After leaving airport on a Onur Flight which was departing 20 mins early

Was pleasently surprised at the leg room on flight also a free meal was very tasty indeed also soft drinks tea coffee etc.
Landed at Dalaman took us 15 minutes from us landing to getting our luggage

Went outside at 3am to find no one from priate transfers waiting for us

I looked around could not see any one with our name on board and i started to panick
I didnt have Icmeleronline's number handy so we could not phone to ask were transfer was.
Just has we were about to jump in a taxi a young lad was walking with a police man and a board in his hand
I went over and asked him if he was a driver for private transfer he said yes

I was so relieved has we always use same company and 9 times out off 10 Ali is waiting for us has we depart from the airport.
I asked him were our car or minibus was he just said follow so we did down to a main road were we carried our luggage across some flower beds through a load off clay and mud up to our ankles in it
My hubby wasnt amused at all

We finally got into mini bus and normally we go straight to Marmaris and we normally get a nice refreshing bottle off water not this time
I was quite scared actually but never said anything we drove to a remote piece off land were one off the lads got out went to a car and started trying all the car doors the boot etc i thought very strange
We drove to another location were he did the same never entered the cars there were locked but it was a scary experience.
I was so relieved when we evenually got on a road which i reconigised
The journey took forever eventually we got to our hotel 2 and half hrs later

We were so tired just booked in and went to bed.
When we got up the receptionist remembered us and i couldnt believe it she even remembered that i left her a lot off toiletries last year
We had a few meals at the new Adam and Eve and also at the old one were we met up with Moira and Geoff and they daughter Kirsty thanks for a lovely eveing it was a pleasure meeting you all.
We were A/I but its just nice to go out a few times trying different things
We also had a lovely meal at the chinese place in Icmeler
My husband went diving while we were there and really enjoyed himself
We went over to Icmeler to see Rami but never caught him around had a few drinks in the Chill Bar which was very relaxing
On the Sunday it rained none stop never saw rain like it in our lives this continued through on and off untill we departed.
Thunder and lightning which i enjoyed watching
We have just booked up to go again later this month

After our bad start we really enjoyed Marmaris and it has'nt put me off private transfers at all even though it was scary not knowing were he was taking us

And sorry John we missed you again i couldnt believe it when we went over to Icmeler and they told us you had flown home the night we arrived
I stilll owe you a few Efes so i have not forgot one day we shall meet

Hopefully next July we have got our flights already booked up just not sure were to stay yet?