If you are out and about with a car in Lesvos, then try the Medusa restaurant in Skala kalloni. They have their own fishing boat which brings in the fish for the evening but the restaurant is famed for its sardines and particularly the "sardeles pastes" which are a speciality of Skala kalloni. Its right on the harbour front too, overlooking all the fishing boats! Idyllic!!! In August they even hold the Festival of the Sardine in the square!!!
For more info on Lesvos and restaurants and every kind of info Matt Barrett has some good pages on
Skala Sykaminias is very pretty as well, just the other side of Molyvos from Anaxos. Lovely little harbour with 3 or 4 restaurants round it. We sat having lunch and watched the fishermen landing, weighing and selling their catch! You can't get much fresher than that!!