First part.... Getting to the airport/airport and flight
This time we decided to get the train to manchester as we dont live too far from the airport.
It was my idea because my son who is nearly 4 loves trains so i said we might as well, any excuse to set off earlier and dream of the lovely Goan sunshine

Well, disaster struck. the winds were VERY bad, so after 40mins of waiting for a train, we got told that all trains where cancelled due to adverse weather.
Thats it, my husband said, its your fault this. We could have just got a return taxi, its a good job i said lets set off at 1pm even though our flight isnt til 8pm.
Tensions were flaring, we had to get a taxi which cost us £40 one way. Husband still in a mood, saying we could have lived off that £40 in Goa for at least two whole days and nights.
Ah well i thought. Got the the airport in enough time, checked in then went duty free shopping to get myself some perfume and whatever else that took my fancy.
the guy on the desk at security said oh your onle of the lucky people, your flight is here, most of the other flights due out tonight are delayed.
We learnt that the monarch flight to Goa which should have departed from manchester in the afternoon didnt depart til 10pm, and a flight to dublin was delayed by about 10 hours as well.
We were feeling quite smug with ourselves by that point

But, as always, things dont always go to plan. We were told that we had a 2 hour delay due to adverse weather. We didnt seem to mind at all, considering all the other flights were delayed for a lot longer.
We boarded the plane at 10pm, the captain said sorry for the delay, the reason was because over 100 people hadnt turned up for the flight due to the weather, so he decided to wait for them.
The flight was really good, took us 8 and a half hours. Food wasnt too bad either, and the entertainment was quite good, although the films that were shown i had seen at the cinema a few months before (i noted to myself i should stop going to the cinema a few months before i go on holiday, then i can really enjoy watching the new films haha)
Landed at Dabolim about 1pm, waited for what seemed like an eternity for our cases to come.
Why is it they dont tell you which carasol your cases are coming from grrr.
We had our 3 suitcases, but were still waiting for my sons pram.
After another 15mins of waiting a porter came up to my husband and said is this your pram, and pointed to the pram which had been taken off the carasol and was lay near a group of porters.
I was stood at the other carasol, and when i saw what had happened i just felt raged! No porter was getting a penny out of me for lifting my sons pram off the carasol.
Taxi to our hotel
We booked flight only and booked a room at park avenue, so we got a taxi, we knew the taxi fare was round about 600ruppees, so we asked the taxi driver and he said no its 900, so i said excuse me, im not a first timer, dont try to rip me off, its 600, so take it or leave it. he said yes ok then.
He asked if we wanted airconditioning, to which my husband said yes, because hes soft.
Got out of the taxi, and the driver said, that will be an extra 600ruppees because you asked for airconditioning.
I just had to laugh at that. I said no its not, thats not a realistic amount is it? he said yes it is, he only got 900 out of me, but i still felt like i had been done!
Hope i didnt bore you all too much! Ill write part two when i get chance. Things are pretty hectic at the moment with university and work. Back to the real world