So is ours
and ours.
Oh my God, it's not looking good for the TSB!!
but what both Jackie and were saying is that Lloyds TSB have been good with us and have been actively checking suspicious account behaviour.
Yeah I guess so, unlike some banks that we could mention.

A couple of years ago we were burgled and the card stolen. Done all the usual things by stopping the card etc and they said it would be cancelled immediately.
One week later I get a call to ask did I know that I was spending furiously on the card by going into a different bank every hour and withdrawing £100 at a time. I said I didn't and if they cared to ring their local branch their branch could confirm that at that precise moment another £100 was being withdrawn in a Coventry branch and yet I was standing in my local branch withdrawing money from my debit card. My local branch confirmed this but a couple of weeks later got a statement through and £4000 had been withdrawn despite me only having a £2000 limit.
Got on to TSB who said I would have to prove it was not me. One proof was that at one particularly time I was paying a food bill in my local sainsburys with my new card someone was withdrawing money from a HSBC in Birmingham. Can I really be in two places at once.
What sealed it was I had to go into my local branch and have my photo taken and have it compared to the ones on the CCTV. Guess what it wasnt me and even made worse by the fact that the scumbag was 6ft and male despite my card having Mrs on the front.
Never again, thank god for chip and pin.
That's awful Sunaholic. Such a lot of money. As you said, we'd like to have found out how this person got our details so we can avoid a repeat performance. Nationwide told us they weren't obliged to tell us any details as the police weren't involved. I'm sorry now that we didn't get them involved. The only consolation we had was that the mobile phone company put a bar on the phone so they couldn't use it (our money was used for top ups). This happened after we contacted them (after noticing payments to them on our statement) and had nothing to do with Nationwide's investigation.
with regards to the bank saying you have to prove it is not you that has spent the money... i am not sure if that is strictly true. Many years ago, someone got a contract mobile phone with a well known company ( think of a colour!) in my name and proceeded to only ever pay for the first month and then do a runner with the rest.. next minute this company are demanding £236 + all the costs etc for chasing me. I rang them and said i had never had this phone, i had never made any payment to them from my bank account and the only phone i had was pay as you go..and besides that, there were some inaccuracies with my name ( they had my middle initial wrong).. anyway, this very unhelpful person at the other end of the phone said if i was claiming fraud, i would have to contac tthe police.. so i did..anyway, the police did get involved and i was told it was up to the phone company to prove that i owed this money not the other way around...and furthermore, after legal advice, i was told that if they contiued to harras and threaten me with court actions etc, i could sue them for harrassment. Eventually, it fizzled out but almost a year later, i got a VAT demand for the same phone number so i rang them back up and said i had never owned the phone, expecting it to start all over again and a very helpful person told me it was thier mistake, they had set up a phone account in in my name for someone else in error so just ignore the bill... i wish they had told me that about a year previously, it would have saved me an awful lot of stress. I have also been the vicitm of child benefit book fraud.. mine was somehow intercepted and sent to canterbury where it was being collected by a women who shall we say was not legal in this country and was also claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit as well as benefit for 5 other kids in my name!! A huge investigation followed by the f***d squad in newcastle and it turned out it was a national thing and it made headline news when she was caught, tried and convicted and i think deported...these sorts of illegal activities are more common than what i would ever have imagined them to be..
I know this is a bit

Some years ago two blokes ran my local post office, they were brothers in law. One was in his mid 40's the other early 30's. You couldn't wish to meet two nicer blokes. they used to laugh and joke with everyone and they used to have the whole post office in stitches on a Monday morning when it used to be packed with pensioners etc getting their benefits. This was when you had payment books as opposed to the cards that are used now. One morning after many years of using this Post Office I went there to get my child benefit and there was a notice on the door saying it would be closed until further notice. A couple of weeks later it re-opened with different people running it but when they were asked by people where the other two blokes had gone they just said they didn't know. It was reported on TV and in the papers some time later that these two were now in prison for f r a u d. What they had been doing was cashing pensioners payments books themselves that had not been collected from the post office for some time assuming that the owner of the uncollected books had died. They had got away with doing this for years before they were caught because obviously working for the post office they knew how to cover it up, ( until they got caught that is). These blokes befriended these old people over the years and then done something so cold and callous.
Well the latest on ours is that the second lot of 2k has gone back in to our bank - apparantly becuse today is day 5 and it did not get authorised in time.

I want to be happy, but who knows what's going to happen next

Glad to hear that you have had a bit of good news regarding the second £2,000. I can't see any reason why the rest of your money won't be paid back into your account soon. Keep your chin up.
Regards Jackie

The annoying thing is though, we still haven't even had the paperwork to sign. Don't think the bank is in any hurry

Could you not go into your local branch and request to fill in the forms there; at least that might get things moving. If they tell you that you have to wait for the forms to be sent via the post I think personally I would lose it and make themvery aware that this was simply not good enough under the circumstances.

Hi Nodocdoe! Can you just check that you've given the correct web address for the security company aswhen I'm trying to access it I'm told the page can't be found. I am desperate to check my computer out as I have a nasty feeling that someones trying to get my details. I receive between 20 & 30 e mails a day telling me that they have been unable to deliver my mail but these messages are not main. They seem to have half my e mail address and are trying a variety of letters to complete the address. I have now set up a new e mail address but these messages are still coming through to the old one.
That link didn't work for me either, but I managed to access the site by changing it to and clicking on Sheilds Up.

We have phoned them up yet again to be told that they will be sending paperwork out in the next few. When we asked how the investigation is going, we were told that there will be a schedule of the investigation on the paperwork when we receive it. Whenever that is!!

The annoying thing is, that we would love to go in to the local branch and speak to someone face to face, but as it's my husbands account he would have to do it and he is unable to get out of work early enough at the moment.

It's so frustrating. Hopefully something will be sorted soon!
I've just tried the link Luci put up and it works ----Don't know what happenned with the one I put up------Sorry

Hope this site works as we use it regularly.
Cheers Doreen
i bank with Lloyds Tsb,and about 12months ago i noticed approx 2500.00 had gone from my savings account.i went into the branch thinking it was just a mistake on there part,that would be sorted straight away,only to find out it had been stolen.i had online banking and it had been hacked.they transfered the money from my savings account into my current account,and then into a account of theres.tsb when great i had to fill in a form there and then to say i knew nothing about this transaction.the lady in the bank told me i would get my money back in my account later that same day,and true enough it was there by 4pm.they put extra security on my debit card,so when you use it in the atm it take a bit longer to log in to my account,but that was it i never heard anymore.for about a month after that if i went in to my branch and the same lady was there she would ask if everything was ok with my account.touch wood so far so the way i cancelled the internet banking after that even though it was a lot easier,once bitten twice shy.

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