There was a thread about this earlier, but i can't seem to find it now.
Anyway, it looks like the clampdown on amplified music after 10 pm, which has been ongoing since January, will continue.
What happened is that some "concerned citizens" of Baga and Anjuna filed a PIL (public interest litigation) case against the Goa police for not acting on complaints about violation of the law banning amplified music above a certain volume after 10pm. These complaints tended to be about the same few places which were persistent offenders, but which had come to "an arrangement" with the police.
The court have now found in favour of the complaint and have directed the police to properly enforce the law. They have also suggested that they buy some decibel meters in order to measure the level of noise! Talk about closing the stable door after the horse has bolted!.
Anyway, what this means is that the police no longer wait for a complaint to be made to take any action (or not!), but will try to pre-empt complaints by continuing to "remind" places which put on entertainment or play music to stop once 10 o'clock comes around. By 11 o'clock it's pretty quiet, though most places do stay open, just with the music either turned off or at very low volume.
Places which are sound-proofed, such as the discos inside at Tito's and Club Cubana, can stay open (much) later.
Whether you approve of this or not will depend on what you want from Goa. Personally, whilst i think it's important that there is such a law (it was originally framed to prevent religious conflict caused by noise from temples/mosques/churches) it doesn't seem practical to enforce such an early shutdown in what is after all primarily a tourist destination, at least for half of the year. Most people agree that 11 o'clock or midnight would be a much more practical time. But for now, it look's like the law will continue to be enforced.
i can only give my own view wich is i wouldnt go to goa if nightlife was at the top of my list from what i could see besides titos ect there was none at all and what singers i did see and hear in the hotels mabye they should put on a 24hour ban,but in saying this we go back next week and we cant wait.
what singers i did see and hear in the hotels mabye they should put on a 24hour ban
Walking past Bom Sucesso and (unfortunately) catching some of the karaoke, I'd vote with you on that one.

From todays Herald
From reading the link to the Herald, it sounds like this place (no idea where it is) has not only violated the noise laws but is also sited illegally.
It (Vanilla Lounge) is on Candolim beach, and it did indeed violate the no-permanent-structure-on-the-baach law. They had just spent a lot of money sound proofing it to get around the noise pollution law. They had quite strong political connections, so it is gratifying to see that the law has been allowed to take it's course. Quite encouaging for the future of Goa.
i can honestly say i never seen a change,still heard music been played,not noticed a difference
I did see a newspaper report of sound gear being confiscated from a night club in Colva, but otherwise most places I saw continued much as before.
My birthday fireworks on Candolim beach were well after 11pm.
Fireworks are allowed anytime. They're not amplified!
When we told our taxi drivers that they would have a long wait at Candolim and that we might not be wanting to leave much before midnight. They said that the fireworks would not be allowed that late and that we would have to finish much earlier. These were taxi drivers from Benaulim so they probably only had heard of this possible firework curfew. Until then they had little first hand experience of the fact that there is much talk about the bans but, in reality, little has changed other then the odd publicised raid.
Straying off topic, I saw a copy of a newspaper article saying that Internet "cafes" were now required to demand an ID and take note of the users. It was stuck on the door of one of them - but of course no-one ever asked me for ID during a three week stay.
As for the noise. Didnt notice any difference in February either. Everyone was aware of the curfew but chose to ignore it. Their attitude seems to be they will keep playing til the police come and then worry about the backlash then.

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