I think I will just take a couple day if that's what you have all been recommended. Thanks!!!
i dont like the idea of you not taking the full dose if you may need it...
please check it out.....x
I had prickly heat a couple of weeks ago in Icmeler, I went to the chemist and bought PH Aloe vera gel, I had a shower and used the rough side of my sponge to get the dead skin off and put this gel on, within 2 days it had gone, have used tablets etc in the past but this was the quickest remedy I have had
I have spoke with the pharmacist today and they are saying it is safe to take 8 tablets and that the presciption is right. So happy holidays here I come
My problems seemed to start after getting Chickenpox from the kids when I was in my early 30's, having caught this after xmas my first problems showed the next summer hols.
Previously I never had any problems in the sun, being mainly medium skin I tanned well and never really burned and had always used suncream from the late 70's
The rash I get is not red its more like bumps/lumps similar to the chickenpox and mainly effects (in this order) my arms, chest, face and legs (spreading down my legs) but getting weaker as it goes down. By the time it effects my feet it is starting to ease/die off on my arms and face.
It usually starts with an itching on day 4 of the holiday and is starting to disappear around day 10, its very itchy and unsightly and quite a few people have commented on it while abroad saying that it looks like chickenpox. At its worst it can make sleeping very difficult.
It doesn't seem to be connected to perspiration as under my arms and the inside of my thighs are mainly uneffected.
The past 7/8 years I have tried various antihistamines and creams, some ease it but dont prevent it and the last few years I've been using hydrocortisone cream to help ease the itch.
So using the info in this thread I've asked my GP for Prednisolone, he wasn't keen to prescribe steriods but said it was worth trying as I was already going to use the hydrocortisone (steroid) cream. So I've been given 5mg tablets to be taken 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening for 7 days - fingers crossed that it will work.

I used to suffer terrible with prickly heat but since I have been using Aloa Vera I only have it very slight. if you go in a chemist shop when you are aboard they can sell you an aola vera gel. also use aloa vera shower creme. it works beleive me
I am off to France on August 1st and am beginning my 'anti prickly heat' preparation. I have decided to try the beta carotene tablets but wondered what doseage people who use it take as there is 6mg and 15mg available from Holland and Barrett.
In my natural health book it said to brew some camomile tea then when cooled apply to the pox and it really worked. I wonder if this would help prickly heat. I think I shall take some tea bags and have a go if I get it this year. More than likely i will as we are holidaying in a camper van and it is the humid, sweaty environments that always bring out the worse...oh joy!!!
Have came up pretty badly here at home over the last couple of days with the heat? / sun?. Bumpy, very itchy, prickly lumps on my chest. I am getting married in 4 weeks and going to Thailand for honeymoon. Went to dr as am very worried that my skin will be a mess for wedding day, if this heat and good weather keeps us. He is sending me to skin specialist to see what he says the allergic reaction is, but dunno if I'll get seen b4 the wedding. Anyway I mentioned the prednisolene and although he wasn't overly happy with them he has prescribed me 56 tablets. works out about 5 a day for 11 days (honeymoon) Think I could cope for the last couple of days and hopefully the build up of them in my system will keep it at bay. He said I could def take them on my wedding day if the rash appears too, but hoping not to need to as want to keep all the supply I can until the honeymoon!
Hi All, just a quick update after returning from Cape Verde......YES, YES, YES, steroids did work for me. I took it very very carefully the first few days and just had 20 mins around 10.30 then 30 mins around 3.30 and could not believe it when I had no lumps, bumps rash or itchy skin but I did push my luck after about 9 days and had tooooo much sun so could slightly feel the usual on my arms and legs so used the cream and kept out of the sun for 2 days. I can't believe how I have suffered everytime I have been on holiday and thanks to you all re: P.L.E comments I can now control it. Hurrah Regards - Sue
did anyone gain a huge amount of weight taking this ? have heard it can really bloat you up.
would be so grateful for a reply
I am going to be taking this as well. About the same dose as poster above. Will just be taking them for 11-14 days. Do they make you put on loads of weight in that space of time?
I took them for the first time this year and got no prickly heat and gained no weight, so all was good! Think if its a one off you are fine.

hi thanx pepsiroo6
i have been using them for a few years now, and only ever need 5mg to stop it...and my gp said i could take up to 3 a day
please be sure of the dose before you take it...
I was advised by my GP to take 8 a day 5mg, which I did on the first day but then days after I only took 2 a day and this worked for me. It is safe to take 6 or 8 a day as you are only taking them for a short period of time.
So Pepsiroo6, you decreased the doasge as the days went by. I think I will do that too. Can I ask did you have a steriod card for bringing them into the country you went to. Bit worried as heading to Thailand and not sure how/where to carry them. Only have 55 tablets (about 11 days supply according to the dr), but still a bit worried.
What I feel also works well for me is just make sure you take plenty of dips in the pool when sunbathing as this cools you down. It defo worked for me compared to last year on hol.
Best of luck and happy hols

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