yeah i know but not sure i want to be tied to the same hotel all the time , which has the better beach near it ?
thats total for me hubby and little one who is 8
they both not far from each other, sun city has a private beach that provides drinks and sandwiches i believe free so thats a bonus, i sometimes go all inc if i get a good deal and still go out and eat out a bit because over the week ive gained, just depends how much you drink ie if your hubby wants a few beers at night about 1.75-2 each , 4 of them is £7, lunch out will be about £8-15 for all of you, then drinks in the day for you and your child, ice creams etc too and you are well over the £17, need to work it out
i know what you are saying but i also dont like really big complexs cant keep an eye on the kids as well
only you can decide im sure which ever you decide on you will have a fab holiday , i just like to get the best deal all round cos eating out takes most of your money up, and are the drinks with the meals inc half board, the karbel has got good write ups

not to sure about that . well of to get ready to watch big brother will let you know what i decide tomorrow.
sleep on it have a good look at the reports on both hotels too, trip advisor aswell as on here, im off to watch bb too lol
yeah it is the right karbel , there are 3 but i did find the right one in the end and it does look nice
As karen says tho only you can decide whats best for you and your family and your choice will be the right one

how sad are we , big brother and holidays who can beat that lol

Lyn did you book as the hol is getting closer to your budget? Is this discount only on for 4 days with Portland??? I think I'm going to have to log out and check Portland for 2007 prices, & see if they are doing their brilliant low deposit deal that I had for this years hol?
Also having troubles with my budget tho, and hate making decisions incase I see something the week after that is better. LOL
Apologies Mo we seem to have taken over your thread. Hope your finding the info useful. Ellie Meg and Lyn are great sources of info on Olu D and really helpful. I cant wait to get there this summer. 8 weeks to go.

make sure you visit suara beach that area of the lagoon is lovely and sandy and they will give you free transport to and from your hotel, what sort of low dep do portland do as ive now found a really good price with eclipse to morroc lol, but cant afford to pay high dep with all the other hols ive got lined up
Mo,I am probably going to upset a few folks but I was unfortuate enough to stay at the Sun City last May when there were a group of obnoxious teenagers there.Even people with young children were complaining about them.There seemed to be no one in charge and these lads went unchecked.Ellie,I didnt say Olu was claustrophobic,I said I felt claustrophobic.I live at the highest point in my town and spend a lot of time at my caravan up in the pennines so maybe thats why I felt closed in in Olu.Jay
With most low deposits deals you have to make 3 payments i.e. low deposit, then balance of the deposit some weeks later, and then the final balance 8 weeks before you go.
Don't know if it was an oversight on Portland's part.

It was easier finding 26pounds per person than 125 per person.

as far as badly behaved teenagers you can get that anywhere doesnt mean that it will happen whilst mo is there, my friend stayed there last summer for 2 weeks and had a great hol with no problems
I've just read your post more thoroughly. If you are pricing with Eclipse on-line, Phone them. I think they do a low deposit, but only to telephone callers, not on-line bookers.

You probably need to read the Eclipse thread in the tour ops & travel agents forum.

Actually doepmc - after my excitement of thinking Bel beach had gone down by £250 i took a closer look

im just no good at playing the waiting game

how funny lyn my husband does the same not interested 1 bit lol, said 1 a year is enough, great news re low dep ,will ring eclipse tomorrow doepsmc, can i ask does your name mean anything, ellie_meg is my little daughters name, thats were that came from

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