Here's a rough breakdown in a single post that hopefully answers the various replies to this thread.
1. Bacteria, and particularly food poisoning bacteria, require specific environments to live and multiply in.
2. Food poisoning bacteria are particularly 'fussy' about the environment they will live in.
3. By environment, I mean they require certain pH, temperature, water and oxygen availability and so on.
4. Different food poisoning bacteria, if ingested require what is known as an 'infective dose' in order to cause illness on the recipient. In some cases we're talking milions, this simply isn't possible on bank notes.
5. People in the UK carry and handle paper money, it is not clean, but it does not contain sufficient quantities of bacteria to cause gastrointestinal disease, unless you ate 2 Kg of it (a guess).
6. Of the money handled in the UK, there are many Muslim shop keepers who practise the same methods as described in an earlier post, but who here runs around wiping their hands with Anti-bactericidal wipes on a regular basis?
7. The distinct proliferation of anti-bactericidal products contributes to the pandemic of bacterial resisitance.
8. Carrot - yes there is a difference of opinion here, its just that this is my job and I talk from an infomed perspective on the topic - again, I dont wanna be a pedant here.
9. There have been many different types of research carried out to investigate the possible causes of travellers tummy, and many theories postulated, it doesnt mean they must be correct - they are theories...not proof.
10. If you wish to believe that money is the largest cause of food poisoning, go for it, but I suggest a read of the statistics on the CDC website, based in the USA.
11. Money is not clean, but neither are toilet door handles, seats on public buses, ad infinitum.
12. If you want to run around with packets of Anti-Bac wipes, be my guest.
13. Anyone can search the 'net and find articles to support or refute a theory, does that mean it's right?
14. I have been an Environmental Health Officer for a number of years, I'm not here to blow my trumpet, but I have the background to provide sound advice on this matter - you may wish to continue doing what you want, fair enough, I was merely trying to help.
15. ijduffel - you appear to be trying to disparage my opinions with nothing more than heresay, I shall however let others decide whose advice is more tangeble, and we're not debating anything here.
Egypt is a developing country. Such nations simply don't have the same standards of hygiene present in the UK. Precautions to avoid upset stomachs are as follows:
i) Avoid tap water.
ii) Avoid uncooked foods that are prepared using untreated tap water; salads, raw fruit and veg.
iii) Avoid ice containing untreated tap water.
iv) Drink plenty of bottled water - dehydration causes illness of this type too.
v) Be careful when swimming in pools - waterborne parasites are an increasingly prevalent cause of GI illness. Therefore avoid swallowing water.
vi) Seek medical advice if in doubt.