got back friday night - 100's brits arrived on the thurs i we were gutted as we had been minority and they made us feel it with the football etc but i guess its all fair and square now.
my room was totally fine - nothing like the photos we had seen - the guy even came in and tuned english channels into tv for us, would say they were better then basic.
they didnt have us booked in and said they were full which we wasnt happy about as an hour odd later the rep sorted it and they miraculously found a room for us!
food was edible but well nicer when you eat out - we tried a few restaurants and they were all good - even ate camel and im a fussy eater but i can say that its well worth a try!
staff are great - even better when they clock off-they completely come out of there shells and have a laugh and little drink before taking you to one of the clubs(if thats your cuppa t) - there aint much really for over 20's except the bar
we went out most days - went visiting villages and having food with berber families - was an eye opener - need lots of loose coins though for tips when you are out sight seeing
wouldnt recommend jet skies - the first one i went on sunk and the other cut out and i was drifting out to sea for around 20 mins before someone came and saved me
beggars galore there but you just say a firm friendly no thanks and they are fine
with regards to the pool if you give the pool man a tip he will save the sun beds for you although he isnt allowed to otherwise they are all taken very early - the beach isnt so bad - if you get there before 10.30 you will have a bed - there are places to lie on lilos on the grass but not too many places
it is cool in you rooms at night - the odd night we were stuffy but theres no need for air con
places i think worth seeing -
kasbah at sun set, petit taxi - ensure they put metre on - if they say its broke get out of taxi - they will soon get it to work!
Tiznit - this is a day journey but you go to a vilage and have lunch - ride on donkeys - visit an oasis - this visit is one of the culture shocks - tiznit has a market and makes laodsa silver jewery
taradaunt - also a cluture shock - this is mini marakesh, same again it has loads of markets - loadsa beggers but take a guide and they will leave you alone
mini sahara - you go out for the day either on 4x4's or mini bus and walk the desert - very hot and you need plenty of water - people with snakes and scorpians - worther a look!
overall the hotel is fine - it is shared with another hotel called the tamlet - id say more people didnt like the food then they liked it but thats up for you all to make your own minds up!
meself - i wouldnt go back next year but i would go back in aroung 5 but i think it will be a completely different place - looads of construction going on - there is also only one english pub which has stopped serving alcohol so those who are into that sort of thing will be gutted.

hope you have a good time we are going to turkey on fri cant wait, will have to wait til may for morocco though
Hope you also have a good holiday
the average weather was around 37-39 degrees but better wether was on the way when we were leaving
we did have a good time - hope you have a ball!!!!!
Don't even think of getting a sunbed unless you get up at 5.00am every morning and if you want a parasol make sure you're at the pool about 9.00am when he's distributing them as the pool men tend to favour the people who tip them every day. That's just not my thing I'm afraid - I'm all for tipping for good service I've received but I don't believe in tipping someone just so I can get something from them.
Hi, just back from occidental caribbean village yesterday evening and what can i say except what an excellent holiday. I have posted my report in the hotel reviews and will post some photos later
Just here to answer a few qs in this thread.
The hotels are side by side, connected by a (constantly open) gate next to the money-exchange. Just imagine that they're on a huge pitch, with 2 entrances and receptions on each side! but they're in the same complex. Each hotel has 2 pools with associated sunbeds/pvc matresses (get v sticky!) but there are some nice grassy areas. I'd recommend tipping to build a relationship and get really excellent service - not just the pool man (for your bed LOL) but also for food. Brahim in the snack bar was a TOTAL star and as we walked passed, said he'd prepare our table for 2 - half in shade, half in sun and when we got there, log and behold, our drinks were already on the table! And top-ups very frequent (I snoozed by the pool most afternoons LOL).
Our balcony was tiny, just room for 2 chairs - luck of the drawer though as others were larger.
Nights were cold when we went so we were grateful for the electric panel heater! Don't know about air conditioning, sorry, as we didn't use it.
I am off to this hotel on october the 4th, flying from Birmingham. Is anyone else going this time?
ive been told it caters for AI and children are up to age 16yr. we are looking on going next oct nov 2007

Hi Karen
i am going there in 3 weeks so will let you know the truth.

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