We were booked in until the 15th may 2007 but we had to vacate our room on the 14th by midday however our flights weren't until the following morning at 6.50 am so we requested to stay in our room or another within the Lunamar aparts but for some reason we were told that it would cost us £20 and that they weren't sure what room we would be allocated so we waited all morning on the 14th and was still waiting gone 1 pm in the afternoon"¦"¦ I repeatedly rang down to reception to ask if a room had been found and was told to go off and do what we needed to do and on our return our belongings would be in our allocated room so that's what we did we returned to the Lunamar aparts at just gone 5pm that afternoon, we were given our new room key and were told it was ours until we cheaked out by a bloke on reception who really didn't speak or understand much English at all. Anyway my Friend and I thought it would be a good Idea to try and get some sleep as it was going to be a long night and she had driving to do when we got back to England so we set our alarms for midnight giving us enough time to have a shower make a drink etc and finish packing but at approximately 9.50 pm the phone in our room rang to ask us to vacate the room asap as we should have been out of there by 8pm at the latest Surely this can't be right luckily for us we had not paid the £20 and refused to pay it due to the short time we had the room made available to us. I'd like to make a few points here one I think it's a complete ripe off and if your holiday states that it ends on the 15th then you should be aload to remain in your room and for many families who have taken children with them may not have the money left to book another room etc and to be honest we thought £20 was way to much for 3 Hours or even 5 -10 hours I'd like to also point out we go to turkey often and have never been charged more than £10 to be able to have a room right up to our departure time !!
Marmaris is a wonderful place for a holiday please don't let this put you off .