To all those who have posted since I last posted and said thank you - once again Thank you.
Rosalyn, I hope you get a diagnosis soon and then quickly receive the appropriate treatment.

I was 'fortunate' in the respect that I didn't go month upon month in pain, and having to visit my GP being prescribed various medicines before being referred to the hospital, and then the wait for an appointment to see a consultant, and finally the wait for any specialised tests, etc.
I cannot fault the NHS for the treatment and care that I received from all members of staff (at all levels) Although after the second CT scan showed my small bowel had twisted, I got the impression from another consultant that if it was left to her, she'd have had me in theatre a week earlier, but her hands were tied by protocol.
I was hoping to get away within a few days of seeing the consultant on the 3rd February, but now I have to see another one from the second hospital, on the 11th February.
We go regularly to the same hotel, and I know that I can eat (more or less) the same food in the hotel as I'm eating at home - cereals and toast for breakfast, and potatoes, veg and either meat or fish for dinner..... just have to keep away from the heavily spiced dishes.
Although it will be tiring travelling, I think the fresh air, a little exercise walking on the promenade and change of scenery would do me a power of good.....Dave is still undecided if it's a good thing or not, he keeps putting obstacles in the way, like - " how are you going to manage the long walk in the terminal dragging a suitcase"?
He does have a point, because I'd find it very tiring at the moment and would walk at snail speed.
We'll have to wait and see how I feel in 3 weeks time and then re- assess.
Thanks once again x
Sanji x