Omg - Having suffered from Prickly Heat (or maybe after reading this forum PLE) I realise that I am not alone! I have suffered from this awful condition for 15+ years and previous to that used to tan with no problems. I have tried everything - antihistamanes/ steriod creams, homepathic remedies, aloe creams - I even spent £400 quid on accupunture last year - did it help - NO! It is easy for some to say keep out the Sun - I (like others) have a family - why should they miss out on holidays... so each year I go readily prepared with a new potion and soon become completely fed up when (as I knew) it doesn't make a slight bit of difference. I will only go for a 7 day holiday as know I would never last for 14 days. My step daughter is getting married in Cyprus in July so I knowing I will get this unsightly rash that looks contagious I thought I would have a quick look to see if there were any other potions that I haven't tried - then I found this fab forum!
I am definately going to the docs for a Prednisolone prescription & remain hopeful that will it possibly work for me?? Keep you posted!
p.s Well done to you lot who stuck up for yourselvess against the 'good advisors' who say Steriods are not good for you - I tell you what if they work for me then fab - I am taking them! My family have fingers crossed they work too & would pay anything to cure this horrible condition.
I too suffered for years - and unless you have suffered from PLE you couldn't understand HOW debilatating it is.
For around the last 6 years I have been taking steroids (1 per day for either 1 week or 2 depending on length of holiday) and what a miracle they have been!
They have to be prescribed by your GP and as long as you take only a small dose for a short time they are completely safe. My son also takes them as he too suffers from PLE and he can't believe what a difference they made to his last holiday.
They will work for you
Hi Jo, I to have this forum to thank as I always thought I had p/heat but realized after reading this it was p.l.e. I printed off details to show my doc and he gave me steriods for my last holiday and it was GREAT not to always be in the shade and covered up if not. I am going to Cape Verde next month so have been using a sunbed (not for tanning) for 3 mins every 10 to 14 days to get my skin used to it. So I hope you get the same results and can finally enjoy a fab holiday. Good Luck and let us know how you get on. Regards - Sue
hi all.....something to think about if you start suffering with prickly heat after years of sunny hols...and cant think why you suddenly have become prone to it.....some medicines can make your skin react differently to the rays of the sun...or in severe cases even daylight....medicines for arthritis and some antidepressant or antisycotic drugs can affect the way you react to good idea is think about any medication you began taking in the time between being OK and getting the prickly heat symptoms..........tweetie
i hope it works for you......
i read about it on here, saw my gp, and its been a god send, i havnt suffered since......
TWEETIE, i dont take any medicines, and have suffered for years, but thats a good point......check the small print !
hi KR...I never had it before and am in my late 50's now.....and got it first time last year in rhodes in august......I dont take any medication either.....but I had stopped taking something I had taken for 3yrs a few weeks before I went to rhodes.....I know some drugs do affect how your skin reacts to light and sunshine....they make you photo sensitive....maybe stopping certain drugs after taking them for years could have a similar your body is adjusting its chemical balances ect......we had good air conditioning too where we stayed and some of our posters think this has something to do with it too....going gran canria last 2 weeks in july and it will be hot like rhodes will see if it was a one off episode or if I get it again......hope I dont....tweetie
i also use aloe vera suncream, and have found that helps
and 3 weeks before going away i try and go on a sun shower a few times, to try and desensitise my skin, so maybe that helps aswell....
its hard to think i suffered for so many years, i wonder if its to do with hormones? as in female ones?
as its seems to be mostly women on here that suffer with it
You are all lucky,my doctor wouldnt give me me the steroids!!,I suffer terribly with prickly heat,but she didnt think this was serious enough to prescribe them,so I am going to see if I can but some over the counter at a pharmacy in Turkey when I go next week.
All your advice is so much appreciated and dare I say it - I am hopeful of a stress free holiday (that sounds bad doesn't it - how can a holiday be stressful - but it is with this condtion). If it works I will be wishing I came accross this site earlier.
Denny - how old is your son?
I am so worried my kids will get it too - but they haven't so far (aged 14 & 9)
Sue - I normally use a sunbed to try and get my skin used to some temps before I go but it hasn't helped but this year I am going to do the same but go to see my doc (who I am sure will be sympathetic as I have seen him for this many times over the years) for steroids. I did have a steroid injection before I went on holiday about 10 years ago as it was recommended but it didn't help. This time I remain hopeful that a daily dose is going to help.
I will certainly let you all know how I get on.
This forum is great reading....especially after to find out if it worked

Best Wishes to you all for the summer months
prickly heat and p.l.e. are two very different things, I think anti histamine for p/h and steroids is for p.l.e. regards - Sue
My son never suffered with PLE until he was 18 or so, he is 22 now. Even though he only suffered with it a couple of years it really did spoil his holidays abroad with the lads. You don't want to be the only one covered up under a parasol when all your mates are in the pool, do you?
Your comments are interesting Tweetie because my doc told me last year that one of his other patients who suffers by coincidence also had some pils for arthritis and for the first time in years she was cured! He gave me some of the same pils as he said they were harmless & worth a go - did they work NO!
I have used the Absolutely Natural Suncream & an Aloe Vera one which did help things a little - a few people who I have met on holiday have told me that Avon Suncreams can start it/irritate??
Did any of you suffer last weekend in the heat?? I can also suffer here and did a bit last weekend but didn't spend too long out in it.
i took my english box that i got from england and asked in the chemist.....
it cost 1.76 lira for a box of 20 tablets, same strenth ect, thats less than £1,
saved on prescription charges over here

I have started this weekend on the Beta-Carotene tablets as go away on the 12 June...need to take 2 weeks before you are exposed to the sun. They worked last year when i spent 16 days in France - in a hot camper van. This combination of heat and also I find being sat in positions where I can get hot in creases (ie behind knees/elbows etc) is normally a dead ceret for prickly heat but no didn't get it at all.
happy to report, i took 1 steriod tablet a day, and didnt get any prickly heat......
Not sure if I had prckly heat but got all spots on hands arms and legs looked terrble on my skin but thankfully they had gone by 2nd week of holiday. Never had anything like that before looked terrbile. Was using Piz Buin sunscream.
I also saw in an advert that Magicool are doing their cooling spray for people who suffer from prickly heat too...dont know how effective it is but I am going to get a can when we go to France in the van in August.
My daughter used the Magicool spray for prickly heat last year, and did find it a big help to her.
They now have sun cream for sun sensitive skin. I use the brand 'Simple' as I thought it would have less skin irritant products in. This worked a treat and did not get prickly heat once during my holiday to Portugal for 2 weeks. Leaving for Gran Canaria in 4 days and have purchased Simple sun sensitive sun cream again. Hoping it works the same this year!
It wasn't my usual doctor and he wasn't keen to prescribe them and wants to refer me to a skin specialist! I pleaded with him to give me some steroids for this holiday and he did in the end. He has told me to take 2 days before I go and take 8 on the first day and reduce down by 1 a day.
Fingers crossed!

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