Mo ask the Turkey specialist companies on Teletex for a price then ask First Choice to match it.Do you have to book now for next year?.I always wait until 2-6 weeks before I go and usually get excellent deals,especially out of the main holiday season.Jay
thats a very good price what month is that for
mo have you tried eclipse they sell most of the same as first choice at a slightly cheaper price, i got a quote for 2 weeks next may for 3 of us to sun city all inc olu deniz with first choice its was £1614 and with eclipse it was 1407 ,so a big difference for us, even if its £20-£50 worth a try
i did find a good price at sun city i think it worked out about £850 which is so good thats also with first choice, is it in a better spot than the karbel ?
i would say sun city is better for children , its only £30 a day more for the 3 of you a tenner each it would cost you more than this a day to have 3 meals and drinks all day,never mind the free ice creams etc, thats how i usually work it out lol, my friends stayed at sun city last year and loved it its also 4 star compared to karbel 2-3 star
But thats just my view we found it so tiny not a lot going on at all
We walked around the shops there in 15mins and thats with 2 small kiddies in tow
We stayed in Sun Club City which was lovely
But on our walks out we noticed it is so much more expensive than Icmeler to eat out.
They wanted £6 for a english breakfast etc
Dont get me wrong its a lovely resort and would go again in future
Hope you get sorted all you can do is try it

it dosn't really matter where you stay they dont mind you going into other hotel complexes if you by a drink so i would go for the cheapest then use facilities in other hotels for the price of a couple of beers
im now doing my own head in , one min i decide icmeler then i think olu deniz , ive read loads of reviews and they both sound so nice

Is what you say true of the AI hotels like Sun City Hotel, Olu Deniz Resort Hotel, Belckezic Beach Hotel etc as well. i.e. buy a drink and use the facilities because you have bought a drink, (or would you have to have a wrist band?). Or is it just in the B&B/HB hotels like the Karbel where for the price of a drink you can use their facilities, pool etc?
We are having one week in icmeler than are being transfered to Olu deniz for our 2nd week It as only cost us just under £475 each for A/I and all transfers. Only 5 weeks to go so looking forward to it
Gail & Rod happy Holidaying

that sounds good but was only going to do a week next year .
definitely not the case with sun city our friends stayed there last year and we went to their hotel with them just to have a look around and security stopped us and wouldnt let us , yes some hotels that are sc /bb will let you use their pools but not all incs, last month we were in marmaris all inc my mother lives there and i had to get permission off the reception to allow her in to visit then they agreed out of meal times and only for 2 hours, most all inc either have wrist bands and most have security on the doors otherwise anyone could walk in for the day for free meals and drinks

i agree 100% with lyn, ive still not made my mind up about which hotel to stay in olu in oct grrrr
i did look at the eclipse website and it came up at £801 for a week A/I what a bargin

yes it is ive just got quoted around 1400 mark for 2 adults and 1 child for 2 weeks over whitson 07 staying at the belcekiz which i thought was a bargain
tulip are good but not sure they have 07 prices out yet, got quote for sun city 1406 for 2 weeks for 3 of us 07 is that good or not lyn
i think that is the good thing with booking early you do get a bargin , i have not been this year yet and im looking for next year. of to majorca in 6 weeks and cant wait

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