This is all new to me, but I was in Cancun during hurricane Wilma and totally agree with your comments.
You had to be there to know how badly the tour operators really treated the tourists and what it was actually like. We were held in a 10 screen cinema complex which collapsed around us and nearly killed around 100 people trapped in a corridor, at one stage we were told to get on our knees and pray for our lives.
One thing I will say is the Mexicans were fantastic and even put there lives at risk to protect the tourists, shame the UK tour operators were nowhere in sight !!
Like you I have also had problems trying to get anything from Thomsons even after 3 letters. I also tried the ABTA and also a solicitor who is dealing with Wilma claims but haven't had much joy.
It would be good to know how other people have got on with compensation.
Bets Regards