1. Any milk, not to have it at all in tea/coffee etc, cereals, or anything laced with milk, omlettes, yogurts, omli etc, it isnt pasteurised and has bacteria in it.
2. Dont drink the water or brush your teeth in it.
3. Salads are washed (what we were told in tap water) but saying this, the restaurant said in Egypt now, all taps had to have filters on, i doubt this, or if this is true, we tried salads on the last 2 days of our hols and had cramps again.
4. Avoid alcohol - dehydrates you, you need to drink at least 10 litres a day.
5. Ice in drinks.
6. RICE, if its been warmed up, you will get food poisioning/e coli ... avoid if you can.
7. Fruit which has been peeled and washed. "
1. Milk would be fine in anything that takes it to the temperature of pasteurisation - i.e. 72 oC - therefore omelettes/tea etc are fine.
2. Agree with not drinking the water - brushing your teeth in it is fine imo...the predominant 'contaminant' in the water over there is the mineral content which is very different to ours, hence causing tummy probs.
3. Agree with the salads part - although our hotel insisted that the water they had was ok - it may have been treated in the hotel's own water treatment plant - I ate salad often and never had probs...
4. LOL. But true.
5. Depends on the source of the water - some bars insist that they use bottled water to make ice.
6. Rice is dodgy - but its a bacteria called
Bacillus Cereus that causes illness...if the rice has been stored properly after pre-cooking and reheated to the required temperature, it will be fine. Whether or not they do that in Egypt is very much open to question.
7. Same idea as the ice point.
Most of what you've said is however useful, but its not a good idea to think you cant eat vitually anything...most tummy upsets abroad are not caused by foods, its heat exposure and a number of other environmental factors. People always seem to blame food they consumed the day before they get ill - the case normally is nearer to 5 days after - dependant on the causitive pathogen - hence the reason its difficult for me in my job to ID what caused folks food poisoning - even with laboratory confirmation.[/i][/i]