Pippa why dont u liven up !
just because you dont drink ! doesnt mean everyone else shouldnt,
so what if people binge theyve worked 50odd weeks of the year why shouldnt they have a few weeks letting there hair down having a gud time.
i am not conding yobs or vandilism here, but if someone wants to go on a binge and keeps themseleves to selves whats problem >?
A vast number of the complaints on programmes such as Holidays from Hell feature AI resorts. I rest my case.
This is getting a bit away from the original topic - sorry mods!!
Notice you have only joined today dj. Think you are trying to be controversial for the sake of it
I am stating my opinions, so what about holidays from hell hence the name hell !
They only show the worst case scenarios of everything, Wether it neighbours or resteraunts or holidays !
It is not a true representation of what happens at every all inclusive !
And like i said what is wrong in someone drinking dawn till dusk ? as long as they keep themselves to themselves and arent annoying other guests ???????????
no one ! rest my case
I love going AI but dont like the football shirted lager louts that you sometimes get who have the dj-jaym attitude.
i go to AI with my partner and we both have a good time,
i dont cause any disturbance to other guests
so what does it matter if i drink all day or not ?
And yes you have a point that you work all year and should be allowed to let your hair down on holiday - the people who are really giving brits abroad a bad name are the social security spongers who can somehow still manage a expensive foreign holiday - who have 4-5 kids who are all badly behaved and doing things like splashing around the baby pool when they are about 10/11 and too old to be in the baby pool where babies and toddlers are playing - rant over now!!

I think we will all have to agree to disagree on this there are going to be people like us who feel that AI is best for us and others who prefer to eat somewhere different every night and not be tied to a hotel. So perhaps we should all try and respect each others opinions - there is no wrong or right here its just peoples opinions!!

I dont condone anything that causes upset to other guests i think thats wrong indeed.
I think the stigma attatched to young people binge drinkign as its called is always gona be an issue, And the comments will still be made yes we do hear them !
Oh are they still at the bar
theyve been there all day
dont they ever sleep just drink
etc etc
but alas everyone goes on holiday for a good time so whatever u choose to do not do have a good en
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Thank you Luci for getting this thread back on track. GGB Mallorca started a good debate. And a lively one!!! But perhaps the recent exchange is indicative of the emotions that surround the whole issue of AIs. It's well worth developing - respectfully.
I've had both AI & self-catering holidays & can see the pros and cons of both. There are good and bad accommodations everywhere, whether they are AI or self-catering.
I certainly wouldn't have a dig at anyone for chosing either.
When our children finally flee the nest then i guess me and rob may not choose to go AI.. it depends on the circumstances at the time but i think we will have more options when we are not restricted by the kids ( we are less restricted now as they are 17 and 14 than what we were when they were younger obviously)
I have no objection to people who want to drink themselves into oblivion all day if they want to as long as what they do does not impinge on my rights to enjoy my holiday also. I don't care if people want to stuff themselves silly every day and end up looking like the michelin man just as long as they don't walk past me by the pool wearing a tiny pair of speedo's!

i have no probs with people eating and drinking as much as they want as long as they dont cause any disturbances,trouble etc , what ever makes you happy . i have seen some people getting very drunk and being very loud and argumentative which isnt nice but that is rare thankfully, we all know drink changes people some get happy others not so nice. but everyone is on holiday to have fun and no one should be pointing the finger as dj said saying they are still at the bar etc if hes doing no harm
i like AI just so the kids leave me alone!!! otherwise it`s *can i have* all the time.You are in a hot country so the kids are wanting drinks all the time, if you are not AI you get charged a fortune for drinks!!!!!! If AI is stopped then other places, bars etc should stop charging stupid prices for drinks, especially when we need them or we will all dehydrate.
We decided to try AI, because our eldest son was over 12 and thus classed as an adult, and he drinks coca cola like there is no tomorrow!!!, and after paying 4* hotel prices for drinks in previous years decided to give it a go!!
The first to Fuerteventura was not the best, the variety of drinks and food was poor, but as it was only 3*, and the one we were going to later in the year was 4* we kept an open mind.
The AI in Tenerife was superb!!!....So, much so that we are going again this August!
A lot of the decision to do the AI comes down to budget. We know beforehand what our basic holiday with food and drink will cost us and then any money we take with us can be spent on excursions and treats.
Like any holiday (or any thing in fact!), with AI you get what you pay for by and large.
Hi, i am an all inclusive virgin, in fact I am a hotel virgin! We choose to stay in villas but only because we like to have a pool ect to ourselves but I am going on holiday without my husband and he has insisted on me and my sister-in-law staying in an all inclusive purely because he doesnt want me to have to worry about saving money each day for food, drinks ect. So I will give an honest opinion an the AI when I get back! 26 days and counting.
i always stay AI i wouldnt go any other way, the amount of money you save in unbelieveable ive never had a bad one yet if you research into it you cant loose

Since then we have been to Turkey, Mexico, Kos, Rhodes, Cyprus, Lanzarote, Dominican Republic, Cyprus again & Feurteventura all AI. This year we are off to Menorca. We have had great times at all of them - some great, some indifferent - but all worth what we have paid for them.
We have also done Florida in a villa & Gran Canaria self catering - but would not swap the AI - no can I have, I want, I'm thirsty, I'm hungry. They make friends in the hotel & off they go - Bliss for 2 weeks

I know people that always go SC and when they get back they're always saying how much they ended up spending on food & drink. (usually an extra £600 each for a 2 week holiday)
Also, those people that have commented previously on this thread saying that they would NEVER do AI because people just eat & drink because they've paid for it, that's just not true.
I don't drink at all when I go on holiday and in all my holiday's I've never seen anyone ridiculously drunk. We've stayed in AI's where the food is much better than what I've eaten in 5* hotels in London.
Don't knock it until you've tried it.

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