate properly if I was able to obtain and track down the exiting bike shop and I kept asking her that same question. She told me that this was not my job and that I do not need to do this as I was the victim, she then told me that she will set an alarm on her calendar so she can give me a call back in 3days, I did not receive a call so I called back on the 4th day and she was not available anytime I called, I then contact someone else and told them the situation and again they listened and I still got no where, he told me to wait another few days and he was sure that someone will contact me, but I still was not contacted I tried to call again, which brings to this mornings call where again I was treated rudely and basically the out come of the call was I had no other choice than go to Greece myself to get this information that they could not get. I don't belive I should have to go through the whole ordeal again as im depressed run down not sleeping all the time worrying about the accident that I was a victim of and this is the way I get treated after paying my holiday insurance.
But I really don't know what I can do, but im determined to try even if
I cant remember.
It breaking my heart to think of this every day and ruling my life.
Im depressed
No help from the Greek Police as there is no report
Do I fly to Crete relive my nightmare all over again just to do someone elses job.
My god what a nightmare, i think this is a scenario that everybody hopes they will never have to endure. how these companys can treat people like this, i do not know.which insurance company did you use? what i dont understand is why theyneed bike hire evidence so badly, why not just pay out and chase them themselves, its not huge sums of money involved they could easily absob the losses themselves. The only advice i can give is to try contacting the ombudsman
08450801800, not sure if they can help you, but its worth a try.
Good luck, let us know how you get on.
Were you riding pillion on the back of a motorcycle? What you might need to be aware of, is that in many countries, this is illegal...and if the motorbike did not have the proper seat and foot pegs, and you weren't wearing a helmet, you also wouldn't be covered by any insurance.
I'm also unclear about why your 'friends' contacted the insurance company offices in the UK, if you are resident in Ireland...they really do seem to have done their best to muck it all up for you!
I have to ask with regards to insurance etc. where the hell were your friends? I know they went home and that's fair enough because insurance wouldn't cover them to stay, not being related and all. But they could have sorted all this out for you from the UK. Where was the rep, why did she not turn up until you'd been in hospital for a number of days?
I'm really sorry the insurance was so much trouble but you should not have been having to do this communicating yourself. Things were not clear and having to have an interpreter makes it worse but it's not only the insurers who were at fault here if you ask me. When things like this happen everyone should pull together.
Warning -- Although mopeds are the vehicle of choice in Greece, especially on the islands, be aware that there is a Greek law (prompted by a huge number of accidents) requiring that anyone driving a moped must have a motorcycle license. Agencies offering moped rentals rarely tell tourists this because very few tourists have motorcycle licenses. This makes for a whirlwind of troubles if an accident occurs and you are not a licensed motorcycle driver. You will not be covered by insurance and will have broken the law.
The insurers unfortunately haven't had an easy time of it either because it's been difficult for them to get the information they require.
However, with regard to helping you my only advice is to deal with the insurance company via a third party. Maybe a solicitor, perhaps a family member or work colleague even. You are too emotionally involved and as a consequence your explanations are perhaps not as clear as the insurance company demand.
My experience of ins. companies (limited to motor claims in this country and sorting out my father's hospitalization in Florida 5-6 years back) has taught me that if they can avoid paying-out they will. Delay works in their favour even though the admin. is increased as a result of letter writing.
I'm puzzled by the actions immed. after the accident and again after initial admission to hospital. Sandc makes the point that the police may not have submitted the report for lack of interest. It may also be that the party at fault (if there was anyone at fault) is a Crete resident and they "brushed the matter under the table".
The hospital should surely have sedated you when you refused to remain in their charge - your friends should have calmed your fears and one should have stayed with you at all times during your stay - that's what friends do.
Enlist the help of someone who can construct a clear and precise letter and chase the insurance company warning them you will involve the ombudsman should they not pursue your claim. I'm concerned that should you provide the renter's details (by travelling to Crete) the insurer may simply ask for something else to delay.
In cases of hospitalisation and accidents it should have been referred to the insurance company themselves, and I'm rather dismayed for you that your tour operator rep appeared to do nothing to help with this. This sort of stuff is part of their job, but unfortunately some reps are much more efficient and will go out of their way for guests than others. I do strongly suspect your problems stemmed from not having someone to straight away make the correct decisions and make the right phone calls.
For instance, you should have been repatriated and should not have had to sort any of this out yourself. My brother spent 7 weeks in intensive care last year as he got ill in France on his honeymoon. When he eventually came home he was escorted by ambulance to the airport, he flew first class and had a doctor with him for the journey, he was met by an ambulance in the UK and transported to the local hospital.
If your rep or friends had taken control of these areas you would have had the same sort of treatment, after all even the cheapest travel insurance covers your for £3million worth of medical costs.
I really am so sorry once again for what you've been through and just very glad that you are here to tell the tale, you don't need the extra hassle.
EDIT: Empress Mittens ... Private Messages from other members are precisely that, and must not be copied in the forums for all to read.
David HT Mod
It's now late at night, and maybe I have missed it, but name and shame your insurance company
And no, I don't work for an insurance company...

I just think Survivor should thank her lucky stars she survived this type of accident - remember, Ozzy Osbourne nearly didn't - and just try to recover her health and stay well away from Quad bikes in the future!
And none of this excuses the behaviour of survivor's so called friends in all of this.
A sorry tale of warning to all of us in this I'm afraid.
Post removed.
Regarding the PM which was removed - there was nothing in it they could be deemed 'private' - only information that contradicted what Survivor had already posted, and I don't know why she didn't reply directly on here

sorry, above should read 'hinderance rather than help'
I hope that reading your experience will perhaps make other people stop and think before they take off on motorised equipment of any sort, without the necessary experience, legal documents and INSURANCE.
If you were riding without insurance or without the correct license, then SORRY, you are legally at fault. You were of sound mind (ie not drunk or taking drugs) when you got on the machine. I regret that whilst what happened was horrific and I do feel for you, it cannot be considered to be anyone's 'fault' (not perhaps the best word, sorry) but your own.
May you help other people to reconsider the value of life and all the good things it has to offer before they hop on a bike/quad/moped etc.
Please try to see that I am not being judgemental - though it may sound like it, and that is certainly not the manner in which this post is intended to be read -but solely objective.
Get well soon - and seek counselling for healing the psychological aspects of your crash and hospitalisation so that these horrible memories can be relegated to the back of the mind's filing cabinet.
I've also learned that sometimes not all the relevant facts are included by the original poster requiring our help. I offered what little advice I could based upon the original post. It now transpires that maybe certain very relevant facts were left out - I'll assume survivor simply didn't think them to be important rather than this being any attempt to mislead.
In a perfect world all relevant information would be provided at the outset and all help sought would be given based upon that full knowledge.
Alas, this is not a perfect world more's the pity.
What exactly is the law in Greece with regards to driving licences and hiring vehicles. I thought that it was within the law to hire scooters and mopeds with an ordinary car licence. Isn't it only the motorbikes with engine capacity above a certain cc that need a motorbike licence?
If you intend to hire a moped you should be aware that they would require a valid driving licence with at least category A1 - 'light motorcycle` for this purpose. Category P, which is valid in the UK for driving mopeds up to 50cc is not valid in Greece. Greek law requires you to wear a crash helmet on a scooter, moped or motorcycle.
Quad bike riders require a full-face helmet (or non-full-face helmet plus goggles) under Greek law. Road insurance and a motorcycle licence are also mandatory.
I would like to inform those of you, that i had the correct insurance that would cover me, the only thing the insurance company are looking for is the CC of the bike that was hired, due to the insurance company dragging their heels when the accident had happened and did not try and contact the bike shop till Jan, the bike shop had packed up and moved on for the off peek season, due to the poor response from the INSURANCE im left with this bill, especially when i was told while in the hospital that they will cover everything to this statement i have a witness that i can bring before the judge.
the insurance that i bought covered me for this type of accident it just makes me wonder if i had of died do you think my family would be dealing with this.

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