thanks almara.... you put it in better words than i ever could. guess we just need to face the facts though and people who aint done this job will never understand what we really do... untill they need one on holiday.
iliveinyourholidaytown try to get to the playa pesquero area of cuba for your next gig. The hurricanes bypass the area, there isn't much to do, there are no "masses" of drunken louts etc. Probably a totally false impression, but the setup seemed so relaxed that our rep appeared to work 24*7 as she was always about talking to the holiday makers, looking for problems to chase etc, even when she was out of uniform and in the bar or on the beach. You are not allowed to date the locals though or rather they are not allowed to date you.
and of course the last thing brit5alpha's daughter needs is the programme that was on last night on ITV ( Holiday watchdog) it had a series of ex reps on talking about how the just saw all holiday makers as £ signs, how they would manipulate the kids activities to whatever theme the show was having that night so they could sell tickets for it, they used to play games like sleeping lions with the kids so they could get a couple of hours kip, how one rep was so drunk when the emergency mobile went the caller had to fish him out of the bushes so he could help her find new accomodation, how they used to pass out in the toilets etc..
I saw the programme. It was Holidaysuncovered and the report on reps followed the Carpe Diem scam in Tenerife. Don't know if you recognised him, but one of the ex reps was the fella of one of the makeover shows on TV.
The impression they gave is, I think the impression that most people have of reps to be honest. I know the ones we came across in our early years of travelling were a waste of space. Some of them were so young and obviously inexpreienced. As you say though unfortunate for Brit5alpha that it should be shown at a time when this thread is very active.
Rgds Jackie
the tv company is not going to get many viewers by talking about a typical day in the reps life -20 hours work,pay for your own food, get a slap from an irate customer etc- as it probably would not make good tv.
the impression these x-reps gave is basically the impression most holidaymakers have of them anyway and to some extent this is the T/O's and reps own fault as that is the impression that most of us have had while on holiday.
i personally do not want,or need, a rep to be the life and soul of the party, being perfectly able to enjoy my holiday without someone trying to persuade me to do something when all i want to do is chill.
the tv programmes all show reps as party animals, as this is what we expect to see, but as i said, a programme following a normal rep doing the caring things mentioned in other posts would probably not make good tv.
the people to change this reputation are the T/O's and the reps themselves by their behaviour in the resort.
finally, i am not disputing that some reps do a great job,and they do not all behave like club 18-30 reps,but as i said in another thread all i want nowadays is a rep to be available and contactable if i do need them, and to have enough local knowledge and language to be able to make a difference.
Well said Jim.

Can someone please confirm the exact title of the prgramme shown on ITV last night please. I thought 'Watchdog' was a BBC programme, and was the prgramme on ITV1? If it was I am assuming it will be repeated at some point on ITV2 and then ITV3 and then ITV4? I hope so anyway as I was not at home last night and would be interested to watch it.
for BHIC
Having just looked at the ITV website, yes I do recognise Gavin. I believe he was also a Butlins Redcoat at some time during his career.Don't know if you recognised him, but one of the ex reps was the fella of one of the makeover shows on TV
I bet he earns more than .80p an hour now

Does anyone know if it is repeated later in the week on ITV2,3 or 4.
Thing is though, all this stuff, and the club reps series they did on 18-30 holidays, just shows me that the TOs need to get their act together and pay their staff a liveable wage so they don't need to do scams to get people on their trips. I don't really blame them for their sneaky tactics to be honest. All manner of jobs are too much about selling on another product (shop staff with store cards, bank workers with credit cards and loans etc.) which leaves them less time to do the job they are supposed to be doing.
Luckily I've never needed a rep for anything particular - when I have it was when I was younger with 2wenties (similar to 18-30s) and the rep we had then was really good - only went to see her about one thing and she asked my name and knew exactly which room I was in from that. Some of these young reps who are more or less contracted in to drink a lot and go out every night actually have their heads screwed on.
But I agree, we just need to know how to get hold of them if we need them - that way they would have more time to get on with paperwork and sorting out serious problems rather than have to do welcome meetings and sit in a foyer for an hour or two with only one guest needing any information. Some people whinge if there isn't a rep there for their every whim but these are people who want their hands held all the time and will always find something to moan about.
Cazz wrote:Does anyone know if it is repeated later in the week on ITV2,3 or 4
Hi Cazz....thats what I am hoping as well, but I cannot see any mention of a repeat on the website, although ITV1 do tend to repeat programmes on ITV2/3/4 don't they, so lets hope this episode of Holidays Undercover will be repeated.
I don't suspose its possible to view the programme On Line is it? Anyone know???
hi..jim...i to agree with your comments.....regards.john-doe
I can't comment on the kiddie reps because we didn't have any in the resorts where I worked, but I do know of reps that took 'backhanders' and guess what happened to them? They were instantly dismissed as soon as the resort managers found out.
The part about reps falling asleep in toilets however made me smile. A friend of mine used to work for Club 18-30 and they used to nickname this practice 'toilet duty'. Part of their duties was to take holidaymakers on bar crawls around the resort, and they were officially on duty until 3am. They were expected to 'join' in the fun, but without getting drunk. Have any of you had experience being the only sober one amongst a group of well-oiled people, pretending to share their jokes and antics whilst privately thinking 'you idiots, you have no idea how stupid you look'. If you have, then imagine having to do exactly the same 2 or 3 times a week. After a while it gets a little tiring to say the least. So what they came up with is 'toilet duty'. They would wait until most of the guests were too drunk to notice that one of them was missing and then they would take it turns to lock themselves in the toilet to catch a very precious half hours kip. The other reps would carry on then after the first reps half hour was up they would go and wake them and swop places.
An innocent pratice I think you will agree because at no time were the holidaymakers left on their own, and all the other reps knew where you were if there was an emergency and you were needed. But I think it also illustrates the extent of the situation when you are prepared to sleep in toilets just to catch a bit of sleep...but desperate times call for desperate measures!
Fiona HT Mod wrote:I know I shouldn't, but I did think your toilet story was funny
Hi Fiona, just got 'locked out' there....anyway, I too had to have a little laugh at tht, but on a more serious note, I think it is appaling that Reps are forced to grad a quick crafty sleep in a toilet simply to get some well earnt rest. This is dispicable (spelling?) on the part of the Tour Operators and its about time something was done about it.
>>Before reading this guide, you should realise that all reps are
>>overpaid with almost no work to do. Bearing this in mind do not
>>hesitate to demand the attendance of your rep at any time - day or
>>night, for anything no matter how trivial. It really does break the
>>monotony of a reps life to be urgently called at midnight to
>>discuss the failure of the hotel to provide fresh hand towels
>>thirteen days into a two-week holiday. Also, having demanded your
>>reps attendance, it helps tremendously if you go out just before
>>they are due to arrive. This gives the rep time to admire the
>>lounge decor (reps seldom get to see hotel lounge areas and so this
>>'waiting time' is considered to be a major perk of their job and is
>>guaranteed to lift there spirits!).
>>Try to avoid telling your rep anything. They are all mind readers
>>and so are able to sort out your problems without conversation.
>>However please be aware that reps are extremely lazy and so may
>>well do nothing. If that is the case then you are well within your
>>rights to threaten legal action against your holiday company. In
>>your letters be sure to state that you notified the rep on several
>>occasions and that they failed to take action. (Being mind readers
>>this will be quite true even if you have not been to see your rep
>>all holiday).
>>On arriving in resort you will be given a lot of paper called a
>>'Welcome Pack'. If possible, do not read any of this. It helps
>>tremendously if you just leave it on the coach. Coach drivers
>>collect these together with half filled coke cans, used tissues and
>>apple cores squashed into the ashtray in the back of the seats. As
>>a matter of interest the reason reps give out 'Welcome Packs' is
>>because all reps are environmentally unfriendly and have shares in
>>companies destroying rain forests. Ditching wads of paper on guests
>>is a way of increasing company turnover plus clearing Brazil of all
>>its annoying trees ready for tourist development.
>>Usually on your transfer coach the rep will start talking on the
>>microphone. Please pay no attention t this, most reps have a second
>>job testing audio systems for electronics companies; so what they
>>are saying will be of no interest or help to you. Actually there
>>second job is quite demanding so they have to practice all the time
>>(even without a microphone) so to be on the safe side it is best
>>never to listen to what the rep is saying. It will never be of any
>>use to you on your holiday anyway!!
>>Reps are RICH!!! Be aware of the following: -
>>You rep owns the plane you arrived on.
>>Your rep owns the hotel you stay in.
>>If overbooked, you rep owns the hotel you should have stayed in.
>>Your rep owns the MET office and is totally responsible for all
>>Being in such a powerful position, your rep is well able to stop
>>plane delays, prevent over bookings and in partnership with GOD can
>>banish adverse weather conditions in an instance. The only thing
>>stopping the rep doing this is laziness, so please do complain of
>>your two hour delay at Gatwick airport at every chance. Eventually
>>your rep will then go back through time to prevent the delay and
>>you can start enjoying your holiday (once the rep has sorted out
>>the bad weather of course).
>>Reps visiting times - please pay no attention these. Your rep is
>>supposed to be in yours and everybody else's hotels at all times
>>(plus escorting you on all trips and transfers). If not then your
>>rep is not doing their job properly and you have the grounds to sue
>>the company, report them to watchdog or write to your MP. If you
>>should come across your rep during visiting times, please try not
>>to approach them while they are doing nothing (remember the
>>importance of 'waiting time' to the rep). If possible, try to wait
>>until they are packing their bags and about to leave (or to be
>>really popular, reps especially love it if you grab them just as
>>they start there bike or car).
>>Reps carry a spare stock of passports, flight tickets, plus
>>replacement jewellery, money, traveller's cheques and other
>>important items. If you lose any of these it is totally unnecessary
>>to let you rep know until you have reached the departure terminal.
>>Your rep will then be able to replace all lost items (also note
>>that receipts will not be required. As being rich your reps are
>>happy to pay all claims out of their own pockets.)
>>Questionnaires - these again are just a further attempt to increase
>>turnover of paper for the rain forest depletion. Reps also have
>>shares in ink companies and it would also please them no end if you
>>put ink ticks all over the forms. Anywhere will do (the far right
>>boxes are the easiest to reach).
>>Please remember that guests should never speak to hotel staff,
>>coach drivers and airport workers. No matter how trivial the
>>problem it is far better to shout at the rep when things get worse
>>than to actually do anything yourself. Anyway it is the reps
>>responsibility (being the owners of everything). Hotel, coach and
>>airport workers are actually just models for uniform and clothing
>>manufacturers and are employed to be purely looked at.
>>If a rep does manage to do something right for you (which by now
>>you will have discovered is most unlikely) don't in any case thank,
>>compliment or command the rep. It is a bit like feeding monkeys; if
>>you do it they will expect everybody to do it.
>>The last point in the guide is more of a general hint for
>>travellers. Whilst in foreign countries some people have trouble
>>speaking and understanding, it is often claimed that this is
>>because they speak a different language. This however is untrue All
>>countries speak English as a first language. The ones with
>>difficulties are either just thick or as is more often the case,
>>just being awkward. The way around this in the former case is to
>>speak as you would to an imbecile or in the second case to shout
>>and get angry. Either of these two actions usually ensures full
>>cooperation throughout your holiday. If not and you are faced with
>>further difficulties, and then complain to your rep about staff
>>rudeness and arrogance. Never under any circumstances try to
>>neutralise your own heavy/regional accent or speak slowly to locals
>>and avoid at all costs learning any words of another language.
>>Follow these words of advice and you will be sure to have the
>>'Holiday Of A Lifetime' that you much deserve and paid an awful lot
>>of money for. (you can tell us this too !!).

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