am planning to go to the canaries for the first time and would like to include fuerteventura in my trip, though mainly for the beaches.
Is the sea warm enough beginning of April in Jandia? (By warm I mean really warm, enough for a tourist and not a seasoned swimmer)
Is there any public transportation in fuerteventura. If we stay in Jandia do we need a car to travel? (e.g. from the port of entry to Jandia).
Which one is better, staying in lanzarote and going on day trips to fuerteventura or the other way round?
Thanks so much, really appreciate the help.

There is further info on my website below and links to photos of the island.

We were planning to take the ferry from playa blanca to the north of fuerteventura (not sure where it stops) and then wondered how to get from there to jandia. So is there a more direct route to morro jable? Is it expensive? How do we book it?
Can we hire cars once we have landed in Fuerteventura or is it better to prebook.
What do you like about fuerteventura? Apart from the beaches does it offer anything that lanzarote or tenerife (Am going there for the first 4 days) don't offer?
Will the sea be warm enough in April?
You mentioned the fuerteventura princess on your website. We would ike to book that but have not found a suitable website or agent for it. How did you book it? Is it within walking distance of nice beaches?
Lots of questions nNick, but I really appreciate any answers. Thanks a lot.
According to the Fuerteventura Princess reviews you can book with Thomson

Princess hotels website HERE

If you are arriving from Lanzarote you will be going to Corralejo in the North this is the busiest resort on the Island but quiet compared to other Canary resorts, As I said earlier it is a big Island and I would advise pos staying in the North for a few days before heading South you should have no problems hiring a car and it may be pos for you to return it to a different location if yo move onto the South, you may be able to check this in advance if you go on the web and in some cases web prices are cheaper.
Corralejo has some of the best beaches on the Island and depending on what you want to pay somewhere like the Riu Tres Islas should suit.
With regards to the sea temp I don't know what its like in April but I should be finding out this year

Fuerteventura is one of those places you will either love or hate it has a rugged beauty and a laid back lifestyle its certainly not the place for clubbing.
The Ferte Princess is directly on the beach and I would imagine its pos to just turn up and book in but if at busier times it would be advisable to book in advance which again should be pos via phone or web.
I think the touring you are planning may prove a bit tirring my advicewould be just go to Ferte and chill out


We will be visiting Fuerteventura for the first time next week (counting the days) and I am fully expecting we will be able to swim in the sea.
We have previously been to Tenerife (once) and Lanzarote (twice) in early March and have always been swimming. It's not warm like the Med in summer but it's warmer than the North Sea in summer. It feels a bit cold when you are getting in but once you are in you can stay in and have a good swim. I am not one of those who swims when it is really cold. If you are not going until April it should be a couple of degrees warmer by then anyway.
Have a good holiday,
Yiamass, Jean
Well we are back and what a great time we had. The sea was fine for swimming in. Sometimes it is a bit rough, depends on the wind and some beaches are shallower than others. We stayed in Corralejo and visited several beaches around the town, also El Cotillo. I will post my review on the 'resort review page'.
Enjoy your holiday.
Yiamass, Jean xxx
Further to the last post it seems to be impossible to post a resort report without first posting a hotel review.

Jean - just put private villa in the hotel review and nil scores. I will delete for you. That way your resort report will go through
Sorry, I've already done it! Oops!!
Its ok will sort

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