Hey Gemma33 sorry I haven't replied have been in Spain for a week (and I really missed Baga beach while I was there, I'm starting to annoy myself the way I keep comparing everywhere else with Goa) anyway yummymummy was right it's the one on the right. Hopefully I will get to meet some of you. I'm off again for the last 2 weeks in Feb, I'm on countdown yeah .
Gemma, the one to the left of Oceanic is Silver Sands, thats where Nicky is, we spent most of our 2 weeks there xmas 04 and will be spending most of this new year there too....................
Hi GSP we fly out on 12th November from Manchester. We are staying for two weeks so we might see you, hope so.
Yes Chris thats the name Silver Sands, Nicky is so sweet and he remembered us from the year before, but thats just Goa for you, they remember everyone!
Did you have a nice time in Spain Donna? Its hard to get somewhere as good as Goa, so I know what you mean. However, Costa Del Sol is one of my favourite places as well (sorry a bit off topic now). We fly out on 4th Feb and return on 18th Feb. When in Feb do you go?
We fly out on the 16th of February (so will probably just miss you) for 2 weeks, stopping at the Riverside Regency yeah can't wait. It was the Costa Del Sol I went to in Spain had a great time so I think that is going to be my 2nd holiday each year from now on!!!!
We love Baga too. Its my favourite place in the world.
Our favourite shack is the Lucky Star. I agree the beach is very busy and you havent a hope of reading a book but I love talking to people which is just as well given the amount of people who come round selling things all the time. Its an amazing atmosphere. Roll on January.
We love baga and use the Big Banna, everyone so friendly and the food mostly good. then you have a large selection of places to eat and drink and I love the busyness of the beach. All the people trying to pass by the big bannana being accousted by the staff to come in, the beach sellers being chased off unless they have paid the shack owner. I can't wait to get back but we are off to New York x-mas day and not sure if we can make Goa next year but if we do it will be in Aprill.
Pendlewitch we have also been in Lucky Star Beach shack many times,but now we more or less go to the one next door, the oceanic. I dont think del boy at the lucky star was too pleased at first do you remember the bar man called Lucky in the Lucky Star (he didnt work there last winter) Anyway he has set up his own place on Arumbel beach. so we got a taxi and went to visit him for the day. He was so grateful, got us the best beds on the beach and wouldnt let us pay for anything. He is hoping to expand to a bigger shack (in the same area) this winter. So will pop up and see him again. We have also made a photo album for him with all the pictures we took at his place last year and ones of staff in the lucky star and oceanic.
Thanks for the info Gemma. We will go up to Arambol in Jan to see him.
We nearly always go to the Lucky star, we have been going in there for years. You know what its like, they see you coming and make such a fuss of you that we never manage to go to the Oceanic!
Hi Pendlewitch we go out to goa for the first time in November and we will be going to Arumbul to visit Lucky. Once ive found out if he is still at the same beach shack or expanded to his new one, then I will send you the info, name and directions etc. So will PM you later on, probably beginning of December.
any news on how the shacks are coming along,friends of ours going out to Marina Dourada on Sat for 3 weeks (lucky so & so's)and then again with us Feb 2nd
Hi we also go to Marinha dourada February,we fly out on 4th, see you there! Goldenflipflop put a posting on recently saving the Oceanic shack would be ready for the first week in November, not sure about the others, but I am sure someone will answer your question soon. However I do think most will be ready for the beginning of November. Hope your friends have a great time
Read on goacom.com that the annual draw for shack allocations takes place today or tomorrow. There have been 500+ applications for around 250 shacks.
It does seem though, that if the right `palms are greased ` shack owners will be able to re-open as usual.
Strange how the more succseful shacks manage to `win ` liscences every year.
Perhaps I should ask one of them to pick my lottery numbers for me.
Visited Goa for the 1st time last year. (Baga). Remember going down the beach almost as soon as we had landed.Through the concrete bridge and thinking 'What a dump!!!' , God are we being kidknapped?? 'Wish I was anywhere but here'!!! On to the beach where we were surrounded by what seemed like thousands of young Males imploring us to use there Shack, every step was an effort. Giving in we collapsed on to a sun bed and then .........could it get worse a group of cows came on the beach and plomped themselves down not 5 yards from us!!!! Pleeeeeeeease get us out of here........then something happened (was it after the 3rd bottle of Kings?) but someone jiggled the Kaleidascope, the beach sellers who had been a nuisance became charming, interesting and colourfully pretty, the Shack Boys (we used mainly STARBUCKS) became friendly and attentive. Mama would sit down with us for 10 minutes while we bought the 4th Coconut and 8th Pineapple from her and the cows became a part of the real Beach. Another thought crept through my conscious.... there was not one drunken union jack short wearing youth anywhere in sight, the ppl we spoke to were interesting, mostly of our age and mostly generally sober (hic!!!! ) Yup it had happened!!! the Goan bug had got me (Wife as well) and the only cure is return trips. We will be there from 24th Nov staying again at the Marina Dourada , anyone else there at this time??? Hope to see you soon!!!!
Clive and Helen
Hi Helen & Clive. We will be at the Marinha Dourada from 26th November. Got to say your post has made me slightly nervous, although everyone seems to love the hotel and Goa. Will it be right for us? Seen loads of poverty throughout the world, so that won't phase me, just wary of the dogs. Oh, well I suppose we will find out in a few weeks time.