Hi Nessabella & welcome to HT.
We always stay at the hilton in sharks bay and naama bay is about 15 mins in a taxi or usually the hotels will provide a courtesy bus several times a day . There may be a small charge per person and sometimes it works out cheaper to get a cab but you should agree a price before you get in . should be around £5/6 but if your bartering skills are not the best maybe £10 max.
It really depends what you like as a couple . I can't say we particularly like NB .One visit was enough for us but there are plenty of bars and a few clubs . Pasha , hardrock after midnight being the normal haunts . We have teenage lads and they used to go on an organised trip to the clubs that the hilton entertainment team put together . Most nights there would be a visit somewhere available and they usually charged £20 for the entrance, a couple of drinks and the transport and they would return around 4am after leaving the hotel around midnight. I should imagine the better hotels outside of NB would do something similar if that appeals .
Sharks bay does have soho square where there is a club, ice rink & bowling I think some shops/bars/restaurants
so there is somewhere to stroll to but it is new and won't have the same atmosphere to NB.(Neon bright lights , zillions of shops & their associated hassle but good shisha pipes,although you get them in all hotels too ), soho square seems to be advertised now in all the inflight magazines so it may be getting more visitors now .
My vote goes to sharks bay because the Red sea is of much better quality here , snorkelling is excellent if that's your thing. Wasnt keen when we stayed in NB but then we arn't as young as you and our holiday needs may be much different.