Just thought I'd give a warning about Alpharooms and their 'Emergency contact' should you have problems when arriving at your destination. I've just returned from a weekend break in Poland, we arrived at 1030pm and tried to check in to our hotel (booked through Alpharooms) only to be told the booking had been cancelled and there were no rooms available, not just at the hotel but in the whole of the city due to a sporting event taking place.
No problems I thought, I'll just ring the emergency contact number - however this was the mobile number of a young lady in Spain who said she did work for Hotelbeds (who I believe own Alpharooms) but she had nothing to do with bookings and wasn't able to help us. Despite promising to ring us back with a contact number, she didn't and when I tried calling again, her mobile was permanently on answerphone! I then rang the only other number available which was the Alpharooms out of hours booking number however the young girl insisted she couldn't book anything out of hours for us as she needed 48 hrs notice! Despite desperate pleading from myself - we were 2 women stranded late at night in Poland and couldn't speak the language - they refused to help and we were left to our own devices.
We managed to find a hotel some 75 miles away and had to pay for a taxi to get there, arriving at 1.30 am.
I didn't receive the promised phone call first thing the next morning so again had to contact Alpharooms. I must say that from then on, the chap who dealt with us was very good and sorted things out - apparently the hotel was at fault with cancelling the booking.
My main gripe was the fact that Alpharooms issued an emergency contact number (thereby offering some reassurance when booking) but it was totally useless and there was no concern on their part to try and sort out the mess.
I've e-mailed today and received the standard blurb about looking into it and can I provide copies of phone bills so they can consider reimbursing me for the calls - they just don't seem to get the fact that we were alone in a foreign country, couldn't contact anyone and we were SCARED! I've e-mailed back saying I'm disappointed that I've only received a standard e-mail and that I'm still really angry about what happened and I'll be interested to see if anything is forthcoming.
I'll keep you posted but I for one will never use Alpharooms again!