"As this topic seems to be going the same way as the other locked ones were going, I have no alternative but to lock this one as well." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While Holiday-Truth's ic 100% independent it isn't actually free thinking. How can you call it a 'discussion' group when you do not allow people to debate real issue topics without moderators locking posts. It seems OK to endlessly discuss beer, food, toilets, taxis, the weather etc. But not the TRUTH.
I personally want to know EXACTLY what is happening in Goa at present because I want to return soon (within the next 3 years) and DO NOT want to end up in some area that was once underdeveloped but now a different scene altogether. I also want to DISCUSS current issues.
It seems that all the the things that were said (posted) to be negative a few years ago have escalated into real truths yet a lot of people here don't see that or are allowed to DISCUSS.
Holiday Truth - hmmmm by name only.
i am all for the truth to be discussed on this forum but i object to being catagorized as an undesirable just because i wear a football shirt and have a shaven head. maybe the original poster should have worded his post better rather than pigeon-holing people because of what they wear or where they come from
We've had to lock three topics this evening whilst we await Fionas input...
We don't relish doing this...in fact we do it very rarely...
Please, can I ask again that you await Fionas decision on these topics.
Whilst we, as mods and admins can make decisions in this forum we prefer to leave it to Fiona as it's her baby...
Please respect our request and await her decision.
Many thanks
The original topics were locked as some members had found some of the comments offensive. Personally Im from 'up north' and dont believe I am any different from my 'southern' friends. The debate was starting to become personal.
I also want to DISCUSS current issues.
It seems that all the the things that were said (posted) to be negative a few years ago have escalated into real truths yet a lot of people here don't see that or are allowed to DISCUSS.
Holiday Truth - hmmmm by name only.
If you dont like the way the board is moderated, then feel free to find another.
Now in response to your first question in the topic heading, yes I am locking it until Fiona has her chance of input. Please do not open any more posts in this respect.
Kath HT Admin
it was locked and left for me to look at. That was already explained to you. It is now back on the forum.

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