Spain - Costa Blanca Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Costa Blanca.
Many thanks for you post :tup
If you haven't yet done so would you please add a hotel review for the Regente

Many thanks
:D Hi thanks for that, we're off to the regente in October, - very concerned to hear about the virus going around. The regente had a bad virus going around last year, -(but we booked before hearing of this -) would have thought it would have been rid of it by now :cry: . Will keep looking at the reviews, and will change my accommodation, if the situation doesn't get any better - thanks for the warning!

Regards, BBB
The Round Town office is also very useful for heavily discounted theme park tickets.
Oh I hope we are not going down the road of blaming the hotel Regente for an outbreak of norovirus.

I was there a month ago and there was no virus in the hotel that was making anyone ill and remember I was there twice last year within 6 weeks of each visit when this so called bug had supposedly invaded the hotel and everyone was supposed to be dropping down like flies with it.

Benidorm always has bugs, if it's not one hotel one week it will be another the week after. People pick up bugs and they spread them around like wildfire and norovirus is as common as muck, millions of people in the UK suffer from it, so why should Benidorm be any different when you have millions of people eating, drinking, sleeping, kissing and using the toilet in another location and NOT washing their hands.
There is no treatment for Norovirus, except to let it run its course, which usually lasts around 48 hrs and to keep drinking water to counteract the dehydration, infact IMO taking anti- diarrhoea tablets just stop the germs from being expelled naturally and you should never give anti -diarrhoea medicines to children because they can have side effects, but children and the elderly can very soon become dehydrated and extra care should be given to them.

I'm sorry to hear your husband was ill, but if the bug was rife in the hotel, then surely everyone including the staff would be dropping like flies because once a bug gets hold, it has no respect of age, gender or nationality.
The bug is in Benidorm and people take it back to the hotel where they spread it around and throw up down the Regente toilets, but does that mean it only happens in the Regente,? .I don't think so.!

Hi There,
I also have sympathy for MsPeroxide`s husband, but must totally agree with Sanji 100%. we arrived the same day as Sanji left and our week was incident free; and I can`t see how the Regente can do any more as regards cleaning etc. One thing I will mention though is something that Sanji touched on in the " Regente Bug " thread, and this is that despite being supplied with copious amounts of antiseptic wipes at the entrance to the dining room, we were amazed at how many people just breezed straight in without even looking at them; never mind using them, and also people not using the tongs supplied for picking up food, surely both acts are just basic personal / food hygeine. Once again it seems the Regente is in danger of getting a kicking for something it`s not responsible for.
Regards, Brigger
In no way did I blame the Regente for the norovirus I merely stated that there was an outbreak in the hotel. If you read my post carefully you will see that the virus has been affecting locals as well. I named the hotel as there were a lot of ill guests. As for the hand wipes these were not there for the first few days of our holiday.

Not everyone is affected by the noro virus which is why staff weren't "dropping like flies". As it has already done the rounds they are likely to have some immunity. Funnily enough neither myself or my daughter have had any problems despite the severity of my husbands condition.

As for not treating the virus with anti-diarrhoea medication then maybe you want to speak to a Dr. The one my husband saw prescribed an anti-diarrhoea medication with an anti-bacterial in it to fight the bug. This is the same as was widely prescribed locally to me when there was an outbreak in many of our schools last winter.

As for it lasting 48 hours I'd argue that as my husband came down with this on Friday and it still unwell today.
In no way did I blame the Regente for the norovirus

I never said you did, I said:
Oh I hope we are not going down the road of blaming the hotel Regente for an outbreak of norovirus.

As for not treating the virus with anti-diarrhoea medication then maybe you want to speak to a Dr. The one my husband saw prescribed an anti-diarrhoea medication with an anti-bacterial in it to fight the bug. This is the same as was widely prescribed locally to me when there was an outbreak in many of our schools last winter
Not everyone is affected by the noro virus which is why staff weren't "dropping like flies". As it has already done the rounds they are likely to have some immunity

Immunity to norvirus is dependant upon the strain of the virus and any immunity is short lived
If you read my post carefully you will see that the virus has been affecting locals as well

I did read your post and of course the virus will effect locals, do you think it "homes" in on tourists only.?

Like I say I'm sorry your husband was ill, but I went to the Regente in the height of a so called bug invasion and the hotel was taking some stick for something that they couldn't do anything about, apart from clean, clean and clean and read exaggerated reports on the internet.
I wouldn't like to see it happen again if it is not true, and having said that I don't imply that your husband was not ill either.
I'm the first in line to pick up any tummy bugs and I don't need to go to Benidorm to get them, but apart from having D&S for 12 hrs on my first visit, which I can quite positively narrow down to the meal on the plane, then I've had no problems in the Regente.

My final words on the noro virus:

1. that NHS direct link clearly states anti-diarrhoea tablets can be taken!

2. I can play google search too and have found articles that say as much as 50% of over 18s have immunity to noro virus, others that say immunity after infection lasts several months. It's science you can find a report on the Internet to back most arguments!

3. My report wasn't exaggerated. After reporting the illness to the hotel there was an upping of cleaning and a noticeable smell of bleach. Clean, clean, clean is a wise move if this bug is about and is what the hotel should be doing.

4. If the hotel keeps getting the bugs then there may be a case that all is not well somewhere - perhaps in the air con system, or with kitchen hygiene or it may just be bad luck. My intention was not to bash the hotel but to inform people of what I had found. I specifically said locals were getting it as well so it made it clear that it was not a problem isolated to the hotel. Had I spoken to people from other hotels who had the virus then I would have stated that. My experiences - I said what I saw.

As for the Regente itself I will do a review on that at a later date.

PS Too idle to use the Quote function.
1. that NHS direct link clearly states anti-diarrhoea tablets can be taken!

Again I never said you couldn't take them, I said IMO they stop the germs from being expelled naturally.
2. I can play google search too and have found articles that say as much as 50% of over 18s have immunity to noro virus, others that say immunity after infection lasts several months. It's science you can find a report on the Internet to back most arguments!

I produced a link from a reputable site which was the National Centre of Infectious Diseases to back up my statement, you go google all you like.
3. My report wasn't exaggerated.

Again did I say yours was.?....Read the post again, I was talking about another time before you were a member of HT.
4. If the hotel keeps getting the bugs then there may be a case that all is not well somewhere - perhaps in the air ???? system, or with kitchen hygiene or it may just be bad luck

The hotel doesn't keep getting the bugs through something that they are directly responsible for, it is taken back into the hotel and all the air con systems have already been disinfected/changed and are routinely disinfected/ changed, the water system was chlorinated and was repeated a month ago while I was staying there, notices were place all over the hotel telling people not to drink the water between certain hours and I was invited to video the kitchen and that was without any prior notification......
So, yep it must be back luck.
As for the Regente itself I will do a review on that at a later date.

I look forward to reading it. :wink:

  • Edited by Sanji 2007-06-04 22:49:24
Ok I think we are all in the picture now.

Let's please respect one and others opinions, values, findings, and leave it at that.

Kath HT Admin
Hello, just a quick post cos I'm cream crackered tonight, I've had the washing machine on non stop since we walked through the door at 1.00pm.

There was a nightly round of "rose for the lady" sellers, no idea how much but not persistent at all.

Our little boy begged us for a flower one night whilst were in the Why not 2 bar. We queried the price and was told "Very cheap, only 1€." He then proceeded to give him not 1 but 2 flowers, I was most touched until he then said "Special offer, 2 for €1.50." Needless to say, we only bought 1, I just hate getting conned. :twisted:

The flower was dead by the next morning. I had to hide it at the bottom of the bin and he soon forgot about it. :lol:

Sue :)
where did you stay sue
the why not 2 is one of our fave bars
and we are looking for somewhere to stay in feb near there
Our little boy begged us for a flower one night

Tom did that last year. He went up to the man selling them and asked how much, he came running back to his dad and he gave him a euro which he then bought. He walked straight back to me with a huge grin on his face and said "This is for you mam coz I love you" :cry: :cry: :D Bless him :love
"This is for you mam coz I love you"

Awwwwwwwwww. bet he gave you a big :kiss too.

Hi Pat, like Cazz, we stayed in the Sol Pelicanos, we really enjoyed it except for the early wake up call from the building site over the road.

I will post more about it later, if I stay on here any longer i'm going to need to find some matchsticks for my eyes. :lol:

Sue :)
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how bad the noise is if you're stayin in the Rosamar? Don't really hear of many people on here have been going to the Rosamar, don't know if this is a bad thing, lol

Thanks, Karen
Same as for Pelicanos, Ocas, Rosaire, Calypso, Villa de Benidorm, Blanca.
You'll all hear it in this vacinity but like i have stated in previous posts the noise is not continuos lasting perhaps a few minutes evry hour or so.
Don't worry, it won't spoil your holiday, it didn't ours anyway. :lol:
Will just need to stay drunk during the noise then we won't notice, lol

Thanks, Karen
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