Everyone on the booking has to take the AI option. It is a card system. You either get an extra card for the AI or AI is stamped on your cruise card.
Curious if they have Bailey's (or imitation Bailey's) on the Celebration. We're thinking about the red sea cruise next month.
Yes real Baileys but it carries a 90p supplement on AI package.
Yes I agree with Liverpool Lou as that's what it was on the Spirit. However Drambuie was included without a supplement.
Try the "Baileys Comet" a coctail they do- this is included in the AI option too
I am travelling on the spirit next year and they are offering a drinks package for £780 for 2 adults and 2 children for a 14 day cruise, can anyone let me know how much drinks are on the spirit so that I can work out if this is good value or not.
Also does anyone know what is included in the drinks package or if there are any restrictions
justinep, i posted some drinks prices from the emerald this year, on the destiny forum page 44 i think, i believe the prices are the same on all the thomson ships as the bar prices brochure just says thomson cruises.

The soft drinks for children tend to be £1.25ish. There is no way you would get me paying £780 for 2 adults and 2 children.
£780 is working out slightly less than this.
Personally I like AI option, just for the convenience, especially with the kids.
They would go for Hot Chocolate in the mornings and then again in the afternoon, then could go and get their own soft drinks throughout the day, without me worrying how much of a bill they were running up. The only thing I don't like is that you can't get still water. You can get soda, but not still

You need a lot of fluids in the summer, there were a few people keeling over with the heat when we were away last year and you really need at least one bottle of water a day - it is a shame they don't include it, just for health reasons.
For Adults, I suppose it depends on what you drink and how often. You can get coffee & Tea and water / fruit juice at selected times in the buffet restaurants. On my hols I am quite partial to trying the cocktail of the day, and maybe a couple of cold beers in the afternoon, before going for my shower. A couple of glasses of wine with my dinner, maybe another cocktail, after dinner watching the show, and a couple of Gin and Tonics in the Casino.
Maybe I don't spend the full £20 per day, some days I will others I won't, but I am probably not that far off overall. So for conveniece alone its worth it for me.
I must admit though £780 does sound a lot all in one go dosent it. £20 p.day dosent sound as bad, its only around 7/8 alcoholic drinks, or for kids 8 soft drinks (Although my son would be bouncing off the walls if he had 8 cans of pop in a day) With Hot chocolates and Fruit juices its probably less.
Not sure how on earth they work it out what is Premium and whats not.
As I mentioned Still water - You have to pay for.
Baileys - You have to pay a supplement for.
Bombay Sapphire Gin - Included in AI option,
It costs a lot more than Baileys

Cider and bottled beers eg Corona - you have to pay for.
Pringles, Peanuts, Ice Creams - You have to pay for.
Some speciality coffees you pay a supplement for, eg if it has baileys in. Others you don't.
Yes, agree with previous writer, their definition of "premium" is not always logical e.g. drambuie is not considered premium and is included, whilst bailleys is not. No logic there!!
We have been lucky in that most times we have managed to get all inclusive as part of the cruise package, which definately makes it worth it! We have paid before, because we liked the idea of not having to worry about the bill at the end of the cruise, and also I really liked the idea of as many cocktails as you want whilst lying beside the pool.

ps My family were most unhappy the first day of one cruise when I insisted on totting up all the receipts to see if we were getting our money's worth - I gave up after the first day!
We just fill up our existing bottles if going ashore.
On the "premium" it is always worth doing the Xreference, since some cocktails are not included but the individual items may be, so you can DIY.
** Edit - This list came from the Celebration. According to additional information from members, some ships charge a supplement for Baileys while others to do. Please use this list as an indication of prices only. **

Edited by
luci HT Mod
2007-09-01 02:11:15
The price list for drinks on Thomson cruises is very interesting and will certainly help in deciding whether or not to go AI, if it is available.
We travelled on the Celebration last March & Bailey's had NO surcharge. This year we travelled on the Destiny and Bailey's HAD a supplement. The staff on the Destiny reckoned that each of the ship's varied in what they considered to be premium drinks. After paying £140 each we point blank refuse to drink anything that is charging a supplement. Anyway, the drinks prices which are shown in this topic, clearly show that Bailey's does not have a supplement to pay. Does anyone know which ship the drinks menu came from? We are going on the Celebration next Friday & my favourite tipple happens to be Baileys.

Edited by
2007-09-01 08:33:27
Not fair on me though - I'm going on the Desiny now and I'm worried!
Does anyone have a Destiny drinks list??
I have a bar list from the Destiny. I will list the drinks which are charged at a supplement & give you the extra cost. The list was valid in March. Hope it helps.
WHISKY Jameson, Chivas Regal, Glenfiddich, J Walker Black, Jack Daniels
Absolut Vodka, Southern Comfort, Captain Morgan Rum, BAILEYS
Brandy Metaxa £0.35
Courvoiser VSOP £1.25
Remy Martin VSOP £1.80
Hennessey VSOP £2.05
Martel Cordon Bleu £2.55
Armagnac £0.90
Heineken, Bud, Guiness, Corona, Becks, Stella ALL £1.55
Cider £1.45
Barcadi Breezer, Smirnoff Ice ALL £1.90
Cranberry Juice £0.90
Iced Tea £0.90
Perrier £0.95
Still water £0.60 small £1.20 large
All liquer coffee £0.80
Happy Sailing & thanks for the info, I thought the Celebration was different
Strawberry daquiri or Margarita (or lime ones)
Tequila Sunrise
Also, I thought Stella was the AI beer - but your list has it as chargeable. What is the included beer on the list?
Also, are there a variety of wines?

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