your not messing does that eat into your stay goa side,i pressume it does nasty,i hope they pay the mini bar bill.
THAT would drive me crazy
That happened to us a Xmas but at least it was overnight in the Hilton, not during the day. Poor you, but hope you have a great time when you get there x
You going to the meet at Mai Thai this week? I'm off tomorrow, maybe see you!
take care have a drink for us
Jeannette and Ron
(Goancrazy and ROnaldo190172)
text style words edited out as per posting rules
Fiona ht mod
was anyone on this flight I need the flight number to claim compo
It's too late to clam compensation for a 2007 flight.
vegasone wrote:was anyone on this flight I need the flight number to claim compo
7 years ago??
Yes Glynis, I think seven years ago is too long, there is a statute of limitations on this I believe.
It's too late to clam compensation for a 2007 flight.
NO it's not to late, the ruling (EC 261/2004) is back dated to Feb 2004 however it becomes a bit harder to fight your claim earlier than 2007.
As long as your flight departed or landed in an EU country you are covered under the compensation ruling.
The statue of limitations is only applicable should you end up having to take them to court and it is 6 years or 5 years in Scotland.
I agree, you can try to claim, but being as Thomsons are denying claims that are over 2 years old, citing the Montreal convention, they are hardly likely to roll over and pay out for a 7 year claim, knowing full well it's outside the statute of limitations!
We had a 3 day delay in Menorca in about 2001 due to the taxi strike. We were put in an AI hotel and received compensation.
There's some information here that you may find helpful
Also, did they pay for your stay in the Hilton and give you food vouchers?
Worth noting that you are still legally entitled to compensation even if the airline put you up in a hotel and provide food / refreshments.
Don't be put off by airlines making it hard, stick with it and pursue your claim that is your legal rights.
delayed last august for over 24 hrs in Lanzarote. we had booked a week AI, put up in a hotel (eventually) overnight. basic meals, no drinks apart from water to begin with! when i protested for my 11 year old grandchild who wouldnt drink water we were offered dilute orange eventually! totally bad experience.
keep meaning to put pen to paper for both !
Lanzarote experience was a total nightmare!
vegasone i wish you luck
(ii) Use this template to send (a) an email to airline involved and (b) back it up with a recorded delivery letter. -
(Your address here]
Dear Sir/Madam,
[Reference: flight number]
The flight was supposed to depart from [departure airport] at [time], but was delayed by over [number] hours.
Under the EC Regulation 261/2004, I am entitled to the sum of € [see compensation details below] compensation and look forward to receiving the £ Sterling equivalent within the next 14 days.
I attach a copy of the ticket.
Yours sincerely,
Use this to work out your claim, remember your flight must have either departed or arrived within the EU
Flight distance Up to 1,500km (932 miles) arriving More than 3 hours late - Entitlement €250
Any flight within the EU over 1,500km (932 miles) or any other flight between 1,500km-3,500 km (2,175 miles) more than 3 hours delay €400
More than 3,500km (2,175 miles) Between 3-4 hours delay €300
More than 3,500km (2,175 miles) and more than 4 hours delay €600
REMEMBER it's not too late to claim, the ruling (EC 261/2004) is back dated to Feb 2004 however it becomes a bit harder to fight claims earlier than 2007.
As long as your flight departed or landed in an EU country you are LEGALLY covered under the compensation ruling.
The statue of limitations is only applicable should you end up having to take them to court and it is 6 years or 5 years in Scotland.
(i) Firstly if you have been delayed by more than 3 hours you need to check the distance that you are travelling, use this to calculate flight distance (ii) Use this template to send (a) an email to airline involved and (b) back it up with a recorded delivery letter. -
(Your address here]
Dear Sir/Madam,
[Reference: flight number]
The flight was supposed to depart from [departure airport] at [time], but was delayed by over [number] hours.
Under the EC Regulation 261/2004, I am entitled to the sum of € [see compensation details below] compensation and look forward to receiving the £ Sterling equivalent within the next 14 days.
I attach a copy of the ticket.
Yours sincerely,
Use this to work out your claim, remember your flight must have either departed or arrived within the EU
Flight distance Up to 1,500km (932 miles) arriving More than 3 hours late - Entitlement €250
Any flight within the EU over 1,500km (932 miles) or any other flight between 1,500km-3,500 km (2,175 miles) more than 3 hours delay €400
More than 3,500km (2,175 miles) Between 3-4 hours delay €300
More than 3,500km (2,175 miles) and more than 4 hours delay €600
REMEMBER it's not too late to claim, the ruling (EC 261/2004) is back dated to Feb 2004 however it becomes a bit harder to fight claims earlier than 2007.
As long as your flight departed or landed in an EU country you are LEGALLY covered under the compensation ruling.
The statue of limitations is only applicable should you end up having to take them to court and it is 6 years or 5 years in Scotland.
for me i have the booking details from my delay last August and the printed sheet we were given from Thomson giving flight details and reason for delay 'technical problems'!
what i dont have is the tickets or copies of them,
as for the 2009 flight i was delayed on i only know the flight number and approx times of delay, no other proof.
i know the 2009 flight i was due to fly home on was delayed leaving Newcastle on the outbound flight that day.
which resulted in the crew being out of time to fly us back home.
You are not automatically entitled to compensation. It depends on the reason for the delay. Anything classed as extraordinary circumstances is excluded from compensation, but not from duty of care. The list of what the NEBs consider to be extraordinary is on the CAA website, although the list is not binding, and doesn't cover all extraordinary circumstances.
You are covered under EU261 for any flights departing the EU, irrespective of carrier. You are only covered for flights arriving in the EU if the flight was operated by a community carrier.
am not usually one for claiming compensation hence the reason i havnt persued the 2009 flight, but not sure if the crew being out of flying time is extraordinary circumstances. Thomsons must have known before the flight left Newcastle the crew would be unable to complete the return flight that day.
the Lanzarote flight delay was a nightmare ,we were around 10 hrs stuck in areciffe airport before being shuttled at almost midnight around lanzarote to different hotels, with 2 babies in tow very difficult time.
reps and customer service from thomson was very poor, i even had to phone my local travel agent in england from lanzarote for them to contact thomsons uk to get some answers. total delay almost 28hrs.
this is the reason i intend to persue the claim for this flight delay
Good luck with your claim. None of the airlines are paying out on this regulation without a battle. I used to deal with complaints at a retail level, and Thomsons have never been great at Customer Service.

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