Well - What can i say. I am gonna be completely honest and obvously this is only my opinion. There are some good things to say but there are some bad things to say. Firstly i wouldnt choose to go back to this hotel - You will understand why after reading this. I would however go back to this area as i did enjoy the holiday.
We arrived after a 2 and a half hour flighht. Got driven in a bus to the terminal. It was 1am i might add so we were very tired. Got to the terminal filled out an imigration card in the queue for passport check and got thru customs to baggage in about 30minutes. Very quick i thought. baggage took about 30 minutes then we started walking to the coach. Beware of the little men who grab your bags to take them back to the coach as they EXPECT money. My boyfriend is american and we gave him a $1 bill. We had no Tunisian or english money on us. He complained and gave us a rude remark but we just let it go over our heads - ungratefuly little %&(^! Anyway, Rep wasnt very informative on the way but they never are so not really that bothered. Took 10 mins to get to sahara beach - first hotel the coach stops at!
Got there and they took our bags off the coach - MAKE sure your get your bags off and taken by a hotel porter to the door!
go into the hotel and they give you a form to fil out for the all incl cards. takes 5 minutes. Got allocated a room and the guy on reception said we couldnt get our cards til the morning. We said we'd prefer them now so he did it for us...everyone else waited til the morning as it was already 2.30am!
Room quite small but perfect for sleeping in. Lovely little balcony big enough to sit out and have a few drinks in the evening. Which we did a couple of times. ?Sea view? If you stretched your neck around the trees and the other side of the hotel you could see the sea.
The rest ...
Pointless - I think the only reason they use them is for stock control...cant really see why in a hotel with over 2000 guests!
We took a Litre thermos flask each to keep our drinks cold and on the first day tipped they barman at the pool side bar 5 TND (£2.50) and he gave us 2 bottles of cold coke. We also brought our own whiskey as the alcohol there was DISGUSTING! I reccommend you bring your own if you dont drink wine - even that is very acidic! We made our drinks in the flasks and took em down the beach - had a cold drink all day then!
Hated it - Sorry!
Food was not nice. Catered for the germans when it should really have been tunisian food - to my opinion anyway! In tunisia and i think i saw couscous once! Lunch meals were better than evening meals but dont even bother with breakfast! Waste of time unless you like oily sausages mushy tomatoes and rock hard bread! At an all inclusive hotel this size i would have expected fruit for breakfast and maybe croissannts that werent stale! go before 9am if you want to get something edible as all the left overs are even worse!
Waiters in the restauarnt are good. Fredji was lovely and efficient but this didnt make up for the disorganisation of the place. You get allocated a table and 3 times it was dirty when we got there or occupied by other guests - why bother allocating a table if its not going to be for you! I probably sound a little snobby, i just dont expect this kind of service when on holiday.
Dress code in the restaurant really wasnt apparent. Shorts are fine in the evening. As long as your not wet during the day from teh pool or sea they dont really care. I went in in a bikini one lunch time and no-one batted an eyelid!
If you miss breakfast you cant eat until 11ish uless you pay for it in the pizzeria or in the shop. The beach snack bars are ok but again they arent really anythingh special. We lived on Pizza most of the time and even that wasnt very nice. the pizzeria was better but you had to pay for it (IN AN ALL INCLUSIVE HOTEL)
The team were friendly but after working in an animacion team in mexico myself i spotted a lot of huge differences between the standard of staff there. For a start none of them could really dance and this really affected the shows in the evening - the grease show reminded me of watching a 10 year old child in a school play - Poor and un rehearsed! The Celtic show was better but still not at the standard of other animation teams.
One of the guys took a liking to me and was very unprofessional. I was on holiday with my boyfriend who got very irritated by the end of the holiday. So girls beware of Samir. Nice enough guy but obviously thinks he's gods gift to women (which he isnt - looks a bit like a weasel) Very sneaky and would try and sit with me everytime by BF went to get us a drink in the evenings or by the beach etc.
Bingo was good, if you hook up one of the animacion guys with a strong drink he'll sort you out with more than one game card - nice one Gigi!
They dont mention in the holiday brochure that all inclusive stops at midnight and you have to pay for even water!
Staff very rude except one guy who brought drinks up to out room coz i couldnt carry them all!
I really enjoyed the night club! It got fairly busy but if you go in at 11pm when it opens you get a nice table and sofa by the dance floor and its reallynice place to meet people and have a dance. We got a bit fed up of all the Techno music they played so took in our own CD most nights and they played it. They even played Salsa music so we could dance to that!
It is for over 16's but i am sure we saw a little boy of about 13 in there one night! A lot of the locals go there as it is one of the only night clubs around that area. it attracts people from other hotels too which was good coz we met a lovely couple of girls from liverpool there too!
Club closes at about 3am but will keep going til abou 3.15 if you request a "last song" !!!!
We didnt really sit by the pool much as i found i was allergic to the water - sounds silly but i think it must have been the type of chlorine used or something like that. The only observation we made was that it was very crowded and you were pretty much herded in to pack as many people in the space as possible.
Lovely - Beautiful sandy beach clear blue and green water and plenty of sun beds. We came down from our room no earlier than 10am every morning and we managed to find a space every day. Didnt alwasy get a bed but alwasy had one of there plastic covered foam matresses which were fine to put your towel on and sunbathe.
Also - a lot of people were talking about being topless on the beach and thong bikinis! Perfectly fine no one bats an eyelid! All the women are topless and we even saw a guys in thong (we called him thong man) -
My advice is if you can get up early do it but if not its really not a problem. You shouldnt have to tip the matress guys as they are paid a wage fromt he hotel but they do hang around and ask if you have anything for them. Just tell you dont have any money with you - It is an all inclusive hotel after all!
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! We went paragliding, jet skiing, Big Mable which is a huge sofa atached to the back of a boat that wisks you across the water! Very fun but if you sit on the outside right you rpobably will fall off - My boyfriend did and we had to go back and get him!
All very good prices. 15 TND for paragliding per person, double it if you go together. Jet skiing was 15TND for 10 minutes which isnt too bad! and MABLE was 5 TND each!
I would recommend a restaurant in Sousse to any one that loves Seafood. The lobster was fantastic! it was 1800 Kg but well worth the 180TND we paid for it! The meal was fairly pricey but lobster alwasy is. Probably wouldnt have been so much if you didnt have lobster. they bring you out complimentary starters as well as your oreded starters which are delicious. The Tuna doughnut things are to die for! As well a the mini Brik with potato.
The service is out of this world and well worth a good tip! to finish off the meal they bring you a complimentary liqueor and a sweet tunisian tea!
Very very good.
We got the guy to flag down a horse and carriage for our return journey as it was a special occasion and that was wonderful. he took us all around sousse and back to a taxi that took us back to Skanes.
ACQUA PALACE - Port El Kantaoui
This water park was very nice for a morning we spent about 4 hours there. Wasnt really much for us to to do. the slides were good bu for a 19 and 24 year old couple not really that thirlling. More of a kids thing. the wave pool only worked every 3 hours and we missed it while we were eating in the restaurant! Very ncice little place tho and only 15TND to get in so well worth it. Taxis outside will take you back to skanes.
Overall we had a fantastic holiday coz we made it special but i really wouldnt go back to the Sahara Beach. For a 3* all inclusive i would probably rate it 4/10! All inclusive clearly isnt understood at this hotel, the concept seems to phase them. I think the Half board option would maybe be more value for money as we took our own alcohol and ate out quite a lot anyway! For me the hotel catered for families more than couples and without sounding rude - i cant stand little kids screaming in the restaurant when your trying to have a nice quiet meal. Nor can i stand little brats throwing tantrums right in the way of where your walking! Too many kids im afraid!
The area was very convenient and well located to the airport, shops and local sights . We would have liked to have found a place to go fishing on a boat but didnt seem to find anywhere that would allow just us to go out.
The reps from thompson were very helpful and informative. The guy from first choice also very good.
Mourhad on reception was very helpful when we waned to got to the leather store. 4 tailor made leather jackets for 1180 TND (about £500) was a really goood bargain and this guy organised a free bus ride over there (5 minute drive) The hotel proably got comission for it but we got 2 lovely jackets each so it was well worth it!
All in all - Family resort that should not be advertised as an All inclusive. Had a great time everything was clean and there were no rats like some of the rviews a couple of kittens running around though, No mosquitos, didnt get bitten once!