Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
That sounds familiar, have you had experience with this product? Do you think it is worth taking?
I am off to egypt again in 2012, some excellent advice given here! Had a good read from start to finish and collated loads of additional info on meds to take ( I already take buscopan as its excellent for tummy cramps) thanks to all!

The only thing I can add to all the excellent advice already given (I may have even missed it on previous pages?) is to also take some detol or similar aerosol spray with you, the one that you leave on surfaces to dry and give the room a good spray daily AFTER the cleaner has done your room, on the likes of the handles, loo seat&flush and all other used surfaces. You can take all the necessary precautions you like with food/hands/money/ice/heat/cold/aircon & alcohol but all it takes is one dirty cloth from a another rooms toilet or from a room with someone with a tummy upset, that has not been cleaned in hotels cleaning solution correctly to pass on the germs straight into your room and onto surfaces :really This is a big way in which germs/bacteria are passed on and one many dont think about. Rice is also a huge bacteria carrier and should only ever be reheated once, if your not sure dont eat it :tup

hope everyone off to Egypt has a safe happy healthy holiday :cheers
Forgive me for being cynical but i've also read this entire thread as we've looked at Egypt and had similar concerns,we've come to the conclusion from reading on here,elsewhere on the net and from talking to friends that have been themselves that of you have to take sprays,handwashes,extra meds and swerve a list of things to that extent and probably STILL get ill then it's not worth the hassle as it's no longer a 'holiday', every person i know that has been to sharm,and that's from lads my age,older couples,family with kids of various ages,has been struck down with it and in the most part vowed never to return,and that includes not only sharm but also hurghada,and various hotels including some of the so-called 'top' ones.

Disappointing really as other than that,despite being as expensive as 'proper' AI ion the caribbean it looks pretty good :(

I guess the Egyptians just refuse to change their ways no matter the consequences
Just come back from the Premier Le Reve in Hurgada - no sign of any D&V there!
My advice is go in our winter time :)

It is very rare if going from November thru to beginning of April you will get jippy tummy.

The problems basically are that this is Africa, and it is a third world country.

Main issues are A/C - don't use it
Water - don't drink it unless sealed bottle
Hygiene - always wash hands and use anti bac gel
Summer month - avoid May - October
Meat - Avoid red meat - it takes three days to come out, and rests in the gut breeding germs.

If you get jippy tum and diarrhoea, immodium does not work, go to the chemist for streptoquinn/antinel or another source of medication.

Take from the UK dyoralite to rehydrate.

If you get the runs..... bulk up on bread, soup and potatoes and chicken.

Before you leave the UK, take out the excess waiver, so if you need the doctors whilst out there, you will get it all back.

The heat is one main factor, you go from blistering 40+ heat in the summer then cool yourself in freezing A/C and it causes the gut to contract hence the griping pains.

I personally do not believe in all the stuff people buy from herbalist, its basically common sense and the more times you go, the more immune you get.

This year will be my 10th time and i did suffer very badly, but got the injection in my butt and it cleared in 4 hrs and never cost a penny under my insurance. I have been May through to August and never again, i agree it is a lot of money to pay out.

I also know that too much water will give you the runs. It is advisable to drink lots of flat sprite as it has lemon in to help with the gut.

All my post is from GPs in resort giving me tips. Believe me it has helped me.

If it was that bad i wouldnt be going again, but winter months with temps of 30c or 85f is still hot.

Good luck x
I might add that some people are lucky not to get anything thru the summer months and have great holidays, unfortunately my belly isnt cast iron, that said i have had food poisioning twice going to Cyprus, so my mum said stop going abroad....... as if :cry
hi derwentrocker,this post just reinforces my concerns,we want a SUMMER holiday,as in our summer. I've lived in Greece for many years and never once have i found going from 40 or more degree heat into ice cold AC anything but a pleasurable relief,how it can cool your core temperature rapidly enough to cause the sort of symptoms people describe is surely a bit far fetched,whoever the advice has been given by?!

This list of do's and donts really is off putting,why would you want to go on holiday with all that in your mind,don't eat this,don't do that etc etc?

My personal opinion on it being a third world country probably differs,poverty doesn't have to equal stupidity,anyone working in the more upmarket hotel and catering trade anywhere in the world should have the common sense not to do some of the things you hear of the egyptians doing with regards to food handling etc and to be honest if they want to get their numbers back up they should be listening to people's complaints,as should tour operators,and start getting their act together.

This has probably all been said on every egypt forum on the internet so probably not worth going over again now, i just feel disappointed that you see all these splendid hotels and glorious scenic views in a country that's on more or less everyone's bucket list but the reality is that their backward attitude towards hygeine and basic cleanliness ruins it for what appears to be 50% or more visitors.

The dominican republic is a poor country that had these issues but they seem to have actually listened and done something about it,same as tunisia also.

It really is a dilemma,especially like i say,with a holiday costing £2000 :que
Hi Sam

When I read your posts I understand your concerns, but with you living in Greece & being well travelled, you may be one that wouldn't get ill, often it can be naivety, not looking out for warning signs, it doesn't have to take over your holiday, it could be stuff u would notice anyway.

Signs like things at a buffet not being hot or replenished, been picked up & put down again by others, some buffets do show cooking so you know foods fresh. You could stay in Namma Bay which is the only place that has much life in it for people your age anyway & eat out there, or if you go AI some have included a la carte in them, or where you pay a nominal fee.

I don't beleive it is the air c o n either as why aren't 100% of people ill as most use air c o n? People don't get ill from it in other countrys.

It might give a sore throat, but not food posioning, neither will getting dehydrated on it's own, although people do need to drink bottled water & sprite/coke to keep hydrated in that heat regardless. It's probably food prep & kitchens that are the source of problems, but if you are vigilent, savvy & reasonably sensible you should be OK, without it taking over the holiday.

Your posts sound like you would like to go, but are hung up on the tummy thing. People get this in the Dom Rep, Jamaica, Goa, Tunisia, Morocco, even Turkey, but they still have good holiday trades. Some folk get unlucky, but others don't & go back time & again. The best thing to do is read a lot of hotel reviews & then be vigilent when you are there.

Maybe give ice a swerve, most drinks will be served from a fridge so will be cold & salads if you think they have been washed in the local water. It isn't a huge list of do's and don'ts. Just the same stuff as for the above Countrys.

Doe :sun2
I just wanted to add that the a/c wont give you food poisoning, what it could do is make the tummy so cold, so after being out in over 40 degrees may cause a contraction from hot to cold therefore cause a few cramps. Tis true be vigilant, as i said i have had food poisoning twice in Cyprus, hubby was bad in America, so it can happen anywhere.

So many guests visit Egypt every year and repeat visitors, it is a lovely country, extremely friendly and they will do anything for you.

I hope you go for it :cheers
No matter what you do, precautions you take, there is still a chance you will get a dodgy stomach. It is not called Sharm El S**** for nothing ;)
I have been to Egypt and not had any problems.
We go in the cooler months and I dont swim in the pools which can be a source of infection.
I did take Acidophyllus the first time I went but didnt bother after that.
Drinking lots of mineral water can also give you the runs so I always drink sprite instead.
I wouldnt go to any hotel rated less than a 4 star and always research the hotel before booking.
Many people have got ill in the Dominican Republic,Turkey and Tunisia but I have been fine in these places.
As someone who visits Tunisia in March and Egypt in November I think the Egyptian hotels are better.
Part of a summer holiday to many people is a swimming pool, to go somewhere where it's advisable to keep out of the pool seems a bit daft to me.

It's well documented that the dom rep had a serious issue with food hygeine etc and largely dealt with it,if you read extensive reviews on hotels in tunisia,turkey,dom rep and egypt the issue of the bugs are the massive elephant in egypt's room,to hear it reported in tunisia say is very rare on sites like this and TA,whereas it's rife on egypt reviews.

they say there's no smoke without fire...and it's in the EGYPTIANS best interests to sort it out
It wont stop me going back as the only place I have had a stomach upset on holiday is many years ago in Devon!
During the summer months I have read of swimming pools being a source of infection due to "strange objects" deposited in pools.
  • Edited by Jay Trip 2011-10-12 18:14:07
Do you not agree though that an issue like this needs addressing, if nothing else then in the interests of the egyptian tourism industry?
Maybe it could be addressed but I am confident that the hotel I go to is perfect for me.
Maybe as a compulsive hand washer also helps me to stay free of the Egyptian tummy bug.
I also use a tissue to open doors and when I am using the serving spoons at the hotel buffets.My husband thinks I am nuts but after working as a nurse for many years I know the importance of hand washing.
I also take disinfectant wipes and wipe all door handles and taps with them everywhere I go.
I have seen people in the toilets come out and leave without washing their hands only to complain a few day later they are unwell.
I think you will have a better holiday in Egypt than Tunisia if you find a hotel with excellent reviews.
I agree with Jay, i do the same :think Also i never ever touch the money. its the only time when my hubby gets his hands on it and thinks hes rich
The money is really filthy and my husband handles it when in Egypt!
I thought about this thread today when I used a tissue to open a door in Debenhams loos before going for a meal. :rofl :rofl
I always wipe handles loos door knobs in room. never touch loo doors use hand gel yet still got the trots in Egypt two weeks ago. Sorted out at pharmacy quickly two lots of tablets £13
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