Gumbet Jakki wrote:
Also, the people who booked a place near Bar St and then complained 'cos it was noisy ..... words fail me!!!
I got the impression that they didnt know they were going to be put there. They explained to the TA that they were a family and wanted a "family" hotel close to the beach and amenities and were then dropped in the middle of a very lively resort.
We have had the same thing happen to us - before I found this site I might add

We had booked a family holiday - myself, hubby & daughter (who was 18 months at the time), my sister, her hubby & son (who was just 2 years old), mum, dad, brother and my other sister joining us for the 2nd week. We wanted a nice relaxed resort, close to the beach and not too far to go to find a decent restaurant/a few shops and we got dumped in the middle of Laganas. It was probably the 2nd worst holiday (we had an awful time in Gran Can one year) that we have ever had. A big lesson learnt there for me I can tell you and now, would avoid any of the "big" resorts like the plague because of it. On the face of it, Laganas sounded ideal but the reality was it was noisy, full of lager louts, very questionable morals of some of the girls (in the gardens of the hotel we stayed at with my balcony overlooking

), dirty, full of touts, you couldnt walk past a restaurant without being accosted and then abused when you declined to go in etc etc etc. Most definately NOT a family resort. We complained but got nowhere and put it down to experience - once bitten and all that .
So I fully sympathised with the family in question.