150% compensation?!
and i thought only Judith Chalmers gets PAID to go on holiday!!!
A lot of people seem driven by greed here, at least you all got home to Xmas and NY in your comfortable homes. Never mind the Mexicans clearing up, still waiting for us lovely Brits to return there to boost their economy
Also I get the feeling that reps should be trained to deal in the aftermaths of earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and bombings. Brits need someone to shout at in these unplanned disasters!
Or perhaps we should put robots on the front line to deal with these people. I know if a major disaster happened at my work there would be mass panic, from me included, we are only human.
trevor macdonalds program tonite is about compensation,someone earlier in this thread mentioned that hurricane wilma would be covered,we will have to wait and see,thanks kev
Doesn't this prove that when these Companies are challenged by the Media they will almost always back down and offer compensation.
Pity the program was not on for longer.
After much consideration and debate with my fellow admin we have decided to clean this topic an reopen it. The members involved in personal attack on others will find themselves with a strike issued and possibly a ban.
Thompsons are one of the best companys around.
And i dont think it really proves anything.
Cant say any more as you know what will happen
Don't let that put any of you off in chasing your claims...keep on at your Tour Operators through your solicitors because I am sure you will get higher refunds than you've already been offered.
The programme touched on the fact that people were still being sent to Mexico despite all the hurricane warnings and will regenerate pressure on the Operators to review their position.
Good luck to all of you.
they are certainly one of the biggest, part of the german TUI group but were you in mexico as one of Thomsons customers? I was and they totally failed us in respect of 'duty of care owed'. One particular Thomson manager threatened 150 guests with armed guards if we didnt get off the coach at a derelict school. I will pursue Thomsons for compensation, a company as big as they are should have proper procedures in place to deal with such disasters.
May be you should volunteer to show them what they should have done or do in the future.
Its easy to lay blame after the event.
but may be its not so easy to know what to do in the middle of a hurricane.
I think they should make all travellers signe a waiver accepting responsability for their own safety if they insist on going to these places knowing ther is a good chance of this happening.
I wonder how many would still travel ?
after all you dont have to go there they dont make any one get on a plane,you choose where you travel they just supply transport and acc.

I'd definitely pursue your claim if I were you. I don't know what date you travelled on but I'm assuming it was at a time when Thomsons knew that the hurricane was imminent. As was said before, and repeated on the TV program last week, they should have cancelled your flight and offered you an alternative holiday if you flew out on the 18 October or later.
According to earlier posts, there's a solicitor dealing with claims like yours. Why not contact him? He seems to be confident he has a very strong case.
There's a handful of people on this forum who really don't want people like you to get a fair amount of money back. I don't know why. Go ahead and push your claim, and good luck.
This topic is posted under the heading Holiday Complaints. In my opinion it needs locking. If someone posts details of a complaint then members do try where possible to help. It does seem that anyone who posts any comment other than one that agrees with some of the posters is wrong. That we are on the side of the TO. Far from it, if a complaint is genuine then go ahead with your action against them. That is your right. Anyone who posts a reply is only giving a personal opinion. That is of no use at all. A Court of Law is not interested in what I and others think I do feel that this topic is being used for other than a request for advice. A similar post was used to trawl for people to join in a class action. This site has the services of someone who is a leading authority - Ros Fernihough - I am sure that a call to her will quickly solve your problem. The report on Trevor McDonald was even handed and can see neither side taking comfort from what was reported. They did not give details of why the parties mentioned had been compensated the amount they had. I am aware that the topic was locked as some replies offended. Well I am offended by what, in my opinion, is an attempt to use HT for an ulterior motive. Sorry if that offends but I am expressing my own personal opinion. I have found HT of great help over the years and do not like to see it used for personal agendas.
One of my posts was one of those which was "cleaned up" i.e. removed. All I did was ask if salsa1 had got his or her 150% compensation as unfortunately I was unable to watch the Trevor McDonald programme.
I may have asked it a little bit tounge in cheek but I genuinely wanted to know as I had been following the thread with interest. Far more controversial things have remained on here than my post.
It does seem that anyone who doesn't agree 100% with the claimants is penalised.
me to
I still feel that this topic should remain open for those people. Those who weren't involved with the situation don't need to post in here if they don't choose to.
Regards Stevie
I know that Ros Fernihough has had a lot of calls regarding this situation and, as she specialises in Travel Law and only deals with travel issues she is well qualified to give advice.
Hi Glynis I have been in touch with Ros Fernihough in November and i was informed by one of her team that it would be hard to to prove that the Tour Operators did anything wrong and that they acted within the FCO guide lines .
Personally myself I believe the tour operators hid behind the excuse that Mexico was under Civil Guard rule and there hands where tied.
A lot of people ask me whether i would go back ,well yes I would .Mexico and its people are wonderful .I do hope they are able to rebuild their lives and homes .
The Natural world can be a volatile place and you never know from one day to the next or from one place to the next what can happen.Yesterday there was an earhquake off the coast of Greece and it was felt by most of the Southern Med Countries .Will it stop people travelling there ,no and it shouldnt. Natural disasters happen all over the world .
To the people who said that you shouldnt travel to Mexico because its hurricane season lighten up.Just remember L.A.,Florida ,Asia Greece and yes UK are all at risk by the power of nature.
Regards Stevie
Hi i didn't say you shouldn't travel to these countrys.But that you should take responsability for the choice you make,knowing full well the odds that hurricanes hit these places at that time of year. It happens every year.
Maybe this topic is best left for those who did travel and have had problems for them to discuss any developements.
Those who weren't involved with the situation don't need to post in here if they don't choose to.
I chose to reply
but wont any more on this topic.
May be you should list the topics that it is okay to reply to or is it not a public forum.
Of course it's a members forum Kmba. I am aware however that things are going round in circles.

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