For the last 5 years we have always had car hire on arrival at Palma airport, a slight change this year now means we require a credit card to hire a car (previously used debit cards). Despite the fact we applied for cards about a month ago, we have the card numbers etc, but as yet no cards. Phoned friday and were told it could be a further 7 working days.....guess we will have to wait until next saturday, if nothing arrives in the post, cancel the car booking (and get a taxi on arrival).
On top of this, there is now a threat of a baggage handlers strike on the 23rd, the day we are due to if anyone is walking around Magaluf/Palma Nova and see a young family of four that appear to wearing the same clothes everyday..........

Well fingers crossed all will change and come good in the next 7 days.
Shaz n Col