Firstly in response to answer about onsite shops...at our site its the equivelant of a spar shop price wise (cannot understand people who always say these shops are a rip-off

its a basic shop for everyday items). Everything is always fresh & a good range of foodstuff if not wanting to go into town or get Tesco to deliver to our caravan (which they do).
Anyway back to the original question

i only know of Havan Y Mor as a fellow caravan owner has a van onsite & it appears to be in a nice location.
Devon Cliffs is suposedly a very nice site also. Not heard any reports on the other site.
All of these Haven sites each offer totally different things, some are quiet, some huge, some located near beach, some inland.
Our caravan is located at Golden Sands (Mablethorpe which is north of Skegness & south of Cleethorpes).
It would be nice to be able to compare every park on its own merits, but everyones likes differ !!
Personally i would never stay down at Skegness as its too noisy (thats my choice) & i like our park for its location & wonderful beach.
If i were you i would visit Havens site online as each park has its own section, then hopefully make your decision !!
I do agree its always better hiring from owners as they are better equiped (not just saying this as we own our caravan)...we purchased a van as we didnt like the fleet vans & they were expensive for what you got (even if booking a gold standard).
As owners we always try to make it as homely as possible.
I do hope you can make a choice & i realise its a big decision booking an annual holiday which is why i always say book an early/late season cheaper holiday to try out any park.
Dave & Chris